Im going to do a slightly aged version of Dhalsim, I'm going for a Ghandi type character. I want to convey both his sorrow, as well as the resentment of not finding the peace he so cherishes, I might give him some elements of evil too.
I'll post a concept soon.
Here's the childrens' skulls that he wears around his neck for now :

Suggestions are welcome
You'll probably want to put a major spin on the design to differentiate your version from the others.
Skulls are looking neat thus far. Good luck.
-Concept Removed-
Thanks guys. Ill tweak the concept more as I go along, make it a bit more sinister/evil/darker.
Suggestions welcome as always.
The base for the high poly so far.
I've completely rethought the concept, I'm not goint to post a concept, so I'll keep it as a surprise
whats the surprise_?!_ He's got wheels for feet
About 50% done on the high-poly:
Hawken: Agreed. And now that you mention it, wheels could work...
keep it up!
Agreed on the hand, I've tweaked it a bit, but I'll tweak the proportions more once I'm done with the low poly and the normal maps.
It's 8550 tris. Squeezing everything onto one 1024 map was like parking a Hummer in a doghouse, but I managed eventually.I've finished the lowpoly, and generated the normal maps. Next step is to clean up the normal maps, and maybe tweak the lowpoly a bit.
I'm not certain what I'm going to do with the body paint yet, any suggestions? Spikes, zigzags, more handprints, different colours?
Dhalsim after slaughtering some foes, and smearing the blood from their cracked skulls on his chest
Any suggestions?
His forearms and legs seem too beefy for his body.
Great work so far.
all these cool entries are making me wish I'd participated
Beauty render:
Any final suggestions/crits would be appreciated.
Put some dirt on the feet as suggested, thanks! Thanks for all the comments guys, they really helped. I know it's not the most original Dhalsim redesign to date, as I rushed the concepting stage a bit, but it was all fun and experience in the end (Note that was a poorly disguised excuse
Hope you guys finish
I'm planning on putting this into my portfolio, but I would like to get some crits first. Is there anything seriously wrong or that can be improved on, is it good enough for portfolio work? Have I given him an extra arm without realising?
Like i said u have here a top quality work, and obviously that is a strong piece for your portfolio
The blood on the hands looks fantastic.
As for the hand prints being around the wrong way I suppose given Dhalsim's flair for arm elongation it would perhaps not be quite as awkward for him as an ordinary person to print the hands on that way though it would be more likely he would cross his arms none the less.
The other possibilty is that a witch doctor blessed him and placed the prints on his chest. But I dunno if he would let them get that close.
Final suggestion - portal veins.