Anyone have any thoughts on nightmares?
In my expirence, a dream about someone being disembowled doesnt bother me.
But.. dreams that dont seam to leave my head bother me. Repetitive dreams like never ending tetris pieces falling past my view, or gears turning that never end. After playing katamari once I couldnt get the music out of my head while sleeping and the imagry wouldnt leave. Even after I woke up. Thats my nightmare. Its horrible.
it's very goofy
But it takes me at least 10 minutes most mornings for this to sink in ...
I hate it when you get sleep paralysis, where you can't move even though you are semi conscious
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Yeah, THAT sucks.
I couldn't shake that one for weeks. My grandmas pantry still gives me the shivers.
Ones in which a specific unrequited love finally works out into at least a friendship.. Because when I wake up and realize it is all a dream, I get seriously depressed.
(Yea, it effected me that much. Not good with rejection.)
And when im sick i have some weird industrial dreams that feel really bad, like last time i was building some huge black metal cubes and then connecting them together.
And i dont like the dreams where i can only follow a single path and if i try to move away from it, it gets harder and harder to move, usually in those dreams i am lost in some place i know but it looks nothing like the reality
Coolest dream i had was one where i could walk on air and jump over houses and stuff, it felt really great, too bad i get one "flying" dream every three years maybe
My nightmares usually involve loved ones getting hurt or betraying me.
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Although when they get hurt in my dreams, it's always the same exact shadowy figure. This same figure has been in my nightmares since I was a kid.
And about sleep paralisis is good to know im not the only one
And it's really weird when you have the same dream a few times in a row (during the same sleep).
i had a dream once that the skin on my face started to get smaller and smaller until it was so tight it was just ready to burst and i remember having intense pain in my face. that thing about if you can feel pain you're not dreaming is total bull.
i had a dream once where i popped a pimple and started squeezing the puss out of it and it kept flowing and then when i stopped squeezing i realized i had actually squeezed all the padding fat out of my face so it was just like skin hanging loosely against the bone, it looked extremely wrinkly so i started quickly trying to to push all the fat back into my face.
some of the worst dreams are the ones when i suddenly find myself in school the day right before all these exams and papers are due and i realized i haven't done any work or studying for them yet.
when i was little i used to dream i was running away from something but i could only run in slow motion. i also had dreams that jaws was in the swimming pool and when i got out of the swimming pool the ground around the pool would gradually slope to tip me back in the pool.
i never had sleep paralysis except maybe once for a second when i was little. it's probably better to have too much sleep paralysis as opposed to too little because then if you are married and you dreamt you were fighting a big monster you'd wake up in the morning next to a bloody corpse.
i had something strange happen to me once regarding sleeping. one time i got into bed and when i blinked, the light outside the window suddenly came on. the sun just like switched on. it went from night to day in a blink of my eyes. i must have slept in the same position the entire night and not dreamt or had any memory of it or sensation of time. it was bizarre. has that happened to anyone?
oh and btw whenever i have a knightmare i don't suddenly wake up and sit up in bed like in the movies. i wake up slowly, very much still upset, and it takes me a good few minutes to realize it was all just a dream.
Thankfully I havent had a nightmare in years... and I get to spend days in dreamland every night
But lasts night was quite freaky as ghosts were trying to kill me
I always find that if you do computer stuff for say 10 hours
and work til the early hours then when you sleep you get weird shit happening.
But apparently if you take an hour away from the pc before you sleep you don't get this
I've also had a dream that I was in some strange muppet prison (think something like a cross between the muppets from Muppet treasure island and the little happy people from Dark Crystal) I was the only human there, and they would gang up on me, and always talk about having some "benelicious" whores. Benelicious is not a word, but after the dream I checked anyway. I figured they just meant deliciously benevolent. I dunno.
I've also had a dreams that were so good that when I awoke to find out it was just a dream I was very discouraged.
No teeth dreams though.
Anyone had a falling dreams? It's happened to me twice, I remember the feeling, quite peaceful and on my way down I was getting ready to die (even deciding at what altitude I'd close my eyes before hitting the ground <motorway>). I hit, then woke up in a hostipal bed, still in my dream.
