This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like the Christian-right in this country. In fact, I just heard about some large Christian group associated with Jerry Fallwell or Pat Robertson (maybe both) that is trying to convince the Bush admin to stop negotiating a cease-fire. Their web-site (forget the URL) says they believe war in the Middle East is going to lead to the end of the world and cause Jesus to return, so they are doing everything they can to incite such a war. It's disturbing that there are so many fucking nutbags in this world, and I only wish that someday rational people will regain control, both here and in the Middle East.
[Aug. 22nd] might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't be serious... this is some serious sensationalist bullshit, even bearing in mind that it's an op-ed piece in the WSJ. I mean, come on, developing a nuclear warhead isn't like building a Chevy smallblock. The experts say Iran is at least a decade from enriching enough uranium to be used in a nuclear weapon, even if they had several times the number of centrifuges that we know they have... and this guy is trying to suggest that Iran is going to build some kind of doomsday device by the 22nd? What a fucking joke. What's next, he's going to tell us that Ahmadinejad is trying to buy Nigerian yellowcake uranium and that he has stockpiles of anthrax (we've all heard that one before) .
So in comparison to the leaders of Iran, Bin Laden isn't such a bad guy.
That's not a very uplifting article. Sensationalist bullshit, indeed.
an attack that wipes out Israel would almost certainly wipe out the Palestinians too.
[/ QUOTE ]
atm, that appears to be the only way for them to STFU!!! Hope Iran goes with it.
School textbooks tell young Iranians to be ready for a final global struggle against an evil enemy, named as the U.S., and to prepare themselves for the privileges of martyrdom.
[/ QUOTE ]
If that's true, I vote we spray paint "Allah" to the side of a bomb and drop it on their ass to prevent future frustration. Send them to heaven a little sooner, the fucking whackos. I'm sick of this constant struggle in the world. Christians and Islamist can both go to their own hell, if they believe in it so much.
well, since he doesn't have any missles capable of hitting the US, he'll probably end up giving it to israel instead
[/ QUOTE ]That could be what Bush is waiting for, a direct attack of that nature on Isreal by Iran would give him carte Blanc to open up without any regards for calls of restraint from NATO or the UN.
Hoo hummm.. I was just getting in to all this 3D stuff as well.
Christians and Islamist can both go to their own hell, if they believe in it so much.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell does that mean? What do Christians have to do with it? If you're saying Bush is the world voice for Christianity, that's insane. Christian or not, every one knows of the commandments is not to kill, under any circumstance. The Christians living in thw world today,and the ones in the bible, are very different things.
just wondering, has iran already switched from trading it's oil and gas at the IOB in dollar to euro as they planned? which was considered a move that might lead to the decline of the dollar as the primary international currency causing massive headaches to the US government. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/GH26Dj01.html
the date of the planned switch seemed to match well with the time when they were called the demon again and certain military options were considered. isn't it a fucked up world?
I'm sick of this holy war scenario. A people that are ready to kill non-believers, for entrance into heaven. To a sane person, that is in no way logical. There are nutjobs on both sides making life miserable for everyone else. And the majority of those on each side seem to be doing little about it.
I think the christians that have to do with it are the ones that want to start armageddon. Of course those aren't any major percentage. And besides, last I checked trying to get into heaven faster lands you straight in hell. I don't think God will only judge your actions, he knows your intentions and judges those. What good is a person who helps others for entirely selfish reasons? Once you stop promising them rewards they'll start exploiting others.
....What good is a person who helps others for entirely selfish reasons?
[/ QUOTE ]That's what the church is for...
"Repent your sins and enter the gates of heaven"
"So it's ok that I ate a baby's heart and plucked the eyes from a virgin mother?"
"Yes my son, so long as you repent your sins you will enter the gates of heaven"
"[Homer]Woohooo.. I repent, I REPEEEENT[/Homer]"
"Bless you my son"
*Sometime later at the gates of Heaven*
"He told you what?!"
"That I could get in"
"[laughs his arse off]"
"What's so funny"
"Nothing. I really need to talk to the big guy about this, it's getting ridiculous"
"What is?"
"Nothing you need to worry about. Good day to you"
"[screams on the way to hell]"
I take back my vote for bombing them. That's just frustration talking. And the fear of a misguided culture willing to destroy everything I know to reach martyrdom. As I said, I'm sick of this whole conflict. I would suggest more reasonable means of dealing with the situation, but given the track record of our current administration...I doubt they would ever happen. I would rather we help a nation, than harm them. And harm only provokes more acts of terrorism. The conflict with Isreal is never going to end, unless someone blows them all away. Our involvement will never cease until we stop scrambling for cheap oil.
