you will never see dks though. Which is why we should offer a reward to who posts it first. :P
[/ QUOTE ]
So do I get anything for this one? You can kinda see my face
Taken on Sunday while I was warming up for a run down SFU and yes, I'm wearing full body armour...
... although it doesn't help that my thighs are the only part of me that remains unprotected I took this one 5 mins ago, it's from my ride yesterday at Mt Seymor
-DK =^..^=
... Mitch don't tempt me to step up that threat level...
i don't speak so well..
but i understand when my grandma says the papi is ready
i thought you looked slav but not russian.. it's different. you're pretty
i plan on going to belgrad one day..
From left to right: about 8 months old I guess (lol, note the pack of cigarettes clearly visible) , 14 in my Duran Duran days (man I loved that digital watch), 21, 27, and er 'more recently'
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn Daz, you look like a better looking slightly chubbier in the face version of Harry Connick Jr.
I've been told I look like Harry Connick jr, Benicio Del Toro, and yes, annoyingly truth be told more often that not, Biff. Which is annoying and odd since the one feature that makes me look like the other two is no upper eyelid crease, and Biff certainly has that.
Well, DK Found a picture that was lost from the last PC Vancouver meet. It was several months ago, so it's a bit of an older picture. Sam (Penzer) is on the left, with DK trying to seduce us in the middle, and me on the right. As you can tell we are quite enamoured.
Mitch... if I were you I'd stay as far away from Draw Jam as I could... from now till eturnity... and be very, very happy that I don't know your last name...
He hates manure!!!
and just now with my handy dandy new webcam...
I'll get one with my ride sooner or later.. i'm known for cars, may as well pose with the one I cruise in!
These are from my 35th birthday last month:
The latter is what happens when I try and smile with a mouthful of beer
1995... My wedding (and mullet):
Me and my wife:
Me(left) and my best man:
About 4 years ago when my in-laws renewed their vows:
Last year at "Bring your kids to work day":
Same event, but this year (and my crappy smile):
I'll have to take a more current pick than the last one (about 4 months old) I've dropped about 20lbs since then.
I don't want to post her pics when she doesn't approve of it, ya know?
Here's a recent pic of me and rhinokey down at the lake
and here's one from a huntin trip a few years back
2004 some park
2005 toronto lakeshore
2006 Friends Wedding
2006 Camping trip this past weekend
Maybe I'll have to get a postin
I found another picture of daz!
He hates manure!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha so i'm not the only one who discovered his secret identity!
taken 2003 iirc- Pesti and Rolf are also in this pic
as soon as I get photoshop installed, I'll get an up to date pic
I do have another pic from before all these but it's rather large... I think this was taken about 2002 maybe... http://chunkey.global-illusions.com/photos/chunkey.jpg
God there's some handsome buggers on polycount! :P
you will never see dks though. Which is why we should offer a reward to who posts it first. :P
[/ QUOTE ]
So do I get anything for this one? You can kinda see my face
Taken on Sunday while I was warming up for a run down SFU
... although it doesn't help that my thighs are the only part of me that remains unprotected
-DK =^..^=
... Mitch don't tempt me to step up that threat level...
... Mitch don't tempt me to step up that threat level...
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh shit! *puts on shirt of +1 to invisibility and hides*
4 years ago - I just turned 16 aka: legal drinking age... So from there on it kinda went downhill :P (im in the bottom right)
3 years ago - Still a baby-face
2 years ago - At the peak of my carreer
1 year ago - Me and an ex-gf
1 week ago - no comment
btw.. hawken.. ur realy cute
EQ: not a Russian, but Slavic origin nevertheless (Yugo)
Pior: Yay! I'm sure it feels good when you normalmap
Yugo eh? Well regardless you are very beautiful! Ok Ok i'll stop now before I come of as any more of a creep than everyone here already knows i am.
ja i yeguslavika tu (???)
i don't speak so well..
but i understand when my grandma says the papi is ready
i thought you looked slav but not russian.. it's different. you're pretty
i plan on going to belgrad one day..
3 years ago at a co. christmas party, 1 mo after shaving head.
almost a year old...
and i now look like the first one, as of last week. 13" of hair hacked! goodbye hippie shits!
about a month ago at a wedding with the lady:
at walmart on a recent trip to Port Aransas:
Here is mine......
Fogmann. That 2003 pic of yours WILL be the base for my next female game model! YEAH! You don't mind being normalmapped do you?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah - Pior is in love
Fogmann - it's cool that there's also the girls in a 3D world ....and pretty one as You.
okidoki , here's mines , let's go -
1967 - the catastrophe is done - diZzy is born.
1985 - I've finished second school ( I was 18 years old)
1993 - I've spent 4 years in SPAIN behind the bar in T.N.T.
pub. The best school in my life s.. d.... & rock'n roll.
2005 - my son Alexandre is born
2006 - diZzy's familly
Fall 2002 photos for rotoscoping my face and modeling it in my first college 3d modeling course!
Spring 05 just graduated college and sporting the bushy hair
Less than a month ago.
From left to right: about 8 months old I guess (lol, note the pack of cigarettes clearly visible) , 14 in my Duran Duran days (man I loved that digital watch), 21, 27, and er 'more recently'
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn Daz, you look like a better looking slightly chubbier in the face version of Harry Connick Jr.
I still think he TOTALLY looks like Biff from BTTF. I was too polite to say it first though, thanks Psyko!
Its pretty entertaining to see what polycounters look like and compare/contrast that with whatever vague preconcieved notion I'd already formulated.
Gee, can you tell I'm a character artist?
1 year ago - Me and an ex-gf
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude you were dating Amy Smart!
A couple with me and my oldest daughter when she was only a month old about 8 years ago:
And this is me as of 5 months ago, I don't really look any different now or else I'd post a more recent pic:
And here's one of me, my gf and her baby, and my 3 daughters taken about 5 months ago as well:
Not a pup:
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Aww thanks man. Nice of you to say so. I don't swing that way though.
Mitch... if I were you I'd stay as far away from Draw Jam as I could... from now till eturnity... and be very, very happy that I don't know your last name...
... or do I? hmmmm
-DK =^..^=
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude I think you were separated at birth with you twin brother:
Ron Jeremy. Badass!
Dk, when a guy says he isnt going to show it to any one or post it on the internet, you can be 100% assured that they will :P
Dk, when a guy says he isnt going to show it to any one or post it on the internet, you can be 100% assured that they will :P
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, I'm just in it for the reward...
And DK, you'd have to actually go to the draw jams for that to scare me.
-DK =^..^=
me in 2001 with Tins:
me last month in Vegas (the Team Dallas shirts still live):