Project name:
Brief description:
A mediumsized project taking inspiration from the classic game Archon,1983
More information can be found in our FAQ and Designdocuments
http://archon2160.pbwiki.comTarget aim:
No compensation, we're just a bunch of (talented) hobbyists creating a great game together.
2D/3D formats that will be used is: 3ds, x, png, jpg and bmp.
Talent needed:3D-artist
Must be fluent in working with lowpolygon models and preferable have some knowledge in setting up for simplier animations.
Creative design and estethic mind are more important than technical knowledge (as we are a great team that can help you with that)
The artist will work mostly with ingame playable units.
Team structure:
As the game is mediumsized (estimated release this summer) we keep the team small with lots of communication between us. In the end we will search for more people if needed but we prefer talented and dedicated people before a big team.
I am the project manager and the lead graphics artist and you will probably mostly work with me and Garritt, our lead programmer.
Our main communication wiki (incl FAQ, Showcase and Designdocuments:
We also use a Flyspray-server when needed.
or PM at Gamedev-forum
Additional Info:
Most information about the game can be found in our wikipage (see Websitesection above) Showing some pics: