looking nice, massive textures, but you can see how detailed it is for it.
would it not be good practice to come back to this and re-do the textures for a specific game engine? just a thought.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yeah it would definetly be something I would be interested in. Although I am going to take a break from this project once it is finished to work on some other type stuff. I want to work on some stuff for the unreal 3 engine and beef up my portfolio, but yeah I could definetly come back and rework some things and put them into an engine.
ok working on getting this building done tonight, but wanted to get some feedback on the work so far.
Added some chamfers to some of the edges of the buildings so they aren't so sharp and adding more dents in the geometry to get rid of that sharp edges look.
Still cranking away at this. I think once everything is done lighting is gonna take me a while to set up. Anyone got any nice suggestions / solutions?
For Today:
-I still have more dirt to add to the building to the right.
-Add the support beams for the concrete over hangs.
-Garage Doors
-Texture wood planks
-Chamfer more edges and make them less boxy
Well done, but the unmatched decorative tiles don't look like htey belong. I assume the purpose is to localize the buildings, but perhaps some arabic graffiti might work better? The homes are tract homes, people living in them are either going to be trying to survive. The builders, if they bothered to ornament the buildings, would have used matching images most likely
I think the stucco textures could look much better if you added some more color to them, they look as if they were colorized with color layer or tinted and consist of one hue. The real world has tons of different colors. That green stucco's bricks underneath should be orange and the dirt and stains should show some other colors as well.
Use a skylight @~20%, two or three spot lights one of them @90% with shadows (this is your main light source), others @20-40% no shadows. Turn on light tracer for GI. Thats what ill normaly do for my typical lighting set up. Unless someone else has a better lighting set up witch im sure someone does lol.
Ok working on a few more props to fill the scene with. It's weighing in at 720 tris right now but I can delete the faces on the bottom of the mesh to cut it down even more.
hey , looking nice here jesse , as for the lightning type id try to recreate the lightning type seen on bf2 attack at zaasnjaj or something, maybe load that level and replace the original meshses with the ones you have ?
You're not going to be cathing any buses with that one, LOL.
It's okay, i hate myself too.
I'd suggest baking/painting a bit more lighting, and adding some more dirt where wall and floor meet. Just a very small line of dirt, not real grungy grime or anything. Just the buildup of dust in cracks, you know?
compose a lowpoly scene in photoshop doesnt seem very smart man .as i told you loads of times, if you tried to import it to a game engine and make it look cool you would get much more credit thatn render then edit it all in photoshop
that looks much better ! add some more variety to the textures and transition elements from building walls to the floor ( grass, some rocks, texture blending ) the fog is really cool , ANd as i told you loads of times ehehe ( still i dont know if it is possible ) in bf2 editor load attack at karfkwjkfasdjf or something from BF2 , replace it with your map but leave the lightning , and youll have something crazy
Johny- thanks man. I am working on some more transitional type stuff to go from the ground to the buildings and to other elements. As far as more props go I am building another list to add clutter to the scene (rocks, concrete chunks, paper, trash, patches of grass, etc) Yeah when all is said and done on this thing I will optimize some more of the meshes (cables mainly) and try and get it into BF2. It won't really be playable because I wont have great LODs and Collision meshes but i can get some nice screen shots i think. and it's Stike at Karkand you are thinking about.
Looking good dude, and I'm impressed with your diligence in seeing this through. Lots of nice looking assets, and the quality as really progressed through your posting.
You're strictly doing this within the 3D app, yes? Why not render it with an AO pass? Right now the corners are lit really hard and there's no real softness to the entire scene. Not sure where you're at with your skillset but here's an example of lighting with an AO pass:
The first image is similar to what you've got. Looks very flat. The second image shows the AO render. And the third are the 2 combined. You'll notice it fills in a lot and helps pop a lot of the geometry outwards. Most next-gen games are creating AO lightmaps for their engines, I say go for it.
The way you've built those buildings is really all over the place. By that I mean you have one building thats sub-divided like crazy, only to not be half-way in to its facade. You've then got some buildings where their mesh is rather loose and more fitting to the geometry.
