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Environment: City Hall

polycounter lvl 17
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Andrewt polycounter lvl 17
so this is it. recently graduated. this is what ive been working on it still needs tweaking i gotta make it more dirty. Other then that crit away. insetcopy6om.jpgfinal1ir.jpg

Also check out my webpage.. www.agt-online.com wait for it to load haha


  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    right now it's looking rather fuzzy to me, especially around the foliage. The reflections look pretty good, as does the water, but over all it looks very blurry to me. The tops of the trees seem to end out of nowhere, like they were chopped off. It also seems to look like it's floating in the sky somewhere, there's no hills or background to be seen. The bump map on the concrete areas looks too large, and it looks like your alpha maps on the foliage are off, and that may be contributing to the blur of them in general. I think working on your trees and bushes, and adding,at the very least, a matte painting or picture in the background would help a lot. The architecture in the courtyard is pretty nifty, though. *edit*Also, would probably be nice to make an HTML version of your website too, with a text version of your resume, and no load times.
  • Andrewt
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    Andrewt polycounter lvl 17
    yeah for some reason those renders turned out blurry. i have some other ones around here that are not like that ill post those too when i get my HD back later. but yes it does look like its floating. if i had more time id fix it but i think im jsut gonna work on more assets right now. THANKS
  • GLandolina
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    GLandolina polycounter lvl 17
    my only crit is it seems too autocad-ish its not very gritty and its all very smooth
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I have to agree with GLandolina, that it looks way too computer generated. The textures are very boring and uniform. The door looks too small for the scene.
    It seems to me that you should have much more work on your site for being a recent graduate. Additionaly, and no offense meant, I would hope that the calibur of your work would be much better than this for being a recent graduate as well. I tend to be much more critical with fellow AI students. Which AI did you graduate from by the way?
  • Andrewt
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    Andrewt polycounter lvl 17
    AI burnaby. thats cool be as critical as u want. im working on another scene cuz i know that this one isnt up to snuff.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    whats off to the right of that scene that we're not seeing? there's a glimpse of cylinder/vent going on in the top render ... also a shadow cast by an unseen fence or railing ... we demand answers!

    agreed with what others have said, this scene is particularly soulless ...especially considering it takes the hiddem stuff to generate some interest.
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