My most recent one, was... me traveling up a cliff side walkway to avoid well a tsunami that was making eth cliff fall into teh ocean. I go to the top and there is a grarage of some sorts straight out of a zombie movie. A robotic saw blade arm attached to the building completely saws my arms off, and I feel every bit of it. I crawl bleeding to the garage to a trash can, and look inside it to find rotting dismembered corpses. I throw up violently in the dream, and I woke up in a vertigo spin. I have Meniere's disease, which explains the vertigo. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.
i'd have to say most of my dreams are nightmares.
btw i just remembered another horrible dream i had. i had a small wart once when i was young on my wrist and over time i observed it getting bigger. it caused me one time to have a dream that the wart started to dramatically accelerate in growth so that warts were springing up all over my body and really bubbling and my entire body became covered within seconds and they were really like huge tumors, I looked like some horribly deformed monster that looked like i was about to explode. when i woke up i ran to my mum's room and screamed at her to remove the wart. she put some acid on it and i was content for a while, but i ended up having to have it surgically removed and i can still see the scar. it's about the radius of a pencil's radius. i'm not afraid of warts anymore. i had one recently under my toe which was really painful and felt like a needle sticking into my foot. i put acid on it a few times and picked at it with a needle and made it bleed accidentally. it was about the same size as my childhood wart. my flesh looked like hell. it was like the entire callous there was falling off too. it was a huge chunk of flesh. in the end it dissapeared and it left no scar and i'm not even sure where it was now. it's like a miracle.
btw i've never had a really good dream, you know like a wet dream. i had a dream once that i got under the sheets with a woman but then something was not right and i felt around and discovered she had a penis and then i woke up.
the happiest dream i had was that i imagined Xena the Warrior Princess was hanging around with me and she said she wanted to protect me and she lay down with her legs interlocked with mine and i became really relaxed and sedated by that but then i woke up because the phone was ringing; my friend had called me. that was the furthest i got with a woman in a dream.
I have horrible nightmares about going into really scary buildings to look for someone I care about . It's always way scarier then any horror movie ive ever seen . Really vivid sounds and people screaming stuff like that . The other night I was in one of those buildings and it was all dark and something kept fallowing me but I could'nt see it and it was making wierd sounds I could'nt tell what it was that was the scariest thing !
Last night I dreamed I was helping the x-men fight the Dark Phoenix . The really wierd thing is that my brain was flipping around like it was a movie screen . I remember a close up shot of phoenix flying and how cool the flames coming off of her looked . I swear if I did'nt know better I would say i had seen X-men 4 last night
VIPr you know what always works for me . I look at my folder of " insperational woman " before I go to bed . I always have erotic dreams about the woman I seen in the folder .
Come to think of it, I think that might be worse than a traditional 'nightmare', like the tooth thing many of you mentiond, because my dreams still sort of haunt me, so to speak. I wish I could get that girl out of my head just by brushing my teeth
Sometimes i have the falling dream and wake up just before i hit the ground, that cant be good for my blood pressure.
Demons and aliens sometimes, at least two of those really freaked me out, felt too real XD.
Ive had a kind of super jump ability dream, running around the neighborhood and jumping over electric wires, floating for a moment, those were cool.
Most of the ones people are talking about in this thread stem from an inability coming to terms with reality or the sense that we don't quite grasp the workings of it or that its beyond our control.
The recurring patterns , shapes, blocks , music style dreams tend to stem from our brains still being in the process of maturing and learning to process cause and effect.
Specifically, how little things or what we considered inconsequential acts can blossum into large effects beyond our control that we did not anticipate.
When I was younger, I used to have one where I would notice a ring on the ground, pick it up and be challenged by a pebble which I naturally did not view as a threat until large rocks came in larger numbers and their motion threatened to overwhelm me.
These are caused by feelings such as thinking our lives are out of our control or fear changes in our life. Much like the stretching corridors or arriving at work / school naked or not being able to fly as long as you need to or being unable to breathe correctly.
Its just subconscious flotsam and jetsom, all the things that we can't rationalise to our satisfaction while waking are communicated in symbolic form whilst asleep.
With proper time and effort taken, you can usually track down the source of your real world frustrations or fears being the cause and its often useful to do this as its helpful in calming yourself and dealing with what is going on in your mind.
Thanks to always having at least one nightmare out of each dream session ( we tend to have half a dozen or so each night) I've had a lot of time to learn to get used to them and interpret what they mean.
It's rare they bother me, though anytime I make the mistake of telling my wife about them they scare her a good deal.
For instance, when I was 9 I had a dream about being in an abandoned loggers outhouse, it was mostly a ruin, still a few pieces of construction equipment, sawblades, workbenchs and the like remained.
I was there with a couple of friends and we heard a noise like something being born in pain and saw some creature forming out of the remains of all the glue buckets and broken glass. It was screaming a fair amount, it was made out of glue, glass and metal shards, no real face, just an open wound where its mouth should have been and it moved toward my friends and began to rip them apart.
My feelings of fear and my want to escape were interupted by the transference of my perspective from watching to becoming the creature and then finding that I was enjoying killing my friends, like that was what they deserved and it was what I was made for.
When I woke I eventually realised that it was just a manifestation of my fear and anger about a couple of friends I introduced to each other that became close and rejected me as can so often happen!
