"Wassup?" to the old ones. I'm still around, like so what, right? Been playing a bunch of BF2. I'm selling my condo to buy a house closer to work. Painted my Dean Strat a la VanHalen Frankenstrat (black & yellow)and added a hot Bill Lawrence pickup. Donated some money to the Casinos in Atlantic city (lol). My machine? I'm still running my CyberPower AMD 64 3200+ with 2 gigs o' PC3200 and a GeForce 6800 GT 256 mb. It still kicks some butt. Let me know how you guys have been eh? Let's chat.

Maybe we should get some good ol' Q3 action in again sometime?
in online gaming lately i've only been to quake2 dm'ing on tastyspleen (and sometimes catching dukie there)
I'm still on dialup so every frag is so sweet!
We need to get Tim and get some Polyfraggers going again!
Atlantic city was the 4th o' July. On my 2d day the casinos CLOSED on account of the stoopit budget. Ain't that sumpin'? I got 2 free nights there only to have to leave a day early. hehehe Type atcha later.
I DO have Q3 on the machine but can't seem to find any servers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Patch up! It's still being played madly.
Still drinking the Malts, addicted to Oblivion on the 360 and I've been crunching for over half a year on UT and Gears but everythings pretty sweet here.
My wee girl goes off to preschool in a couple weeks and Gears is going to ship pretty soon so normal life will be resumed and I think I'll probably upgrade my pc for the first time in 5+ years!
BTW my friend's son is going to a Phila Art school. I just turned him on to Thee Big Green Machine. Hopefully he'll join up. I'm sure ya'll can help him. There's a ton of talent in this forum. Type atcha later.
Good to hear from ya Tim boy. Makin' any more babies?
Hi Tes, glad to see your still here, too.