I'm a non smoker. In trying to get super fit over these last few months, I've noticed that often during and after exercise my lungs can sometimes feel sore.
I've also noticed that the bloke in the apartment next to me smokes like a chimney. Now, the reason I know this, is that every night when I come home from work, my place smells of cigarette smoke. This is an old Victorian converted into aptmnts, so the walls between us are not particularly solid. There's a big closet between his place and mine, with gaps under doors etc.
Am I 'smoking crack' to think that perhaps his smoking is rubbing off on me? I've found plenty of stuff online about the dangers of immediate second hand smoking, but this is a little further removed and obscure for me to find anything.
Weird post I know. I'm turning into a hypochondriac in my old age.
I dont have anything against smokers btw. I used to myself a long time ago.
Perhaps you're mildly asthmatic?
And yeah, you're as old as the hills, so worry not gramps! Can't be young forever!
wouldn't it be better to talk to a doctor than listen to the vast medical knowledge of a bunch of modelers?
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true, but I guess I'd feel like kind of an idiot for asking. Wait, you're all making me feel that way anyway! :-)
I've been living in my Apt. for 2.5 years, and for the long while an old woman lived on the other side of my wall. Under my sink was a hole that connected into the walls. Her nasty ass Butt smoke would leak into my apartment time to time. Thank goodness it was rare. But i started to loose my patience and did something about it.
Mckinley Apartments sent a guy to patch up the hole (giant gapping section that was just missing) under the sink.
That didnt help. Smoke came in through the hallway under the doors with enough space to keep giant rats from entering, barely.
Then they agreed to install an Ozone machine in her apartment. Good!... I hope that ozone machine is as big as a fridge and falls on the bitch. But to my luck, she was only days away from moving out. Total coincedence! Now shes gone, and so is her nasty ass butt smoke too. (the stuff really did smell like burning 100 year old shit)
Where was i going with this.. oh yeah.
So I had enough with smelling it and the effect on my heath was concerning me. I may have been more tired, but most obviously it was effecting my mental health. I was constantly worring about it potentially effecting my health and not doing anything. It wasnt direct second hand smoke. It was more like residual smoke. Maybe thats what your talking about DAZ. I never researched anything on it. But any smoke felt like too much smoke.
I got lucky though, my problem moved away. However I was just weeks away from dropping the F'ing hammer and finding a new apartment. Yeap just because of an old hag who smoked her dung pipe.
If you dont like the smoke at all and it concerns your health, just move. Or murder your neighbor. Gotta make yourself #1. :F
After a heavy workout (Normally sprinting (State Highschool Track)) even on warm, dry days I would get this burning in my lungs. I went to see a my doctor and he checked for asthma, and even sports enduced asthma. Said I didn't have it, but gave me an albuterol inhaler anyways (which Washington State Track bans, so who knows if it would have helped). What it mounted up to in the end was me not getting enough water in my system. I was dehydrated. The more I drank in preparation, during, and afterwards, the less the feeling was there. It felt as if I was getting a dry mouth... all the way down into my lungs.
Yet I still get it even when I think I'm competely hydrated sometimes. I think its just a fact of getting in shape.
Exposure to smoke (yours or this guys) causes the alveoli in your lungs to not expand as much.
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Well it looks like you took SOME human phys, or at least know a fair bit about biology to make a statement as such. The commoner would look at alveoli and think its some Italian dish with meat stuffed inside some thick pasta.
yeah Daz, the neighbours in london used to smoke a lot of weed and I could smell it though the walls, but there was no actual smoke seeping through , just a faint wiff.
mmmmm alveoli
2nd hand smoking is definately not good for non-smokers. I'm surprised people smoke still with the price of cigarettes today at $6!
Also ciggys are around 6 pounds for 20 in the uk.
I would not doubt though, that the chemicals are in fact affecting you to some degree. Cadmium, Arsenic, etc - all of that stuff can have adverse affects even in small doses.
Staying there and breathing second hand smoke won't kill you - but you obviously won't feel your best, unfortuneatly.
I started smoking when I was 13, only socially (weekends). I started smoking regularly when I was 18, quit for a year when I was 24. Smoked again when I was 25, then quit this past March.
Not smoking is great, but I always miss it. Not only do I smell better though, EVERYTHING smells better. I can taste food and beverage more clearly, or pick up a subtle scent of perfume on the air. I have more stamina and edurance, and can wake up without having to yack up some phlem.
Don't worry Daz, you'll live
There's no medical proof that says 2nd hand smoke kills (only assumptions and guesses).
...Staying there and breathing second hand smoke won't kill you - but you obviously won't feel your best, unfortuneatly.
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Not feeling your best being around 2nd hand smoke is PROOF enough for me. Smoke doesnt belong in human lungs.
