Kyoto, Japan
Nagasaki, Japan
Hiroshima, Japan
Akita, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Melbourne, Australia
Canberra, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Lots of other places, New Zealand
Waikanae Beach, New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand
Los Angeles, California
San Diego, California
Portland, Oregon
Chicago, Illinois USA

That's right, international polycounters! Some of you may have heard an unofficial statement or two about this, but it's finally happening. As my father did before me, so shall I take roughly 6 months to a year's time to travel the world.
I've freelanced for the past two years that I've been out of college, and while I've enjoyed it, and certainly looked forward to getting a full time on-site job somewhere, I knew I needed to take this opportunity in my life to travel. So that's exactly what I'm doing.
Starting on the 3rd, I will be flying up to
Portland, Oregon (sorry Seattle pcounters

) for a 2-3 week contract, then down to
Los Angeles, California.
Then sometime around late September I will be flying into
Auckland, New Zealand (Milla, I'd like to say hello!). After seeing that lovely country, I will travel to
Sydney, Australia and likely noodle around that grand country for a while as well. After that I will likely go visit Snowfly at his new job in
Singapore, and undoubtedly come to
Japan (watch out, Hawken!).
Now here's where it gets a little murky. Much like the west coast trip I took two years back (visiting many a happy polycounter), I would prefer to travel where I know people. SO.
<u>If you're somewhere in the world between Australia and Europe (I'm heading west), send me an email with a phone number/basic contact information and I'll see if I can't visit you.</u>
I know this might seem weird, but trust me, the only weird part about it is when we don't know what each other looks like, which is why I'm posting my picture so prominently at the top of this post.
I'm sure I can get some testimonials from polycounters who I've visited in the past, but I assure you that I am a courteous and entertaining guest.
Before I fall asleep on your couch/futon, we can:
-have all sorts of entertaining exchanges on a variety of nerdy subjects you don't normally have anyone to talk to about
-go somewhere and sketch--hey, even sketch in EACH OTHER'S sketchbook, giving you a bona-fide gauss original in the process
-have me viciously moderate a post of someone you don't like in the forums while you watch--complete with hilarious running commentary!
-go dancing, drinking, engaging in acts of petty vandalism, etc.
How's that for incentive, eh? Seriously though, I really prefer to travel to peoples' homes when I can, it makes the whole experience so much more rewarding for everyone involved... and I'd love to be able to meet up with as many of the international polycounter as I can. Youse good people.
So to repeat--basically if you're just about anywhere in lower Asia or Europe (Africa isn't looking very likely, South America may also be on another trip), please shoot me an email at driftingjack at and I'll see if I can't come visit! Australia is roughly scheduled for October, I should be in Japan and other parts of southeast Asia shortly after. I'm really looking forward to Europe, but I probably won't be there for some time.
Please post any questions or comments you may have. To answer the first and most obvious question, yes, I am that good looking in person. Well, not quite that buttery soft of a complexion, that's Painter's doing.
12/25/06: Merry Christmas, polycount, from a photobooth in Akita.

