I've read a lot of articles on it, but nothing "official" yet.
The only thing Wii had going for it, is it's controller. I'm not paying $280 for a system that might not play DVD's, or lacks htpc features. I would have bought one if it were at the rumored $200. But the extra $100 (after taxes) just isn't going to be worth it, imo.
Sucks. I was looking forward to it

We'll see once its release.
My wife wants a Wii, so I'll probably get it no matter what.
and just for good measure :http://wii.ign.com/articles/731/731722p1.html
EDIT: just noticed it's even pound so less that 150 dollar.. dunno where u get that number from, but at any means it's all just a roumor.
£149 comes out to $279 U.S
It's going to be £149 in the UK. That's pounds, not dollars.
£149 comes out to $279 U.S
[/ QUOTE ]
So that's where you got $280? You just converted the rumored UK launch price into USD? It doesn't really work that way. If you compare any console's Euro launch price (Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, etc.) to the US launch price, the Euro price is always higher. If it launches at $280 in the UK, it'll likely be closer to $200 here in the US.
Keyser - that's good to know. If it's $250 I'll wait a while for it to come down. I just don't think it offers enough for that price. If it comes out at $200, I'll be standing in line
we're likely to get shafted and pay closer to £200
That price is actually pretty appealling to me since i am a big fan of nintendo titles.
Priced at $270 places the Wii to almost half the price of the competitors, is that still too much ?
As I said, the only things it's got going is the backlog on the virtual console, and the Wiimote.
That alone, isn't worth that amount of money to me. If it had more HTPC features, it would be more appealing. But $270 for a few decent games and a new control system seems overkill to me.
For example, it costs £275 right now for a Premium Xbox360 console in the UK. That converts to $513. The Premium 360 only costs $399 in the US.
So based on that, I expect the Wii to be $199. Maybe $249 tops.
right, guys?
The cheaper it is, the better for us, obviously, but i'll be happy if it's below 300 and fully functional (no overheating or anything)
That being said, i'm not going to buy it at launch anyway. Not because i'm as clever as those waiting to see if there are errors, just becuse i can't spend the money on it.
I personally don't care too much for dvd-playback, and i doubt i'd spend money on the attachment.
As usual i'm not going to slg off any one console, and i just hope my friends/coworkers/company buy the ones i don't get, so as to have all options available.
To me paying the premium for the ps3 or xbox360 just because they have crazy multimedia capabilities is not worth it.
But in that respect, do multimedia capabilities really sell the console to the typical consumer? or do they warrant a huge premium?
I'm told my PS2 plays DVD's. Never used it.
Bought the psp, never used the multimedia shit on it, and I'm really disapointed because the games are not satisfying for me, I only found 2 I like, which are wipeout and daxter, on DS, each time I'm tempted by a lot of games and all the ones I have are really fun to play. Guess it depends on each individual's expectations of a gaming system, mine is to run games, don't care about the rest.
still dunno if I'll buy the wii or any system tho, for the same reason as the pea, though the wii would be on top of the list...and if I want a supercomputer able to make coffee, I'll get an x360, that way, for the price of a ps3, I'll have games and the media bullshit, though I can have the media stuff on my computer, and can even use it WHILE playing.
Just an individual matter I suppose
Nintendo chief hardware dude Genyo Takeda talks about how, as soon as GC was finished, they had to start thinking about the next hardware system. If they followed the accepted industry roadmap, they'd think about giving it better graphics and more power.
But then they started thinking, wait a minute, even if we do this, is it really going to have as much of an impact on players relative to the cost? If you give people 1, they want 2, give them that and they want 3. Where does it stop? 5, 10, 100...? This creates a sort of malaise because they'll never be satisfied.
So they figured they wanted to create something different. They started to wonder why video game systems couldn't be refined like other technology -- like, rather than make a bigger, more powerful system, take what you have and make the chips smaller, make the box smaller, make it consume less power.
Once that sort of concrete plan was in place, everybody could understand what they were workign towards. So they ran some simulations: if they used GameCube level hardware, how much more efficient could they make it? They found out that it would be 1/3 to 1/4 the power. This really surprised them.
So rather than think "how can we make X better?" they thought "how can we make X take up less power?" The idea is "high performance, low power" rather than "high power, high performance," which is the industry standard, or "low power, low performance" which other companies are doing.
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It's not going to be $280. That one of the most ridiculous price predictions I've heard (along with $129. Haha! God bless analysts.) It's souped up and shrunken cube hardware. Ultra cheap to manufacturer.
Stores will probably make bundle packs and sell those for ~$300, but the system itself? $199 USD = most likely.
I miss the days of buying a game system for $100 and it came with 2 games and 2 controllers
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??? The NES launched at 200 USD, and adjusted to inflation, will most likely be more than the Wii.
When were the good olde days?
Nintendo have always released their consoles at $200 on launch in the US, from the NES to the GC.
It's hard to say how things compare with inflation, but if you want a Wii with two controllers and a game on launch day, you're going to be paying about $80 more than you had to twenty years ago for the same bundle.
I recall getting my NES for $99. Noth with two games, but I could swear I bought it for $99 with controllers and Mario. Either way, my point was that the systems have gone up in prices, but come with less. Personally I hate the idea of coming home with a system that I can't even use after spending hundreds of dollars, until I pay another $60 for a game.
I also don't like being required to pay extra for a game, but probably just because it wasn't that way in the old days. If I buy a DVD player, I don't expect it to come with a DVD, etc. And while Mario games are almost always great, I don't think I'd trust MS or Sony to pack in a game I'd really want, since they don't really develop any great titles in-house.
either way the Wii looks appealing to me still.
And if you have a Nintendo DS it interfaces with that too.
$200 sounds fine for that...
Notman, I also remember paying $99 for my NES.
Johny, as expensive as the PS3 is suppose to be, I'll probably still pay it :]
"Sony numba wan!"
Their games are great, they just don't make many that appeal to me.
Before I sold me cube, I only had 4 games for it, and I had it sinch launch.
I just hope they release more games that I like =\
Their games are great, they just don't make many that appeal to me.
Before I sold me cube, I only had 4 games for it, and I had it sinch launch.
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Smash Bros. Melee, Windwaker, RE4, Mario cart double dash, Soul Calibur 2 , Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime Echoes ... you really didnt like any of them ?
Smash Bros. Melee, Windwaker, RE4, Mario cart double dash, Soul Calibur 2 , Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime Echoes ... you really didnt like any of them ?
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I loved RE4, and Soul Calibur 2
From that list, that's about it.
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Well I'm sorry, but you're not a man unless you play ultraviolent videogames... videogames with female characters whose tits are bigger than their heads, huge off road vehicles, hookers that you beat to death with a lead pipe, lowered street-racing imports with NOS, an arsenal of weapons that rivals the size and spectrum of a small nation's army, and various other phallic compensators. You play Nintendo games? That's so juvenile.