I know I always get a sick feeling when inhaling smoke. Makes me want to puke. I'm also a non-smoker with zero tolerance for smokers (many of whom seem to think lighting up their bundle o'stench is a constitutional right). I wouldn't open a bottle of butter acid near other people, I expect them to have the same courtesy.
And really, if you ever had to clean out the insides of a machine that stood in a smokers' office you wouldn't even consider smoking.
But honestly you are more than likely forcing your lungs to work in ways they had not previously. They are having to meet demands now that you are working out that they never hand to meet sitting on your ass. You are ripping your lungs apart on a very tiny level so they can expand and grow new areas to pull in oxogen. Its like breaking your shin bones and pinning them in place just a fraction of an inch apart so it can grow back making you taller. No imagine trying to stand on those legs before they are ready to hold weight.
And you wonder why your lung hurt... =P
Barring the tobacco supported reasearch, there seems to be a good consensus of the reasearch that it is harmful with case examples and showing the increased tumor occurence.
In fact, I then even went to Wikipedia.. "the most recent studies confirm the health risks." It then goes on to list the research in question.
"so in our study we brought Bob in and had Bob smoke half a cig and then leave the room. 3 weeks later we walked Judy thru the same room and low and behold she does not have cancer!"
I think the SMELL of ciggerettes can more damaging to a persons mental health than any amount of second hand smoke they actually take in. The media needs to be more careful and not over sensationalize cancer and 2nd hand smoke. "Oh god I saw a guy on TV smoking, I feel a lump! I can't breath... THUD!"
Your lungs are just like any other part of your body. The more you use them the more they break down and build back up. just like if you are trying to get your muscles bigger you need to tear them down (they hurt for a while) and then build them back up. Your lungs are no different.
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Do you perchance bash your head into a wall to become smarter?
Your lungs are just like any other part of your body. The more you use them the more they break down and build back up. just like if you are trying to get your muscles bigger you need to tear them down (they hurt for a while) and then build them back up. Your lungs are no different. I'm sure the smoke is not helping things and mixxed with your obvious paranoia about 2nd hand smoke I'm sure they are being illritated more when you get home after a workout.
But honestly you are more than likely forcing your lungs to work in ways they had not previously. They are having to meet demands now that you are working out that they never hand to meet sitting on your ass. You are ripping your lungs apart on a very tiny level so they can expand and grow new areas to pull in oxogen. Its like breaking your shin bones and pinning them in place just a fraction of an inch apart so it can grow back making you taller. No imagine trying to stand on those legs before they are ready to hold weight.
And you wonder why your lung hurt... =P
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Gee, thanks for that. I never realised that I'd be pushing my lungs when it came to vigorous exercise!
Of course I'm aware of that. But like I said, it's also compounded by knowledge that my apartment permanently smells of smoke, and the guy next door smokes perpetually and there are obvious gaps between the two apartments. It's an old building, made of WOOD.
"Obvious paranoia about 2nd hand smoke"? How about its bloody obvious that his cigarette smoke is creeping into my apartment? Why is that such a stretch? Do you work for Phillip Morris or something?
Anyway, thanks for the comments all.
Im wondering what is your designation about no proof about second hand smoke Vassago and Sledgy. What constitutes the smoking gun to you? I did a quick search on google.
Barring the tobacco supported reasearch, there seems to be a good consensus of the reasearch that it is harmful with case examples and showing the increased tumor occurence.
In fact, I then even went to Wikipedia.. "the most recent studies confirm the health risks." It then goes on to list the research in question.
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If it please the court , I would direct your attention to Penn & Teller's "Bullshit" on Showtime who make a compelling argument in interviews with the EPA and other 3rd-party research about the second-hand smoke issue being a "cash cow" in that statistics have been padded or outright falsified in order to terrorize the general public, and thereby securing nicely-paid positions at the EPA.
Many will claim that second-hand smoke causes just as much risk of cancer as first-hand smoking. I've had larger doses of carcinogens waiting for the light to turn green. Life sucks - nobody gets out alive. I agree smoking is bad. Next witness.
Im wondering what is your designation about no proof about second hand smoke Vassago and Sledgy. What constitutes the smoking gun to you? I did a quick search on google.
Barring the tobacco supported reasearch, there seems to be a good consensus of the reasearch that it is harmful with case examples and showing the increased tumor occurence.
In fact, I then even went to Wikipedia.. "the most recent studies confirm the health risks." It then goes on to list the research in question.
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In your google search at the top, this was the first hit in the list.
Sledgy, do you have a link to that particlar "media" show, you know, the same media as that is glamorizing this. How old was it and did it concluded that there was no health hazard at all, or simply it was being overemphasized?
EDIT: Just happened to find it on.. once again good ol wikipedia.
