I was reading
this article and the guys says "Ever seen someone get all giddy reminiscing about his first Quake deathmatch?". I thought about it and I do remember my first Quake deathmatch and I did get a little giddy. I was at a cybercafe up in New Jersey, eating a sandwich with one hand and trying to play Quake DM with the other and I remember thinking "wow, this is the future!"
For Quake it was definitely a huge step because I was a freshman at college when it was released, which meant my roomates and I had a free LAN going as well. The first week we all had it we played constantly and would run around the dorm like little kids screaming with glee.
Then came Quake, and I played again, over a modem. Didn't play DM for years after that summer of 96, until Q2 sometime in 2001. That was my first "modern" deathmatch experience, and man it was like a whole new world opened up. I remember being horribly intimidated at first, with players with names like "I eat Babies" and things like that
...the bastard.
Working with the original Threewave crew I get to hear all these crazy DM stories from 'back in the day'... I should get them to share some
But TRUE deathmatch was Quake1 in a 3D lab with 32 players. I also refused to play with a mouse. Keyboard only.
First quake deathmatch was when it came out. My friend had a much better computer than me, so when he got the game I went to his house. We called up another friend that just got it, and had him dial us up. I remember the feeling when I saw our friend actually right there, shooting at us. We were fighting, but miles away. Its was an awesome experience.
Certainly more memorable than the first time I had sex. I guess that makes me a COMPLETE nerd, right? haha
I got my friend to dial in with me, but then we discovered the Quake 3 beta... and never looked back.
Certainly more memorable than the first time I had sex. I guess that makes me a COMPLETE nerd, right? haha
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No, because you had sex.
First game was Red Baron. The old dial-up at 2400bps. My god.
But TRUE deathmatch was Quake1 in a 3D lab with 32 players. I also refused to play with a mouse. Keyboard only.
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haha omg Red Baron, I totally remember that game. *remembers*
But Diablo1 was fun over a modem (33k) too... had to rescue the character items from a friend (and he mine) a few times, as you could connect right into a running game
It was insanely expensive back than though
Before that, it was just Bolo via appletalk or 688 via null modem cable.
First 3d/shooter/violent game ever.
goldeneye 64 for the win baby !
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Yes! Oddjob had such a small hitbox!
goldeneye 64 for the win baby !
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This thread is splitting up the ages of the members pretty well.
goldeneye 64 for the win baby !
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Yes! Oddjob had such a small hitbox!
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Yeah, back before they invented randomize for level and weapon selection.
"Alright, we've got first to 10 kills wins, what weapon?"
*closes eyes* scrolls through weapons real fast, and hits start
"So what are they?"
"Shit... slappers only..."
*closes eyes* scrolls through weapons real fast, and hits start
"So what are they?"
"Shit... slappers only..."
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Completely forgot about doing that.
A best friend of mine and myself would play 1 on 1 DM at sleep overs all the time. We'd tape up cardboard pieces on his TV so that if I sat across from him I couldn't see his screen, and he couldn't see mine. At the time, it was bloody intense!
Another thing we'd do is play 2 vs. 2 on Complex with the Golden Gun (1-shot insta kill pistol). The Golden Gun would spawn in the room that over looked the ramp-room. So basically whichever team had a Golden Gun would sit and camp the spawn area, making the objective of the other team to either a.) Infilitrate that room to get the Golden Gun from its spawn, or b.) Kill someone and steal theirs to use against the enemy. The games would be so crazy, 1 team would rack up 10 or more hits than their opponent, only to have their opponent get the gun some how and get 10 kills in a row, making it even-Steven all over again.
*sigh* Those were the days.
BTW. Goldeneye FTW all the way. I've never known a game more in-depth than that one.
So I somehow kicked him off of that platform and ended up with all the weaponry while he only had a shotgun... I easily killed him up until the fifth level (you'd just cycle through single player maps) where he knew how to find a rocket launcher and camped there until I passed by.
It was awesome.
Then later when me and my brother borrowed my mum's work laptop and installed Quake 2 on it, we played over a serial cable connection, mainly Superheroes Q2 and a bit of AQ2.
I seem to remember playing some FPS game or other in split-screen, though... maybe Rise of the Triad?!
Then years later at school, a bunch of us would take turns playing quake MP. Awesome
Then we'd play FvF (future vs fantasy) and painkeep mods, much fun.
I seem to remember playing some FPS game or other in split-screen, though... maybe Rise of the Triad?!
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Probably Goldeneye, Quake 64, Doom Legacy, Faceball 2000 (MIDI Maze) or Serious Sam