The Official "Flaagan's Taking A Road Trip" Thread!
- or -
Corvette's North!
Attention all West Coast polycounters! Starting October 1st your dreams of meeting the one and only Flaagan will come true!
Everything's up in the air and pretty much flexible at this point as far as scheduling, but here's the facts I do know:
- I will be heading out due North from Cupertino, CA on Sunday, October 1
- My trip will take me from here to Vancouver and back
- I want to meet up with as many of the PC'ers as poosible, along the coast or slightly inland
- I'm guessing on the Northbound part of the trip lasting up to a week (possibly staying over a night or two in both Oregon and Washington), but that's totally flexible
- I plan on staying a week or so (again, totally flexible) in the Vancouver area
- I'm all for meeting up with people again (or people I missed on the way up) on my return trip
- Drinking / partying I'm totally down for (in fact, this is expected of you crazy Polycounters!). I'm not an uber-tourist, but hey, I'm all for seeing the sights!
- If you work at a company, I'd love to get a tour and meet the people there; if this isn't possible, bring 'em along and we'll all go get drinks or dinner or hit up the town.
As far as 'places to stay', an offering of a couch is always welcome. I have relatives in Seattle and Vancouver that I can possibly stay with if nothing else is available.
So let's get with the getting and lemme hear from who's interested. Names, addresses, contact info, etc can be sent to
If anyone wants to chat with me beforehand or during the trip, I'll be online whenever possible. If you don't have my MSN/AIM/ICQ/YIM contacts, just drop me an email.

<font color="red"> * Side Note * </font>
I was thinking of bringing something along for everyone to sign. Any ideas? Possibly something to hang on the wall when I get back. I was thinking a sheet of metal (welding is a hobby of mine), but any other good ideas?
(or anything else that might end up happening really)
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... like a water balloon fight... with the uber cool green & black balloons?
Looking forward to meeting you Flaag and checking out the sweet wheels!
-DK =^..^=
(Also goes for everyone else in the other areas!)
Have a safe trip though! Hope you have lots of fun and get a butt-load of new memories.
the ripe age of 19
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It's facinating to me that you're only a 2.5 hour drive away from being legal
(just picture that pointing northwards though, eh?
-DK =^..^=
Dude. Your totally welcome to meet us Seattle Polycounters. Don't let those stuckup east siders try to lure you over.
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stuck up eh?
I just live here cuz it's close to work. Would rather not have to take 405 everyday....
Dude, I'm totally down. This sounds fun.
Erm, hello?
If all else fails you might be able to stay at my place for a night while in town.
I'd totally be down for a seatle trip. It's one of the places I've wanted to check out since I moved here.
Oxy.. good point, I'll drop them a line! Anyone else you can think of?
yahoo = biosrev2
6-10 above the limit - okay...but you're taking chances.
11 or more above the limit - inevitable ticket if you aren't vigilant
CHP is WAY more lenient (cept at speed traps) than the washington highway patrol, at least in my experience.
i think if you go with the flow of traffic, you'll be fine.
Be sure to be sending me addresses and contact info people! Got my map software loaded up and plotting away locations. I realize I'll probably be around a lot of you when you've got workdays, but if you've got time to take me to / show me the local places, or go check anything in particular out, let me know! I'd much rather check out the local hangouts and fun places to visit than be generic tourist #934312 at the local tourist trap!
Stop by george WA and see the gorge, it's amazing.
Natural stuff I'm down for seeing... as long as I don't get stuck in the parking lot like I did at the Grand Canyon.
Had a bit of a scare on Wednesday what with the vette suddenly overheating and shutting down on me; turns out there was a pinhole leak in the radiator. Fixed it with some Alumaseal and so far everything appears good with that. Going to be dropping the vette off for a 120,000 miles service, also going to have them pressure check the radiator, plus check out a few other little headaches.
Keg's got the thread up about the Vancouver Meet Up.
Mentioned to Ebagg about setting up a Seattle Meet Up.
Meeting up with anyone in Oregon is still iffy~.
I'm lookin forward to seein' all of you come hell or high water! And save an utter disaster, DK, you'll get a ride in the '86!
The list of small things nearing the 'broken' status before I even get to the engine is long enough for me to not want to take the risk.
Sooooo~, I'm taking my dad's 1995 Cadillac Seville STS instead. It's a willing substitute, though. That Northstar motor has some serious balls (as my dad put it.. "The car goes into passing gear at 115!"), and it's a pretty damn comfy ride.
.... so, I guess this means... no more "Corvette's North!"... instead it's gonna be "Northstar's North!"
Still *nothing* from Oregon polycounters, so it looks like I'm either going to make a layover somewhere along the way or just grind all the way up to Washington.
If anyone needs my cell # or wants to pass along any info to me, pm / email me ASAP.
... and it looks like i'm gonna be busy right down to the wire with hanging out with friends and such.
I'll be staying with family the entire trip, unless I end up crashing at anyone's place overnight due to partying or the like.
Look forward to meeting up with everyone! See you all soon!
Woke up around 11 today, and started packing.... will post again when I hit the road!
I'm a man of means, by no means, i'm king of the roooooooad!
First drive's done, and some ~340 miles behind me now. Gonna do the BIG DRIVE tomorrow from here to Seattle (about 600 miles). Still plan on going the whole distance (seeing as I never heard anything from any Oregon PC'ers that sounded like a "stop on by"). See you Seattlites soon!
mileage: 328.4 miles traveled
Mileage: 938.4 miles traveled
Arrived last night, the 600 miles went by rather quickly (take that, Oregon!). No broadband at my aunt's place, and the phone lines are currently getting fixed, so I *might* be online tonight as well.
Like I said in the Seattle meet up thread, give me a call if any of you guys want to meet up during the week. I've currently got no plans set in stone for anything to go to / check out, so any recommendations for things to visit are welcome. I'm all for hanging out 'cause I'm not much of a "tourist".
I'm digging Seattle, as I've said in #md, this area's on my list of places to look for jobs... which now is my home area and seattle.
Look out Canada, Flaagan's invading the frozen north!
OK, up in Canada. I had a rather amusing experience at the border I'll tell the cannuckistanians about first and then tell the rest of you. Currently no wifi that I can leach off of here, but trying to push the relatives I'm staying with to get a broadband connection ASAP. They want my input on getting a new laptop / pc, as well as a net connection, so I'm trying to push the issue so I can get a secure network (and a net connection for me) set up before too long. For those of you up here in Canada, calling me is currently the quickest way to get ahold of me.