I know we're painting Iran as evil, because they're next in line. And we already have them surrounded.
don't post these lame political threads, it only provokes me
Wow, you people have no spec of knowledge about catholic or christian faith. How about instead of assuming these radical notions about repenting for eating a virgin babys hearts or whatever garbage your spewing out of your ass, you take the time and respect to look it up. Last I checked, granted i'm still learning, but there are different categories of sin, and no faithfull christian or catholic would assume god forgave them.
I dont work for the government anymore, and since I don't have access to our internal news etc, i've been scared shitless about Iran.
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one. And Bush is by no means any representation of any christian faith. He has'nt said or done anything that would even tell me he is christian, besides stating teh word 'god' once or twice in his speeches.
If Iran's response is to nuke Isreal, god have mercy on the world. It could only build one stupid reaction into a chain of events that will cause decades of suffering. I've actually held off on having a child to wait to see what happens, so he/she is'nt brought up in this mess.
Let's deal with the middle east by air-dropping pork on them.
[/ QUOTE ]
That made me chuckle. Lighten up people! I think Iran just wants more global power/recognition. It's the same game that North Korea is playing. They said they'd stop nuclear production, if the "global community" recognized them as a sovereign state.
So regardless of how extreme certain religions are, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon.
*edit* Also, the 22nd if August is something on the muslim calendar. It's the date that their prophet ascended into heaven, or something of that nature.
vassago i hope you are right, i really do ! i bet that aliens watching us from the corner of the galazy are like :"wtf?? fackin humans wiping themselves out...saved us the trouble!"
Iran has no choice , it has to give away his nuclear program...
Wow, you people have no spec of knowledge about catholic or christian faith. How about instead of assuming these radical notions about repenting for eating a virgin babys hearts or whatever garbage your spewing out of your ass, you take the time and respect to look it up. Last I checked, granted i'm still learning, but there are different categories of sin, and no faithfull christian or catholic would assume god forgave them.
[/ QUOTE ]
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
I dont work for the government anymore, and since I don't have access to our internal news etc, i've been scared shitless about Iran.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why are you scared? You live in Europe, right?
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one. And Bush is by no means any representation of any christian faith. He has'nt said or done anything that would even tell me he is christian, besides stating teh word 'god' once or twice in his speeches.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
If Iran's response is to nuke Isreal, god have mercy on the world. It could only build one stupid reaction into a chain of events that will cause decades of suffering. I've actually held off on having a child to wait to see what happens, so he/she is'nt brought up in this mess.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah. If Iran nuked Israel, Iran would also be destroyed and that would be the end of it. Iran knows this, which is why theu won't nuke Israel; they want a nuclear bargaining chip, not nuclear war.
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you really believe all christians use this as an excuse to do whatever they want, you're almost as out of touch with reality as those zany "extremist muslims". Sure, some christians do take advantage of that, but every single organization of every type contains the same kinds of "bad apples", so you can't really use that as a reason to knock christians.
edit: so as not add another reply to this thread just to correct myself, sorry about assuming you were knocking christians, I don't know where I got that. It's still a gross over-generalization though, and definitely not something all christians believe as absolutely as you've written it.
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
[/ QUOTE ]
they both stem from the same base beliefs/stories. You should know that, honey. Don't believe me? Check check it.
edit: The point is they're offshoots of the same religion. Branches of the same religion, if you will.
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you really believe all christians use this as an excuse to do whatever they want, you're almost as out of touch with reality as those zany "extremist muslims". Sure, some christians do take advantage of that, but every single organization of every type contains the same kinds of "bad apples", so you can't really use that as a reason to knock christians.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't say a thing about what *I* believe. I said that a basic tenet of Christianity is that all sins may be forgiven (with the obvious condition that the sinner must be truly repentant.) As to my "knocking" Christians... I'm Catholic, dumbass.
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
[/ QUOTE ]
they both stem from the same base beliefs/stories. You should know that, honey. Don't believe me? Check check it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've gotta be fucking kidding me... I'll explain this as simply as possible:
1) Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
2) Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
3) Therefore, Muslims are not Christians.
Do not even ATTEMPT to argue otherwise. This isn't remotely debatable.
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow! This is possibly the most inaccurate statement I've ever seen. About anything. Well, maybe not. Just ribbin' you a bit.
Christianity AND Islam were both derived from.......Judaism!! Judaism is thought to be the first Abrahamic religion, with Islam and Christianity branching of it basically. They all believe in the same god. Funny how they all hate each other.
