What the fuck? Since this is on Yahoo! and it's from DR I'm guessing it's not a joke. But seriously? Mythic and EA don't seem like a match. But I guess that's why EA bought. Mythic definately fills out an area that EA was lacking in. I really hope it works well for all the PCers there.
I guess this is what EA meant by that press release a while back about getting new content into their production line.... I dunno whether to say "ouch" or "congrats"... but I guess that's up to the individuals working at Mythic and the powers that be over at EA. Regardless, hope this is for the best for you guys at Mythic!
We just found out today, so we'll see what more we learn in the next few weeks. It definitely seems like a good thing in the short term - lots of resources from EA and all. We shall see what the future brings.
actualy i don't know anyone here in the comapny that is upset about this, and definately not suicidal. most peope seem to be in pretty good spirits about the deal, even optimistic. i know i am.
There actually was an EA Virginia for a while, although I'm not sure if that was the official name. It was formerly Kesmai, bought by EA and eventually shut down. Kesmai, like Mythic, were one of the original old school online games innovators.
Even with that history and the fact that several old Kesmai guys work at Mythic now, this deal went through and is being seen as a good thing.
I just hope EA doesnt start letting people go in some corporate restructuring move. Personally speaking this is a double edge sword for Mythic, they'll have access to EA's huge clout with retailers and also the marketing muscle needed to compete with the likes of Blizzard. Of course the other side of the blade could have Mythic fall victim to EA's history for gutting highly talented development houses. I could see some of the key staff members leaving and starting their own studio. Who knows what the future holds, my best wishes to Mythic!
KDR_11k , I think thats the whole point of this anyway... Wow makes lots of cash - EA goes oH! - buys mmorpg developer currently working on a rival title to Wow!
Don't worry. We'll personally make sure that all players with Anime-inspired character names have a -10 to all their stats, and have a 50% less drop rate on all their loot.
They are trying to rival WoW, of course, but we and EA don't want a clone any more than any consumer does. We are still the developers. I wish I could get more into it but I don't know what I'm allowed to say.
Don't worry. We'll personally make sure that all players with Anime-inspired character names have a -10 to all their stats, and have a 50% less drop rate on all their loot.
[/ QUOTE ]
and account deletion for anyone who creates a character named after someone from lotr?
please god do not let this destroy WAR!!! This is the one game I've been drooling over for months and then I read this. The majority of posters on the warhammer alliance forums are scared to death after reading this news. Matabus' post gives me hope though.
... psyche!
Hah, sorry guys.
It's actually quite exciting. We shall see!
I hope things go well for you guys. Maybe it will be exciting?
best of luck ya'll (as they say in VA)
you guys at Mythic!
[/ QUOTE ]
Call it by its proper name flaagan!
(I wonder how long it takes to become 'EA Virginia' ;-p)
Rhino, can you hook me up with your price on some of those sweet madden titles or is there a limit on the number that you can buy?
you guys at Mythic!
[/ QUOTE ]
Call it by its proper name flaagan!
(I wonder how long it takes to become 'EA Virginia' ;-p)
[/ QUOTE ]
shhhhhh, i'm tryin not to hurt their feelings, they're probably already suicidal!
(I wonder how long it takes to become 'EA Virginia' ;-p)
[/ QUOTE ]
Wont happen, they will propably get relocated to Cali or something anyways. To work on the 7000th expansion pack for UO.
you guys at Mythic!
[/ QUOTE ]
Call it by its proper name flaagan!
(I wonder how long it takes to become 'EA Virginia' ;-p)
[/ QUOTE ]
shhhhhh, i'm tryin not to hurt their feelings, they're probably already suicidal!
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't there already an EA - Virginia some years ago? Wonder what happened to that one.
just make sure to have your wives blog about you working long hours and not getting paid. hehe
(thank you Wikipedia)
EDIT: aha.
Even with that history and the fact that several old Kesmai guys work at Mythic now, this deal went through and is being seen as a good thing.
best of luck ya'll (as they say in VA)
[/ QUOTE ]
You are thinking of West VA ... only person around here with a drawl is Rhino and he's from the DIRTY. We are about 10 miles from DC.
Marcus Dublin
Artist / Kaos Studios
sledgy - look no hands! :P
That's kinda the plan...
Thank you captain obvious.
We're talking about EA here. They see WoW sells therefore the game should be as much like WoW as possible.
Don't worry. We'll personally make sure that all players with Anime-inspired character names have a -10 to all their stats, and have a 50% less drop rate on all their loot.
[/ QUOTE ]
and account deletion for anyone who creates a character named after someone from lotr?