update: flickr photos are here:
in reverse chronological order, of course.
If you come to Vienna, Austria, drop by!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, we've definatly got a space to offer
Its a pity your wont make it to Africa. Southern Africa is a place everyone should see before they die (i am originally from S. Africa myself). It is a hell of a detour though, so maybe next trip eh?
Questions about how you planned this out, as I would like to do something similar one day in the near future, How much did you save up for this trip?, and how did you budget for food and places to stay? Did you already purchase all your flights in advance? (cheaper) What are you taking with you? Big bagpack? Laptop?
I wish I lived somewhere exotic to have you come and stay, but if you are ever in the east coast, even after this trip, you definitely can crash on my couch
nice self portrait btw!
Serriously though, I hope you enjoy it Gauss! It sounds like a lot of fun winging yourself all over the place. Getting out, gathering ref and building up creativity. Remember to take lots of pictures!
and to mack on the LoliGoths in Shibuya.. though i guess the go hand in hand.....
i expect pics of you in full japanese goth attire. with monocle!
-have me viciously moderate a post of someone you don't like in the forums while you watch--complete with hilarious running commentary!
-go dancing, drinking, engaging in acts of petty vandalism, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
Put me down for one of each, please
I'm envious dude, that sounds like a damn fun trip round the globe. Have lots of fun and debauchery, but don't let any savage locals rape you!
Like I said before, if you happen to stop by in the bay area, I can't offer you a place, but be sure to drop me a line (this time
Let me know what time your flight is and I'll throw a friendly wave skyward.
Let me know what time your flight is and I'll try to correctly time a surface-to-air missile.
[/ QUOTE ]
too bad you're not comin up to the pacific northwest. It's better than everywhere else.
If I can get to Melbourne I would love to hit the pubs or crown with you guys, but I have some pretty hard pilot exams on at about that time, so it might not work. I also do not have a house. Lol, I live in Tamworth most of the time..
I've hung out with him.. twice (each time he brought his brother who is relatively similarly minded) and its true, you can in fact talk to him about things you can't with normal people and he only looked at me funny a few times!
But be forwarned, just as soon as he's there, he's off again like a gaussian blur.... Pun intended, So use your time wisley. We got hamburgers at a local truckstop.
Lol, I live in Tamworth most of the time..
[/ QUOTE ]Well there we go. You can take Gauss out for a taste of the sites and more importantly sounds of Tamworth.
And depending on my next appartment, there may or may not be couch-sleeping. I'll keep you informed.
Lol, I live in Tamworth most of the time..
[/ QUOTE ]Well there we go. You can take Gauss out for a taste of the sites and more importantly sounds of Tamworth.
[/ QUOTE ]
Country music me up, baby.
Shimmer, Prs-Phil: Thanks guys, count on it when I get to Europe!
Sa74n: man, once I get to the UK, I'm only going to be leaving when the authorities throw me out
Chaos: Tell me about it... Africa and South America would get included too, but I just don't have enough contacts and I'm also traveling alone. So some other time.
JO420: Looking forward to seeing Amsterdam again.
r13: you better not sell those sheets on ebay--oh right, you can't sell soiled items anymore. woops.
steady: I thought about planning it extensively as some people do, but no, this is going to be a pretty fast and loose kind of deal. some pre-prep, but no overt trip planning or ticket buying aside from the first leg. it works for some people, but I don't want to constrain myself to a timetable--some places i know i'm going want to stay for a while, some places i might not hang around so long. this gives me as much flexibility as i need.
basically here's what i'm taking:
a carry-on sized duffel with clothes, sandals, toiletries, and some room to spare for souvenirs (marijuana bricks)
a satchel with all my real essentials: the sketchbooks, pencils, cell phone for domestic and a GSM mobile for the rest of the world, ipod, digital camera plus camera connector to shunt images to the ipod, outlet adapter set.
that's all i'm taking... traveling light is always a good idea, but i particularly wanted to avoid taking a laptop. i've been plugged in for most of my life already and i'm sure i'll be plugged in for most of the rest--also, i'd like to work up my traditional drawing.
i may or may not hit the east coast on the return leg of my trip, we'll see how it goes
Vig: highly regrettable, i know! Seattle is lovely place, i'll miss seeing the lot of youse.
PfhorRunner: it's a little intimidating, i'll be honest, but i understand it's well worth it
Scoob: no LV this time around, sad to say--but i think that might be its own short trip some time once i'm back and with a job, itching for something fun to do.
Snemmy: you better believe i'll take hundreds of pictures in Japan XD
AZ: hi-ho, I'll be in Portland in just a few days!
sledgy: oh you, flattery will get you everywhere ;(
Luxury: as i said to steady, i'm going for more the free-wheelin' approach rather than the structured. as to budget and route and other various interesting places, i found this a really nice site:
different travelers of all walks of life talk about their trips. budgets and traveling styles can vary wildly, it's all about what the best fit is for you.
ebagg: i know, i know sorry -_-
flaag: thanks man, enjoy your trip as well.
EQ: right back at you big guy. hey, is that a new meshsmooth level you're wearing?
Mal: well if the elusive Malekyth is to be found in SF then a stop over in that city might be advisable after all, eh? you'll just have to pick me up at the train station/roll me out of the gutter!
TGZ: sad, yes. but i guess you won't get to admire my apparently no-jaw having self this time around, you vicious imp!
oxy: flattering and horrifying, all at once!
rooster: gauss will likely never leave britland once he gets to britland. saving the best for last and all that
Rick: wouldn't miss it. is me having a lesbian haircut somehow a concern? am i currently sporting what would be considered dykehair??!
Sidwell: i find that comment insensitive to my half-vampire heritage.
Jackablade: right on. No real idea of my Australian itinerary, but we'll see.
Moose: like i told Steady, very possibly on the return trip--i don't suppose Epic would hold that concept artist position open for about a year or so, would they?
hawken: i charge hourly rates!
Smirnoffka: well, check back to see when I actually get to Australia. could take a while, you might be clear of the exams by then.
Orph: i'm made out of 100% gauss, thank you very much.
nealb4me: sensual indeed. hope to see you as well as the other australian pcounters
MightyPea: right on, right on. thank you for already establishing email contact, btw.
Oddmind: maybe on the faaar return leg
DeathbyChris: i've been living at home freelancing these 2 years i've been out of college. that's where my trip money comes from. see the link i posted for the reply to steady for some interesting literature about world traveling and some cost ballparks--people are surprised at how cheap it can be.
PHEW! ok, i'm writing this less than 48 hours away from Portland, Oregon, which is the first stop. Please all Socal and Southeast Asia pcounters touch base with me via email
and if your lucky, you might even get to have a free guitar lesson from me.
u can meet a bunch of polycounters here in london
[/ QUOTE ]
Thirding or Foruthing the London thing.
Maybe some of the Identity Crisis crowd from round UK could hook up too, gotta try hunt them all down.
almighty gir: don't worry, i sure as hell am coming to London
Johny: I don't see why I shouldn't!
Slash: between Slash and Per128, what doesn't Norway have to offer?
parasite7: 'ppreciate it, though it could be a long time until I hit the states again
Sabby: a polycount meetup would be fantastic.