Gah. I'm no good with choices. Theres too many characters. Its like trying to buy icecream from Baskin and RObins or something.
I had Elena the Swahili Capoiera girl picked out and then switched to Pullum Purna the Arabic belly-dancer typed girl and now I'm not sure which I want to go with or whether I should choose on of the other 50 odd characters.


*updated - See below*
I've drifted away quite a bit from the original design, maybe too far. Who knows.
Still thinking of ways to work a little more Kenyan/Maasai into the costume.
Any crits or suggestions welcome.
Also had a play with colours sticking pretty close to the original lay out at this stage and keeping it pretty clean. I'm not sure about the white hair. I'll see whether it looks better natural when I come to do the texture.
Anyway, onto the model.
Just starting off. Its been a long, long time since I've done a character with anything like this number of polys so any crits will br greatly appreciated.
On a side note, I'm wondering about giving the character a shaved head with a nice traditional Maasai styled headband. I'll see how it looks when I come to it.
Time for an update.
Still all sorts of anatomical issues going on here, but she's coming together.
Interesting style, try to keep it consistent to make sure it doesn't come off as unintentionally weird though.
The head size was a stylisation thing to make her look extra especially tall but maybe I overdid it a bit. It probably won't be so pronounced when she's got hair, but I'll review the overall structure when I've got the main details blocked out properly.
Keep up the crits guys. Anything that looks odd, let me know about it. As I mentioned earlier, its been quite a while since I've done any characters over 400 polys (besides that Guitar Hero thing), so I'm a bit rusty (And wasn't all that good with proportioning in the first place). I'll get there eventually but any pointers would be much appreciated.
I think I've got everything more or less proportional now. The arms obviously haven't had much work done on them as yet.
Looking back at the first image is kinda laughable. I'll put it down to lack of sleep.