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LIttle bit of help

polycounter lvl 17
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Rated Rrr polycounter lvl 17
Hey there folks, I'm looking for as many crits on this piece as possible. It is a 700 (max) poly asset and I was told it was too low res. Any suggestions?

Based off this:



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Moving this to the P&P forums, it'll probably get more exposure here.

    What texture resolution were you allowed?
    Also, seeing some wireframe views would help to critique how the model was built.
  • FightingChance
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    FightingChance polycounter lvl 17
    I would think you could actually save polys by making the 'parapets' an alpha map on planes. (unless that's already what you did.)

    The arches could definately use some more resolution.
  • Rated Rrr
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    Rated Rrr polycounter lvl 17
    The t-page is a 1024X1024 and here is the wire frame. Also the player was meant to be able to interact with the object and the poly limit as of right now is 694. I tried keeping the res in the arches but it kept pushing more than 700, couldn't figure out how to get away with it.

    Also wireframe

  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    You can use an alpha plane for the front/back of the arches to give it a smooth silhouette, and keep the low poly, as is, for the inside to make it appear solid underneath.

    The edge that runs across the lower border (above the arches) could be removed, and let the texture fake the depth there to give you a few extra polygons to work with.

    I also suggest you thicken the front entrance and center area with windows behind/above it. Add in a custom window there as well to help nail the concept. The front entrance also comes out farther than the concept (see top view in upper right).
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    you really need to work on your texture m8.. one 1024, thats what? 16 256 maps! Look into how to reuse your texturespace, tiling it over the model. make a window texture and reuse that etc etc. This will probabl require you to do some cutting in the model which = more polys but:

    Whats it for? You get a 1024 texture but can only use 700 polys.. Seems kinda weird to me.

    I think if u need to stay under that limit try and get rid of the archs all togheter. Work with the concept guy and see if you can come up with something else (straighter smile.gif) Its pretty hard to fake rounded surfaces. One alternative would be to have 1 or 2 archs at the "entrance" and use more polys on them and then ditch the others.
  • Rated Rrr
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    Rated Rrr polycounter lvl 17
    Well it was a test for a studio (but I bombed). They gave me the specs (700 polys/1024) and I was left alone to produce this. In retrospec i should of conserved the t-page better but I couldn't do much because of the poly limit, also I put thought into "alphaing" (<-huh) the arches out for better res but when I asked if the player was meant to be able to run through there they said that they would. And I also see other parts of the model that differ too much from the concept (the front, windows).

    But if you have any links to tutorials that could help with my texturing or any more crits, I would be glad to hear 'em. Thanks.
  • yeluis
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    yeluis polycounter lvl 17
    they sure have changed the specs for that test i did it a while ago and mine was 500 polys and one 512 texture for everything

    what was the restriction on your textures? I remember this was the big thing on the test before
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