Also, there's more to garbage than broken bottles and bricks. Invest the time in create about 10 different decals that you can place throughout the streets and sidewalks to really break up the distance from one side of the street to the other. Think about where garabe gathers and build on that.
As for that SCUD launcher truck thingy you've got scratched metal on pretty much all the edges that you've textures so far, why is that? There's also nothing on the paint itself to indicate in distress. Right now its just a green base metal with scratched edges. I'd give the damage a lot more thought and think about where the damage would be done to it logically. You can also do a complete sand blasted pass on it to really sell the fact that its out in the desert.
Your textures are really noisy at this point. This might be because of the bump value - either in your 3D app or in the normal map. Either way its distracting from the rest of the scene.
One final comment I have is the shadows - they're extremely hard and don't feather the farther out they go from their source. Check out some images of long shadows and study how the shadow changes the longer it gets.
Poop - thanks for the post and yeah i've been at this project for what seems like an eternity but I need to finish it and make it look good and get as much from it as possible. I have definetly learned a lot from this entire project and changed a lot of the ways I do things.
Adam - Yeah I am planning on doing an AO pass once I get the final image done. I have done it a few times for other projects and have seen different ways of doing it. How did you do yours? Mental Ray, Scanline?
As for everything else. Yeah the scud is still a wip for sure and I'm working on the scratches and how dirty things would really be. That was my first pass at it so I'm gonna go back at it and fix those issues. As for the trash and stuff I am working on more stuff that can be seen in some of my reference shots from Iraq. (Cardboard, paper, glass, concrete chunks, etc)
I'll try and get some updates up soon but I leave for Vacation on monday so if not before then than I'll get some up next week.
Thanks for the feed back and it's been helpful...
Also I am gonna be trying to make the scud look really dusty and if anyone has any suggestions on this either with how to achieve it in the diffuse or spec map then please drop them in here. It's in the desert and it's gotta look like that so thanks in advance.
Considering the medium, all the shadows are too dark. There would be a lot of reflecting/refracting(?) light here. Nevertheless, the last one, image 3, seems most realistic.
eh while I don't disagree with chris that the 3rd shot is the most realistic, I'd say that the 1st one has the most STYLE. which I think is worth considering... in environmental scenes like these, where the setting is very realistic and gritty and busted, lighting and atmosphere are your chances to add some real character. just something to keep in mind.
I like the third, although they're all being thrown off by the occlusion you've already got painted in to your textures. The building on the left, closest to the camera, has occlusion painted in on the first and second floor walls right above the trims - having that coupled with an actual AO passed over does it.
Wow it has been forever since I have worked on this because of other projects and time constraints but I have been plugging away at things and tweaking stuff I didn't like so i'll post the new updates soon.
You are one persistant bastard you deserve a job for your effort alone ! keep it up jesse.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there is no point in spending so much time on a project if I can't show it off and I don't want to show crappy work or stuff that isn't to the best of what it can be so I keep tweaking and tweaning at it. I think I'm getting close to the finish line on it though.
I can only thank all the people that have totally ripped my stuff apart and asked me what I was thinking at times and made me rethink things and fix them and they have gotten much better. Johnny I swear some of the times you gave me crits on msn I was gonna cry but thanks to that stuff it helped me see what was wrong with things and fix them.
Even if I was a little stubborn with the GI renders.
looking nice, massive textures, but you can see how detailed it is for it.
would it not be good practice to come back to this and re-do the textures for a specific game engine? just a thought.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yeah it would definetly be something I would be interested in. Although I am going to take a break from this project once it is finished to work on some other type stuff. I want to work on some stuff for the unreal 3 engine and beef up my portfolio, but yeah I could definetly come back and rework some things and put them into an engine.
Added some chamfers to some of the edges of the buildings so they aren't so sharp and adding more dents in the geometry to get rid of that sharp edges look.
For Today:
-I still have more dirt to add to the building to the right.
