Ten years ago, I was 14, and just getting into computers. I would definately tell myself to start sketching and drawing. I didn't start till college, and even then it was half hearted. I'd also tell myself to get into modding games, as I had all the tools to do it, but I didn't even know it was possible. I always wonder where I'd be artistically with those extra years of practice behind my belt.
What advice would you give yourself ten years ago?

stop moping or do something about it, get some friggin self confidence, get some books and draw your ass off cause you've all the time in the world in highschool, yes you can really make games for a living if you try, get your friggin driver's liscence, write some COMPLETE stories, stop being indecisive.
some hard decisions in the last ten years but not doing one thing would have led to something else, and visa versa, so maybe it's better this way.
And learn how to amuse yourself with alcohol and loud music, both sucks and makes you feel sick but you aren't going to meet anyone without pretending to enjoy either one.
Wait, ten years ago I was ten years old. I'd send that advice back to maybe 2000, not 1996. As a ten year old I couldn't really use any of that. The only advice I'd send back to 1996 is "There is such a thing as Heavy Metal, look into it".
Don't marry that psycho bitch!
[/ QUOTE ]
10/23/1996 9 24 27 31 34 18
10/26/1996 4 17 19 25 37 19
10/30/1996 10 13 19 37 43 45
The only advice I'd send back to 1996 is "There is such a thing as Heavy Metal, look into it".
[/ QUOTE ]
\m/ Rock on!
If now you asked me what would be my advise some years later, when i started 3d (can't really remember when it was) i'd said start learning anatomy, drawing, and start modeling characters sooner.
Seems that most of you would like to start modding sonner, might that that advise to me and start working on something more serious. I was about to start my own thing a month later, then gave up dunno why lol. Perhaps i'll give it a try now
oh and the most serious advise i'd give myself when i start Cg was to forget about Threedy foruns and move to Polycount and Cgchat ones.
oh and dont get into any relationships deeper than casual dating
and remember, everything you hear and read, there is a chance it's wrong
and draw more I guess
I would tell myself to quit eating so many peanut butter sandwiches because I'm gonna get really fat and suffer fat kid trauma for the rest of my elementry school days and the early part of my junior high days.
I would also tell myself to not go to Bradley Academy in 9 years.
Then listen to poopinmymouth.
On a more serious note as daz said property prices have doubled in the uk within the last 10 years, though i might find it difficult paying a mortgage considering i would only be 11.
I'd tell myself never to smoke. Pay more attention in school. Work my imagination more.
Oh damn you old people always letting us young apart
[/ QUOTE ]
Um yeah.....what he said. Whatever that was.
Oh yeah, and what Jeffro said, and listen to Poop!
I was 13.
I wish I had told myself to start watering the foundation of your house more often so you won't have to pay for foundation repairs ten years from now, dammit!
- Don't worry about the depression, kiddo, it's just a side affect from the diabetes
- and speaking of the diabetes, don't let monitoring it slip, hospital visits aren't fun
- Get ready to enjoy driving, you'll love every minute of it!
- Contrary to what your parents think, spending so much time working on / in front of computers will actually pay off
- DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, start restoring that damn Barracuda, just wait, dad might stop bs'ing and eventually pay to have it restored instead of you having to spend all your time on it
- Hang out with your friends who do metalwork more often, it's a real fun hobby
-Don't waste time. Get going on your artwork. Learn to draw and don't squander your sculpting skills.
-Don't be swayed by people who say that maths is important. Its completely useless and you know it.
-Yes, the girls are pretty but they're not interested in you. Focus on your art.
-When you finish school don't waste thousands of dollars on a university course that gets you nowhere. Particularly don't try and do a double degree that is only half art related.
"It's really important to be objective about your skills"
"Don't bother entertaining the idea that you will be exceptional at anything unless you have a passion for it"
and finally "don't worry about the girls. When you find one you actually like everything will work out better."
keep on drawing, funnily enough my fine art years were my most sparse for drawing (damn you conceptual shit)
tell blonde girl in class(no names, oh alright then laura) to fuck off she just wasnt worth the effort/15 year old emotions.
be more bitter.
The things I would like to tell my 20-year old self aren't worth thinking about, as my 20-year old self wouldn't have listened anyway. I'm currently much more interested in what advice my 40-year old self would have for me today.
I'd tell myself 'Keep at it, it's going to work'
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I wonder if I don't believe that because it hasn't happened for me, or it hasn't happened for me because I don't believe it...
And don't date chunky chicks, they're screwy (at least the ones I dated in high school).
Don't use the time machine!
Love, JOHN!
(and, don't worry so much about living in your mother's attic and playing with 3D programs, it all works out in the end. Also, you and your fellow poseur friend will never be punk superstars, and will never do weary-sounding "Catch the Frog" promos for the WB, and will never get into fights with other bands during the MTV Music Awards in emulation of something the movie version of Sid Vicious might do, so you should pawn the guitar and spend more time with the 3D stuff. Finally, don't kill that dude in the checkered tie; it's way too much trouble.)
But in all honesty I'd just do the same as Asherr. That's all I'd need to know right there.
- Travel back in time 15 years and teach us the metric system.
- Buy an island, not a house, and mine the beaches.
- Follow your gut, you have good instincts trust em. Especially when it comes to if you should get a cat or a dog. If one cat doesn't behave like a dog, getting two others won't either.