The Skeptic's Dictionary's author originally sided with Penn and Teller, but switched sides after further investigation into the studies. The author had concluded that the studies were biased, and after having found this, decided that secondhand smoking does have negative effects on people. [6]
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Many will claim that second-hand smoke causes just as much risk of cancer as first-hand smoking. I've had larger doses of carcinogens waiting for the light to turn green. Life sucks - nobody gets out alive. I agree smoking is bad. Next witness.
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Ah yes, the old 'were all gonna die anyway' argument
Listen, I'm not crying from the rooftops that the bloke next door is gonna give me cancer here. I was simply wondering if having a very heavy smoker in close proximity might adversely affect me, that's all. Clearly none of us here can categorically prove it or disprove it either way. It's simply up to me to decide wether or not i feel it concerns me enough to move or take action. I regret starting the thread, but thanks again.
Yup! Everything causes cancer, or is carcinogenic.
Remember the GARGANTUAN fight that went on over artificial sweetners and how they "without a doubt" cause cancer? The guy who did that test for the government works for IGT now. They had to pump rats with the equivelant of nearly 60,000 packets per month, for over a year, to generate those results. I don't care how much freakin diet soda you drink - you couldn't consume 60,000 packets a YEAR if you tried, let a lone per month.
The EPA is full of ass, as are the tobacco companies (or ANY corporation for that matter). The fact is, second hand smoke is ASSUMED to cause cancer and other diseases. There's absolutely no medical proof. Is it good for you then? Hell no. It's loaded with crap. But that doesn't mean you're going to get cancer from it.
The only thing you can do is stay away from it. In your case, Daz, perhaps asking him to keep his windows open when he's chain smoking?
And yes KDR, smoking IS a constitutional right. Your right to breath is the same as their right to smoke. But, I won't assume I know how Germany's consitution works.
Well, according to the Surgeon General one whiff of second-hand smoke increases the risks of heart disease, lung cancer, and other smoking-related illnesses so effectively one whiff of second-hand smoke could KILL YOU!!1 since it "gets the cancer process rolling" (I'm paraphrasing of course). Maybe I should just keep smoking since after 22 years of it I don't have any smoking related illnesses and am healthier than most of my non-smoking peers. Good logic. That Surgeon General's a real smarty.
Ok aside from "Bullshit" here's some good arguments: (Thanks Ostrich)
Actually wait...arguing with you oxynary is like beating the side of my head against a brick wall while squirting salt water in my eyes and simultaneously biting my tongue. Look at the link Ostrich posted and read through it. Or keep on bleating. Who gives a fuck?
BTW, Wikipedia is written by "Joe Schmuckatelli", not necessarily scholars - just like the rest of the Internets.
There's absolutely no medical proof.
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All those research papers linked on wikipedia that are newer than the EPA report being used as the basis as disproof here, and are not corporately sponsored. I mean what more proof do you want? Would locking you in a room with second hand smoke blowing in constantly for two weeks and measuring your vital signs be enough?
I will stop now before once again I go overboard, but geezuz, do you guys understand reason as it applies to the scientific method? Everything that science does is a continual process of refinement. The theory of relativity is a theory. But we sure seem to still be able to use it.
Otherwise to be frank its like the 3 monkeys covering their mouth, eyes, and ears.
Edit: Sledgy, that site does not take into account the newer research AND wikipedia links to research papers. Like I say, what more do you want?
I'm not Daz,
I'm not Daz's lungs,
I'm not Daz's neighbor,
I haven't been to the same state Daz lives in,
I'm not a Dr,
I'm just a guy that felt like everyone in this thread was starting to side tracked and starting to spin Daz out. He needed a good slap across the face, much like KDR but hes a cock monger and no amount of beating will change that. Theres hope for Daz tho...
Daz, I know what you are going thru, I lived in an apt for 5 years where my downstairs neigbors and the neighbors across the hall smoked like crazy. My a close friend from highschool/college had a mother that chain smoked since he was a baby. There is a HUGE differance between being in a home where someone is smoking and being across the hall or next door from someone that is smoking. It drove me nuts because people would ask if I started smoking, I would explain and they would nod knowing what I was going through, I wasn't alone, your situation is not unique.
Talk to your neighbors see if they are as concerned as you are, chances are if even two of you go to the landlord something will happen. Smelling smoke is not the same as breathing 2nd hand smoke. What you are smelling is more like 3rd-4th hand. Yes you should move or bring it up to the land lord but don't jump my shit because you asked a stupid question and got a stupid answer.
Honestly it was as smart as asking "my nose hurts when I pick it, is it the dogs fault?"
If it bothers you do something about it, don't post in fustration hoping your landlord reads the forums.
Roy castle, trumpet player- non smoker who played for years in smokey jazz clubs. died of lung cancer.