-Add the support beams for the concrete over hangs.
-Garage Doors
-Texture wood planks
-Chamfer more edges and make them less boxy
Some of these would look more "right" IMO.
Again, what you have is well done, I just think the basis is slightly off.
So here it is.
just plain flat materials to see how the light reads? Full on textured?
Help me please.
Looking good so far though.
Ok working on a few more props to fill the scene with. It's weighing in at 720 tris right now but I can delete the faces on the bottom of the mesh to cut it down even more.
Still gotta do the diffuse and spec map.
nice, the round edges make it more realistic, but you should add some single bricks
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I just finished adding some more bricks to the busted wall and cleaning up the geometry and optimizing the low poly even more.
It's okay, i hate myself too.
I'd suggest baking/painting a bit more lighting, and adding some more dirt where wall and floor meet. Just a very small line of dirt, not real grungy grime or anything. Just the buildup of dust in cracks, you know?
I am going to do seperate lighting passes so I can composite it all in photoshop and paint more light / shadow and soften some areas.
Any more advice / suggestions on this would be great.
Thanks again as always guys.
Still a lot of work ahead but it's coming together.
and heres a wireframe...sorry its small
The first image is similar to what you've got. Looks very flat. The second image shows the AO render. And the third are the 2 combined. You'll notice it fills in a lot and helps pop a lot of the geometry outwards. Most next-gen games are creating AO lightmaps for their engines, I say go for it.
The way you've built those buildings is really all over the place. By that I mean you have one building thats sub-divided like crazy, only to not be half-way in to its facade. You've then got some buildings where their mesh is rather loose and more fitting to the geometry.
Also, there's more to garbage than broken bottles and bricks. Invest the time in create about 10 different decals that you can place throughout the streets and sidewalks to really break up the distance from one side of the street to the other. Think about where garabe gathers and build on that.
As for that SCUD launcher truck thingy you've got scratched metal on pretty much all the edges that you've textures so far, why is that? There's also nothing on the paint itself to indicate in distress. Right now its just a green base metal with scratched edges. I'd give the damage a lot more thought and think about where the damage would be done to it logically. You can also do a complete sand blasted pass on it to really sell the fact that its out in the desert.
Your textures are really noisy at this point. This might be because of the bump value - either in your 3D app or in the normal map. Either way its distracting from the rest of the scene.
One final comment I have is the shadows - they're extremely hard and don't feather the farther out they go from their source. Check out some images of long shadows and study how the shadow changes the longer it gets.
Adam - Yeah I am planning on doing an AO pass once I get the final image done. I have done it a few times for other projects and have seen different ways of doing it. How did you do yours? Mental Ray, Scanline?
As for everything else. Yeah the scud is still a wip for sure and I'm working on the scratches and how dirty things would really be. That was my first pass at it so I'm gonna go back at it and fix those issues. As for the trash and stuff I am working on more stuff that can be seen in some of my reference shots from Iraq. (Cardboard, paper, glass, concrete chunks, etc)
I'll try and get some updates up soon but I leave for Vacation on monday so if not before then than I'll get some up next week.
Thanks for the feed back and it's been helpful...
Also I am gonna be trying to make the scud look really dusty and if anyone has any suggestions on this either with how to achieve it in the diffuse or spec map then please drop them in here. It's in the desert and it's gotta look like that so thanks in advance.
Let me know which ones you think look better and why. Thanks again guys.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
What's causing the weird shadows on the road?
Looks good, keep going.
You are one persistant bastard
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there is no point in spending so much time on a project if I can't show it off and I don't want to show crappy work or stuff that isn't to the best of what it can be so I keep tweaking and tweaning at it. I think I'm getting close to the finish line on it though.
I can only thank all the people that have totally ripped my stuff apart and asked me what I was thinking at times and made me rethink things and fix them and they have gotten much better. Johnny I swear some of the times you gave me crits on msn I was gonna cry but thanks to that stuff it helped me see what was wrong with things and fix them.
Even if I was a little stubborn with the GI renders.