While we're on the subject of deities, does anyone know what kind of point the new Battlestar Galactica is trying to make with having the Cylons believing in "one true" god vs. the humans believing in the traditional Greek gods? Just wondering if it's about trying to create an internal struggle in the viewer about whether or not the Cylons are truly evil.
there are 23 camels with nukes strapped to their backs swimming across the atlantic as we speak... it's just gonna take a little longer than we expected
This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like the Christian-right in this country. In fact, I just heard about some large Christian group associated with Jerry Fallwell or Pat Robertson (maybe both) that is trying to convince the Bush admin to stop negotiating a cease-fire. Their web-site (forget the URL) says they believe war in the Middle East is going to lead to the end of the world and cause Jesus to return, so they are doing everything they can to incite such a war. It's disturbing that there are so many fucking nutbags in this world, and I only wish that someday rational people will regain control, both here and in the Middle East.
[Aug. 22nd] might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't be serious... this is some serious sensationalist bullshit, even bearing in mind that it's an op-ed piece in the WSJ. I mean, come on, developing a nuclear warhead isn't like building a Chevy smallblock. The experts say Iran is at least a decade from enriching enough uranium to be used in a nuclear weapon, even if they had several times the number of centrifuges that we know they have... and this guy is trying to suggest that Iran is going to build some kind of doomsday device by the 22nd? What a fucking joke. What's next, he's going to tell us that Ahmadinejad is trying to buy Nigerian yellowcake uranium and that he has stockpiles of anthrax (we've all heard that one before)
That's not a very uplifting article. Sensationalist bullshit, indeed.
an attack that wipes out Israel would almost certainly wipe out the Palestinians too.
[/ QUOTE ]
atm, that appears to be the only way for them to STFU!!! Hope Iran goes with it.
School textbooks tell young Iranians to be ready for a final global struggle against an evil enemy, named as the U.S., and to prepare themselves for the privileges of martyrdom.
[/ QUOTE ]
If that's true, I vote we spray paint "Allah" to the side of a bomb and drop it on their ass to prevent future frustration. Send them to heaven a little sooner, the fucking whackos. I'm sick of this constant struggle in the world. Christians and Islamist can both go to their own hell, if they believe in it so much.
well, since he doesn't have any missles capable of hitting the US, he'll probably end up giving it to israel instead
[/ QUOTE ]That could be what Bush is waiting for, a direct attack of that nature on Isreal by Iran would give him carte Blanc to open up without any regards for calls of restraint from NATO or the UN.
Hoo hummm.. I was just getting in to all this 3D stuff as well.
Christians and Islamist can both go to their own hell, if they believe in it so much.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell does that mean? What do Christians have to do with it? If you're saying Bush is the world voice for Christianity, that's insane. Christian or not, every one knows of the commandments is not to kill, under any circumstance. The Christians living in thw world today,and the ones in the bible, are very different things.
the date of the planned switch seemed to match well with the time when they were called the demon again and certain military options were considered. isn't it a fucked up world?
Syria also announced they were going to link their currency to the Euro rather than the dollar, probably from Decmeber this year.
What do Christians have to do with it?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sick of this holy war scenario. A people that are ready to kill non-believers, for entrance into heaven. To a sane person, that is in no way logical. There are nutjobs on both sides making life miserable for everyone else. And the majority of those on each side seem to be doing little about it.
So..Syria is next?
....What good is a person who helps others for entirely selfish reasons?
[/ QUOTE ]That's what the church is for...
"Repent your sins and enter the gates of heaven"
"So it's ok that I ate a baby's heart and plucked the eyes from a virgin mother?"
"Yes my son, so long as you repent your sins you will enter the gates of heaven"
"[Homer]Woohooo.. I repent, I REPEEEENT[/Homer]"
"Bless you my son"
*Sometime later at the gates of Heaven*
"He told you what?!"
"That I could get in"
"[laughs his arse off]"
"What's so funny"
"Nothing. I really need to talk to the big guy about this, it's getting ridiculous"
"What is?"
"Nothing you need to worry about. Good day to you"
"[screams on the way to hell]"
[/ QUOTE ]His original reply had something to do with male chickens 'feeding', I didn't know they could 'suck'.
His original reply had something to do with male chickens 'feeding', I didn't know they could 'suck'.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha! Well put
I know we're painting Iran as evil, because they're next in line. And we already have them surrounded.
don't post these lame political threads, it only provokes me
Thanks to PeterK for pointing me towards this figure of Iranian history. Puts much of this into perspective.