I realize I came off like I was talking to a toddler, sorry if I insulted anyone but everyone was starting to get all spun out and Judging by Daz's posts he was starting to worry. I figured I could bring it back to what might really be causing the burning in his lungs, exersise, duh. I even said I'm pretty sure the smoke isn't helping but really its not like he has a roomate or parent that is smoking right in his face.
I'm not Daz,
I'm not Daz's lungs,
I'm not Daz's neighbor,
I haven't been to the same state Daz lives in,
I'm not a Dr,
I'm just a guy that felt like everyone in this thread was starting to side tracked and starting to spin Daz out. He needed a good slap across the face, much like KDR but hes a cock monger and no amount of beating will change that. Theres hope for Daz tho...
Daz, I know what you are going thru, I lived in an apt for 5 years where my downstairs neigbors and the neighbors across the hall smoked like crazy. My a close friend from highschool/college had a mother that chain smoked since he was a baby. There is a HUGE differance between being in a home where someone is smoking and being across the hall or next door from someone that is smoking. It drove me nuts because people would ask if I started smoking, I would explain and they would nod knowing what I was going through, I wasn't alone, your situation is not unique. Talk to your neighbors see if they are as concerned as you are, chances are if even two of you go to the land lord something will happen. Smelling smoke is not the same as breathing 2nd hand smoke. What you are smelling is more like 3rd-4th hand. Yes you should move or bring it up to the land lord but don't jump my shit because you asked a stupid question and got a stupid answer.
Honestly it was as smart as asking "my nose hurts when I pick it, is it the dogs fault?"
If it bothers you do something about it, don't post in fustration hoping your landlord reads the forums.
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jump your shit eh? What a charming expression. I'll have to remember that. I 'jumped your shit' because I don't particularly enjoy being spoken to like an idiot for no apparent reason. So yeah, the post was an error. Before your enlightening little addition back there, you'll note that I already stated that i regretted the thread, fuck you very much.
My grandmother and grandfather on my dads side died of lung cancer, they quit in thier early 50's but it wasn't soon enough. I remember going to see my grandpa after they removed one of his lungs I promised him I would never smoke and I have kept that promise. I ask people around me not to smoke. I live in washington state and fully support the no smoking bans. Somkers have the right to smoke but not around non smokers. I know what the hell cancer does to a person and a family. I also know worrying about cancer can be more damaging than actually breathing 2nd hand smoke. It won't help you to freak out about it and not do anything.
Really people in the US are all freaked out about 2nd hand smoke but do they care about gun control at all? There are bigger issues that kill people faster than cancer lets get our priorities in order and solve them in order.
If you really are bothered by it and think its a serrious impact to your health, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, move, talk to your neighbors, go to the landlord. Landlords don't like having smokers in thier units as its hard to get that smell out and its hard to rerent the place once it is fouled.
Sorry I talked down to ya, relax and lay off the F-Bombs buddy.
Note to self: never again.
edit: whats the saying? the only stupid questions are ones you don't ask?
Yeah thats not a dumb question at all...
The only stupid questions are the ones you have the answers to already but still ask.
Whether or not a question is stupid is entirely subjective.
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Wether you're actually being talked down to is subjective also. I wasn't trying to treat you like a toddler, I was just trying to make my point as clear as possible. I'll aplogize one more time your highness, I'm sorry.
Last time I say it, if it bothers you do something about it.
it just seems like you hit an issue with a lot of emotions attatched to it
edit: whats the saying? the only stupid questions are ones you don't ask?
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Apparently so. Politics? Religion? No, second hand smoking is where its at, wtf.
im not against people smoking , do i find it filthy ? yes . But everyone has their own choices.
Some how religion and politics just don't seem to stack up.
But its cool you just stay there and don't do anything about it. And really you should read over my posts buddy I wasn't the one who freaked out and started dropping F bombs.
But why you're continuing to direct your rage at me over this thing is totally baffling. I never for a minute said I wasn't going to act on this. I was simply asking people what they thought first. That kinda happens a lot on GD ya know? That was *apparently* yes, a HUGE FUCKING HEINOUS monumental error on my part. I truly do honestly regret starting this thread, OK? I'm dumb. I'm clearly a fucktard with a low IQ. I asked a stupid question. OK? OK?
Your lungs are just like any other part of your body. The more you use them the more they break down and build back up.
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Yeah...or NOT! The lungs are not muscle tissue, which rebuild and strengthen with use. They are also not bone tissue, which is rebuilt and absorbed constantly in a process involving osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The damage done to the elasticity of your lungs from exposure to tobacco smoke is irreversible. Thanks for playing.
Daz, go get a physical before doing any serious workout routines. Perhaps it's just age and lack of endurance. And try to find cleaner air. Smokers are disgusting to be around. Try using a computer from someone who smokes. The air pathway and surfaces are all clogged with dirt and sticky yellow goo. Like your lungs.