Hey guys, been ages since i posted some new work. Here's what i've been up to. I'll keep you all updated with new sculpts in this thread. Do give me some crits as well. Thanks.

Oh btw, the models with the exception of the creature you see below are part of this fantasy world i'm creating. Always wanted to do something like this. I'll update the pics with small 2d sketches of how the full character would look like as well as their give names.

The pores on the upper lip look a bit sharp and the entrance to the ear looks a tad small...
The overall silhouette looks awesome. I love the shapes you have going. It really gives the fella some nice poise. I really dig the fatty/saggy skin all around the neck.
Love the beadie little eyes of the creature! Kinda reminds me of the Lhurgoyf from Magic the Gathering: Ice Age. http://www.oshkoshmagic.com/magic/files/pics/IA/Lhurgoyf.jpg
Great stuff!
nice detailing on the last, the back of the head needs more weight/extension IMO.
the monster- i have to agree with per, ATM it looks a bit like the curry monster out of red dwarf
EDIT- ok it reminded me of it, funny how my teenage memorys a bit ropey =Z
Here's another quickie
This is kickass stuff.
Great sculpting, and pose (and boobs)!
here's a quick wip shot of a collab i'm working on
That's gross...
That's a dentist's worst fricken nightmare!
That chick, while exhibiting some sexellent assets, has some incredibly ripped biceps, complete with wicked poppin' veins. What kind of fantasy world is this, Dom?
My favorite is the one you forgot to post, the knight-lookin'.. thing. Very interesting style that I'd love to see fleshed out.
she has nothing to do with the fantasy world i mentioned in my first post, ignore that.
Very sweet
I made a low poly character about 5000 tris and i'm only able to subdivide it once in mudbox, if i try a second time it crashes at 90%.
askhat- is nasty. ja
redmond- depends on what you're modelling. about the crashing thing, i dont get that problem, afaik, mud handles tris now but it didnt in the beta.
[Email]por@szek-[/Email] my explains is the absence of a girlfriend does miracles to your portfolio.
per- oi viking kuk, boobs is saftig jar? (bad joke, and bad swedish)
more stuff! and kudos to shimmer for the crits
pretty much what earthquake said, 2gigs is the norm these days, nothing fancy, did all these sculpts on my pentium mobile laptop, just hiding faces or moving levels when it starts choking
And also, what sub level would you add the finer detail, such as pours etc.
Thanks, and great sculpting
a quick wip shot of the POSTMAN..ahem. I hope you guys like his jockey strap.
I got to ask the boring question: how joo render that?
... except the phallic stuff, i'm getting the same vibes as rooster methinks hehe
i used zbrush to render.
and thanks for the crits, especially the phallic thing, i'm discovering myself more each day.
and btw: ..
2 wangs are better than 1
[/ QUOTE ]
true, but 1 qwek is better than 2 wangs. Booyakasha!