I dont work for the government anymore, and since I don't have access to our internal news etc, i've been scared shitless about Iran.
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one. And Bush is by no means any representation of any christian faith. He has'nt said or done anything that would even tell me he is christian, besides stating teh word 'god' once or twice in his speeches.
If Iran's response is to nuke Isreal, god have mercy on the world. It could only build one stupid reaction into a chain of events that will cause decades of suffering. I've actually held off on having a child to wait to see what happens, so he/she is'nt brought up in this mess.
Let's deal with the middle east by air-dropping pork on them.
[/ QUOTE ]
That made me chuckle. Lighten up people! I think Iran just wants more global power/recognition. It's the same game that North Korea is playing. They said they'd stop nuclear production, if the "global community" recognized them as a sovereign state.
So regardless of how extreme certain religions are, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon.
*edit* Also, the 22nd if August is something on the muslim calendar. It's the date that their prophet ascended into heaven, or something of that nature.
Iran has no choice , it has to give away his nuclear program...
I wonder if historians years from now will consider the war in Iraq the 10th Crusade?
I wonder if historians years from now will consider the war in Iraq the 10th Crusade?
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, you people have no spec of knowledge about catholic or christian faith. How about instead of assuming these radical notions about repenting for eating a virgin babys hearts or whatever garbage your spewing out of your ass, you take the time and respect to look it up. Last I checked, granted i'm still learning, but there are different categories of sin, and no faithfull christian or catholic would assume god forgave them.
[/ QUOTE ]
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
I dont work for the government anymore, and since I don't have access to our internal news etc, i've been scared shitless about Iran.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why are you scared? You live in Europe, right?
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one. And Bush is by no means any representation of any christian faith. He has'nt said or done anything that would even tell me he is christian, besides stating teh word 'god' once or twice in his speeches.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
If Iran's response is to nuke Isreal, god have mercy on the world. It could only build one stupid reaction into a chain of events that will cause decades of suffering. I've actually held off on having a child to wait to see what happens, so he/she is'nt brought up in this mess.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah. If Iran nuked Israel, Iran would also be destroyed and that would be the end of it. Iran knows this, which is why theu won't nuke Israel; they want a nuclear bargaining chip, not nuclear war.
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you really believe all christians use this as an excuse to do whatever they want, you're almost as out of touch with reality as those zany "extremist muslims". Sure, some christians do take advantage of that, but every single organization of every type contains the same kinds of "bad apples", so you can't really use that as a reason to knock christians.
edit: so as not add another reply to this thread just to correct myself, sorry about assuming you were knocking christians, I don't know where I got that. It's still a gross over-generalization though, and definitely not something all christians believe as absolutely as you've written it.
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
[/ QUOTE ]
they both stem from the same base beliefs/stories. You should know that, honey. Don't believe me? Check check it.
edit: The point is they're offshoots of the same religion. Branches of the same religion, if you will.
oh and... double dumbass on you!
All sins may be forgiven. This is pretty much standard issue Christian belief. Consider the example of St. Paul.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you really believe all christians use this as an excuse to do whatever they want, you're almost as out of touch with reality as those zany "extremist muslims". Sure, some christians do take advantage of that, but every single organization of every type contains the same kinds of "bad apples", so you can't really use that as a reason to knock christians.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't say a thing about what *I* believe. I said that a basic tenet of Christianity is that all sins may be forgiven (with the obvious condition that the sinner must be truly repentant.) As to my "knocking" Christians... I'm Catholic, dumbass.
Did you just say that extremist Muslims are a vranch of Christianity??
[/ QUOTE ]
they both stem from the same base beliefs/stories. You should know that, honey. Don't believe me? Check check it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've gotta be fucking kidding me... I'll explain this as simply as possible:
1) Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
2) Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
3) Therefore, Muslims are not Christians.
Do not even ATTEMPT to argue otherwise. This isn't remotely debatable.
Extremist muslims are the ones who claim they can kill non-belivers. Yes it's a branch of christianity, but a pretty damned far out one.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow! This is possibly the most inaccurate statement I've ever seen. About anything. Well, maybe not. Just ribbin' you a bit.
Christianity AND Islam were both derived from.......Judaism!! Judaism is thought to be the first Abrahamic religion, with Islam and Christianity branching of it basically. They all believe in the same god. Funny how they all hate each other.
don't post these lame political threads ...
[/ QUOTE ]
don't post these lame political threads ...
[/ QUOTE ]
don't post these lame political threads ...
[/ QUOTE ]