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CS:S Dynamic Weapon Pricing

polycounter lvl 18
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flaagan polycounter lvl 18


  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know if I'd call it genius, but it is a pretty spiffy idea. Also, just as an aside, I'd like to state for the record that I'm not afraid to admit that I actually like CS (haven't played it in years, but I've always liked it).
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    That's awesome smile.gif
  • Zcubed
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    Zcubed polycounter lvl 18
    I've never really liked Counter Strike, but this seems like a very good idea. It might force people to innovate a bit with weapon choices if the prices change significantly.

    Still not going to play it though. tongue.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    At least it'll make the useless weapons cheaper. What good is a gun that costs more and performs worse than the mainstream choice?
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I think this kind of dynamic game ballancing has been a long time coming.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Hrm, I wonder if this takes into account the servers that have certain weapons restricted. As I normally play on a server named UWarfare (University of Washington's server) and they restrict the AWP and Autosniper. Will this affect the outcome of the purchasing if a lot of servers do the same?... hrm, i wonder.

    Though it is rather neat that they're putting a persistant system into the game, maybe if those goes over well, they'll start adding more new things (hopefully persistant, because thats cool).
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    HAHA YESSS make the sniper rifles eleventy billion dollars! I like this idea, even though I haven't touched CS:S in over a year.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    except this will not effect servers that give you max cash from the start. and simply rejoining will reset you to max cash flow :/ Damn those AWP and AK jump head shot guys -.-
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    does it make it dynamically not suck?

    It's an original idea for a very boring game.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    And thats a lot of complaining for a relativly short post.

    I think adding new things to games is a great idea, no matter the game. I mean, new content, or new features, and what-not at least attempt to keep the game from getting stale. This may not be a feature that will make people buy the game, but it will be a feature that those already playing may enjoy, and keep them playing.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Cool idea, but it will absolutly kill the competitive community if you can't disable it...
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    No, you can disable it.. Actually, you don't need to "disable" anything. Within mani admin mod (the most commonly used admin plugin) you can specify how much you want everything to cost. And I think that its just a file that the server downloads every monday to set the prices for things. So, just reset the prices every week...

    Not to mention that CS:S is played competivly nearly as much as 1.6 still, mainly because of all the myths about hitboxes and "randomness"
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The sales charts say everything except the kevlar+helmet, deagle, M4 and AK is getting cheaper. I don't think it's fair to include items like the body armor into the charts since they don't compete for a weapon slot.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I don't really get why body armour is included in the list. It's not like you can choose different types. I guess they just want people to use it less in general.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with the idea but it'll remain in the top spot even after its price equilibrium is reached since they are ranked by revenue, not sales numbers and more expensive = easier to keep the top spot. It'll throw off the entire weapon pricing. I mean, the freaking AWM is going down in price!
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