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poly > subd convert problem

polycounter lvl 17
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Krisonrik polycounter lvl 17
I use Maya 7.0
Whenever I do poly > subd convert, and then I undo the process, there are always those extra frame marks left on the polygon mesh. They are not real vertex and edges, but they just stays on the polygon surface and I just can't get rid off them. Anyone know how to fix this problem?


  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know why converting a poly to a subd surface and then undoing is something you would want to do often. Why would ever you need to do that? Converting back perhaps, but 'undoing' is something else.

    What you're describing (extra frame marks) sounds vaguely like how maya displays true subdivision surfaces. So it sounds like you've converted and the undo hasn't actually undone for some reason. It's hard to guess. But it's very easy for you to know wether or not that resultant surface is true SubD or polygon. You probably need to define exactly what you mean by 'undo the process'.
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