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Rooster's concept gun being modeled [WIP]

polycounter lvl 17
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serates polycounter lvl 17
Hey This is my second model i am working on to completion. I am taking rooster's concept:


and i am creating a practice model just for fun. Here is a screenshot of how far I've gotten so far:


I hope you don't mind Rooster but i can't draw for crap lol.

Constructive Criticism is welcomed. Remember this is only my second model so go easy on me lol. BTW it is normal mapped so it isn't really uber detailed lol

Here is just the mesh with no texture and no normal map:


and a wireframe:


And it is 1,912 polygons. I know tis alot for what is seen. Plan to optimize later on lol.


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    er, I'd prefer if you asked actually, that design is for a game I'm making

    edit: I know you're only doing it because you like the design, and if the concept wasn't actually for a project then I really wouldn't mind, but it is.
  • serates
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    serates polycounter lvl 17
    k, sorry if you wish i will stop production and delete all related art from my computer. I was not aware and i'm terribly sorry bout this.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    edit: I've changed my mind, go ahead and make it if you like. I'm not selling the game, so as long as you credit the concept if you put the model on your site or whatever, then go ahead smile.gif. Just feeling over-protective of my pet project. As a rule in general though to avoid stepping on any toes, its always a good idea to ask when using another persons concept smile.gif

    This concepts also for a project but I'm not going to be doing anything with it for a while, you're free to model either if you feel like it too
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Ooh, I dig that chunky red one, Rooster.

    Serates, thats a rather.. unique mesh flow you've got going there. Is this done with a meshsmooth modifyer? I can't imagine how else you could have wound up with structure like it. Instead of using meshsmooth, I'd suggest just looking at the forms of the different parts on the concept and then only add edges where there is a definite curve or other variation in shape. The top of the stock for instance, is straight right up to the end point so shouldn't require any tesselations. The curved underside might require 5-6 to get that nice form down but definietly won't need as many tesselations as you've given it.

    Take a look around at the way other people do their models to get a handle of how to makea nice efficient model. Its the best way to learn.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    For every edge on a model, you need to ask yourself: "what is this edge contributing to the shape of the model?". If the answer is "nothing" or "not much"; you should remove it.
  • serates
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    serates polycounter lvl 17
    Yes I did use meshsmooth. I am not that good of a modeler at all. I mainly program for my studio. I just decided to take a crack at 3d modeling again just for fun. ^^
  • Squirmy
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    Squirmy polycounter lvl 17
    sinistergfx has made a good point. I would start by turning the meshsmooth off. Then Maybe get all the shapes blocked in. Scope, handle/grip, and the clip.
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