I tend to have many dreams about realizing things are not as they seem and being the only one to notice some kind of twisted conspiracy going on, you know the type, variations of 'everyone was actually a vampire' type stories.
I put these down to my paranoia, which comes from having had a dozen people turn on me collectively and harass me through phonecalls and that style of underhanded , never to my face pranks.
Likewise I had someone break into my house when I was young and I had to search for them through the house with a half pool cue because my younger brother was still asleep in the house.
These things leave a mark on us!
I have a lot of ones about being infected with a disease or insects burrowing into my body and I can't get them out.
The worst part of these are the moments where I realize what is happening, I might see the little legs burrowing into my eyeball from a 3rd person perspective for a moment before I'm back to the 1st person and gouging out my eyesocket trying to get a solid grip of its body before it reachs the brain.
I put these down to how I reacted when I developed Crohns Disease in my teenage years, fear of my body rebelling!
Age and responsibility have worsened them, its no fun having the imagination and leanings to the macabre focussed on the fear of something happening to my daughter for instance, I still find it hard to shake those off, they can easily colour my day and I find great consolation in being able to give my daughter a hug and remind her that I love her in the morning and consoling myself that way.
Again, standard parental fear of not being there when I need to.
The scifi horror dreams are at least entertaining and on the whole I just use all the nightmares as inspiration for my work as having had them for so long I've become pretty desensitized to them and my wife is familiar with how I am enough to understand why I'm often distant in the mornings until I've had time enough to shake the feeling.
I get a lot of the 'being hunted by the monster in the darkness' style ones where the real fear is that its something you can't rationalize or persuade because its essentially an animal, at some point of course, you feel its hot animal breath on your neck and realise you have not in fact managed to escape from it,
its actually behind you and you're screwed.
Oh and in case I'm sounding like a borderline nutter here, I should mention I have good dreams too, I've just always had nightmares also.
I hate it when you get sleep paralysis, where you can't move even though you are semi conscious
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Yeah, THAT sucks.
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several people have talked to me about this, even my close friends, but I have never ever had it. I was like "WTF" but everyone in the room attested to having it at some time. I often used to get the feeling of someone touching my head or sitting on my chest, but that's just from strange sleeping patterns. Forgot the name, but modern science can explain.
Personally, I can put up with any old shit in my dreams and like swampbug, I can slice people in half, rip peoples arms off and other crazy shit but somehow think it's normal, I wake up thoroughly disgusted
Nightmares for me include those times when I'm weak, or someone in the dream is bullying me, exposing my weaknesses. Or the ones where your punches are soft
Although nightmares are very rare for me. I mostly dream about sexual encounters in public spaces. That and really strange public toilets.
i cannot ever recall any dreams where i've been super powerful. most of my dreams are where i'm so totally frustrated and ineffective.
i had a dream about friends or roomates and we were in a bedroom of like 10 of us in a square room and one time i left the room and when i came back all my possessions were gone and i asked who had stolen them and despite all the roomates being in the room at the time, they all just pretended like they didn't know. i think i had that dream because a friend of mine, who i had known for 10 years, i suspected of trying to scam me out of money and this woman who i loved, who could prove whether he was scamming me, refused to help me because of the fact that i loved her.
And what the hell is with those dreams where you wake up as though someone has lifted you from your bed then dropped you?
Also with sleep paralysis, I try to scream , but again can't because my body is paralysed
Its really quite disturbing. I saw a program on this where people have woken up sleep paralysed to find a demonic white haired old lady sitting on their chests. Really freaky that as the same story is recounted not just in one country, but worldwide
And what the hell is with those dreams where you wake up as though someone has lifted you from your bed then dropped you?
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I know this one.. where in the dream you fall over and put your arms out to stop yourself, and you wake up jolting bolt upright with your pulse racing..
I saw a program on this where people have woken up sleep paralysed to find a demonic white haired old lady sitting on their chests. Really freaky that as the same story is recounted not just in one country, but worldwide
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I got a similar experience when i was 10, xcept she wasnt old and ugly. She was standing at the end of the bed, i thought it was my mom, i talked to her and she dust falling down.
Lately all my dreams involve me trying to build something like a tower or a house and I keep failing miserably at it and I actually end up oversleeping because I want to try and finish building it, probably to do with me stressing out over my artwork.
The dinosaur thing is fairly easy to explain, but I never really made any sense of that other one.
Last night i had a dream with a really sexy girl was ripping her skin off like it was nothing exposing her blubbery red muscle underneath. She was all sweaty and bloody wearing black panties and a garderbelt rolling around on the ground like she was in a photoshoot for a calander. She wasnt in any real pain, but looked distressed for ripping her skin off.
I just stood there watching the entire time, not even phased.