I was recently looking through my 'My Received Files' folder in My Documents and came across two pictures of myself from two different times. One is about 6 month-8 month ago, drinking White Lighting (Cider) on the streets. The second is my now, from about a month ago in a pub (hehe). The change is quite remarkable. The first I wouldn't put my age over 14-15. Now I think I look my age (18) or roundabouts.

Me 6-8 month ago.

Me a month or less ago.
Show your pictures from then and now (I don't care about the time difference) I wanna see physical change in PC'ers FACES!!
August 06
yeah yeah, same shirt.
side note: I'd love to see this turn into an all-purpose pictures thread. as a relative newcomer to pc here it'd be fun to see all of your pretty faces
you will never see dks though. Which is why we should offer a reward to who posts it first. :P
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WHat kind of reward are we talking here... I do have pictures that are only being held back by minor threats.
i wasnt smoking crack!! X|
it was a combination of moving tons of frozen food a day by hand, my only meal during the day was eating a sub sandwich at lunch, and being fairly depressed and stressed out. eating proper meals for 3 months does wonders for a body.
you will never see dks though. Which is why we should offer a reward to who posts it first. :P
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WHat kind of reward are we talking here... I do have pictures that are only being held back by minor threats.
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Yeah yeah, who dosent?
Two weeks ago:
Another fun one:
aka http://www.ani-walls.net/gallery/albums/userpics/normal_ll%20Be%20The%20One.jpg
And thnom, 'then and now' constitutes a period of 6 months?! Hah, I guess that's a long time when you're 18
That horse has poop all over it!
A couple years ago:
Me 2 weeks ago visiting my mom back in Ontario:
Big bastard? Damn rights.
Now (snapped like.. yesterday):
Beauty-shot of a sweaty, hairy semi-nude swedish man for poop. Love.
That's as far as I got
Ready to head out to work, notice the lopsided hair, I thought I looked so cool, sigh....
Many small animals live in my beard. 2005ish...
Bro's wedding, in july 2006
..and decorating my daughters bedroom 2 years ago. I cut off all the hair about five years ago.
There's seventeen years inbetween those pics. The internets was barely born back then, and no such thing as a PC. By 'Eck when I were a lad. . etc.
couple weeks ago at Yosemite...
2 yrs ago in San Jose for GDC.
2 weeks ago in Arizona.
I think I'm gonna grow my hair back out.... ._.
Here are some of my pics:
Around 1996
About 5 months ago:
In two weeks it will be 1 year since i took the first pic.
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Awesome transformation - good work!
and a few days ago:
fogMANn, is a woMAN? awfully cute too (dont let it go to your head you geek)
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haha, i was scrolling one pic at a time through the thread, first i thought, 'pretty young metal head. he'll grow out of it'.. then i was 'he sure is pretty' then 'woah!'
i felt so
ferg: i imagine in your Yosemite pic saying "ONWARD! TO MORDOR!"
poop on a horse!
Closer to now (Districts track and field):
Now (Senior Picture, so a couple months ago):
here's me (on right) with my college roommate sophomore spring (2003)
and then here are two more recently, still about a year ago. oddly I have no pics from more recently, at least any where you can see me.
chalk art contest!:
Poop: Your little black pug is the cutest! My brother breeds pugs...
Do my eyes deceive or are you russian as well?
From left to right: about 8 months old I guess (lol, note the pack of cigarettes clearly visible) , 14 in my Duran Duran days (man I loved that digital watch), 21, 27, and er 'more recently'
The left is me about a year and a half ago, the right is me about 3 months ago after Atkins
This is me on my ranch on the outskirts of dallas today.