for your imageshack images, load them as normal, right click and copy the URL it gives you in properies. It won't have the "my.php?image=" part, and it should work. Dunno about your others though.
Wowee this is pure gun porn. Awesome job! How many polies is the model? Can you possibly post the flats? When you make the base metal is it from a texture you have or do you make it from scratch? thx
Damn that looks sweet, I would like to see the flats also if you would post them. Finally a gun that looks like it was taken care of I'm tired of seeing all the completely scraped and scratched guns...very nice work.
I think it looks great, but it's out of contrast with the hands. The textures are way to high-res on the gun. They are far more crisp than the hand textures, and extremely higher res than the walls. It's a balance thing - it just doesn't look right.
Seems to me a bit of overkill for a 1st-person model, but I could see something like this in a weapon-select menu or the like.
For all the polys you have on the silencer, looks like you might be able to afford to flip the UVs there, just for the polys that have the backwards US GOVT. (oops nm looks like you're skinning someone else's model)
This is absolutely immaculate work. Really beautiful. You clearly enjoyed doing it. However, the fact that it is immaculately painted and UV'd, means it's going to look stylistically very jarring in HL2, cos the last thing HL2 is, is immaculately painted and UV'd.
Also, I do question the use of such obvious pre-painted white specular hi-lights in an engine in this day and age. Those hi-lights are going to look very painted on in motion, as opposed to relying more on a shader for specular. Great work though.
But the gun itself is still sexy
Whats it for?
And maybe next time we see a normalmapped weapon from you?
Here are the flats...
@Vassago: You're right about the contrast. I scaled the textures down to 512s. Still looks good imo
Seems to me a bit of overkill for a 1st-person model, but I could see something like this in a weapon-select menu or the like.
For all the polys you have on the silencer, looks like you might be able to afford to flip the UVs there, just for the polys that have the backwards US GOVT. (oops nm looks like you're skinning someone else's model)
would be nice if you could maybe make a little vid tut on how u skin one of these parts :O
Also, I do question the use of such obvious pre-painted white specular hi-lights in an engine in this day and age. Those hi-lights are going to look very painted on in motion, as opposed to relying more on a shader for specular. Great work though.