I've decided to get a concept going and I'm gonna do an Abomination Hero unit.
The Plan is to add some extra detail like stitching and tatoo's and maybe some jewelry like magic rings to set him apart from the other aboms. I want hime to have this sort of spell stitched creature look to him. I'd love to hear some feedback on what you guy think.
What you have there looks pretty sweet though.
give the belly tongue a piercing.
Neo_God: I was gonna post in the Blizz thread but I wanted to have a separate thread.
Thanx for the comments, keep em coming. This is pretty much a learning experience for me as I don't get to do much painting in my spare time.
(and you need more stitches, but I can't imagine you forgetting about something like that, so I figured they'd come later)
Hey, you asked for crits and I don't know shit about painting