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Hello guys, just curious about Lightwave

Krug Media
polycounter lvl 17
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Krug Media polycounter lvl 17
Its been a while since I've done any player modelling, and its something I've been wanting to get back into. I used to use Milkshape 3D, and while I feel it was sufficient, I would rather be using more high-end software.

a WIP shot of Batman (Jim Lee, HUSH)....
here is another WIP of Batman with hands and legs, but no feet

not too bad, eh? A shame I don't have the files for it anymore. I am curious though, if you guys think it would deform funny, because I've never animated, and I don't really know what to expect. And generally, most of the models I've done before have had a similar structure. So a quick crit on that would be appreciated, or any crit on the model at all really. Sorry there isn't a wireframe.

anyway, getting back on track. how many people here use Lightwave, and what are some of its pros and cons, and if you've used, or still use 3d studios max, which do you prefer? I've been wanting to try out 3dsMax, but haven't been able to get a copy, got a buddy who has it, but he's overseas. Have another buddy who's gonna give me his copy of Lightwave, so I'm going to give it a try. Just wanting to hear some other opinions.



  • frostymoose
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    frostymoose polycounter lvl 17
    Well if it's just being given to you, then theres no point in thinking about any other software for now. Some people are perfectly fine with lightwave but I believe, and I'm sure most people here will agree, that there are better programs out there. Lightwave will probably suit your immediate needs just fine.
  • Krug Media
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    Krug Media polycounter lvl 17
    that doesn't really answer my question at all.

    i'll be using Lightwave, because if its whats available i'm going to use it. anything is better than milkshape. but i'm still curious to know what advantages 3ds Max has over it, or maybe a 3rd option. if they sound worthwhile, i would spring for something other than lightwave.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    almost every modeling software on the planet has advantages over milkshape smile.gif

    You could also try Wings3D or Blender, they're both Free Software (though wings solely focuses on modeling and uvmapping, blender can do anims and the rest of the things wings can and can't do)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm a hardcore max user, been using it for almost about 5 years now. At work though, we're using Lightwave. The main reason we're using it is it's measurement accuracy. We're building interfaces with it, so the position of elements needs to be dead-on. Max aren't accurate enough. Aside from that, I find that LW's only benefit is the speed of it's nurbs system. But that's been demoted now, by Modo smile.gif

    Both Max & Maya (and those freebie apps) have better tools than Lightwave (imo). But it's all about personal preference.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago cant you build in max and export to lightwave for the final assembly/tweak?

    Krug, its not that well proportioned, and you needed more edge loops around the joints to keep from folding with animations. Something either of those packages will provide.
  • Krug Media
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    Krug Media polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Krug, its not that well proportioned, and you needed more edge loops around the joints to keep from folding with animations. Something either of those packages will provide.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no, its JIM LEE proportioned tongue.gif


    but yeah, i spent way too many hours just tweaking the proportions going from natural, to comic book, to ape man, to....well you saw the final result. I've never had a more difficult time trying to match the source material.


    but what exactly do you mean by edge loops? I always kinda figured the joints, especially the shoulders and hips would deform funny on my models.

    thanks for the crits
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Oxynary - absolutely, yes. We have artists here at IGT that do just that. Some use 3dsmax, then import them into Lightwave for finalization.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    I cut my Real 3d teeth on lightwave. (first started on Infini-D way back on an apple 2e.)
    Lightwave has come a long way. It has some very strong points, I still consider it one of the "big 3" of 3d.
    Lightwave excels at face extrusion modeling, accurate detail modeling, such as cad visualizations etc, its sub-D system is quite good as well. Also I think its the best program out there for UV unwrapping. Maya has some great tools there too, but LW's ability to quickly hide and unhide individual polygons in a larger object, and no need to switch to "UV mode" to work on your uv layout make it take the cake.
    Another technique I love in lightwave that I miss in maya, and I think max.. havent gotten that far yet, is the spline patch technique. Lay out a set of splines to use as a guide for polygon quad patches. Its a tricky technique to use well, but can be very quick for organic modeling. The maya equivelant would be nurbs lofting or one of the other nurbs construction techniques, however I find the maya toolset to be quite clunky when it comes to nurbs.
    Also lightwave's vertex weighting system is marvelous as well. Being able to just band select points and set weights on all of them with a few clicks, OR paint weight blends is just fantastic.

    Ease of UV layout
    Accuracy of construction
    extrusion modeling
    Sub-D system
    Vertex weighting
    Utterly horrid animation expression system
    difficult to predict skeletal setup
    Poor IK solvers
    Lack of good Edge modeling tools
    availability of exporters for games

    What I often found myself doing is modeling and unwrapping in lightwave, then exporting to obj and animating in maya, as Maya really is a stronger program for animation.

    Edgeloops: Look at the flow of the edges of the polygons, especially around your joints. They should flow in coherent loops along the lines of deformation and musculature. Id give a paintover, but your image links are down atm.
  • Krug Media
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    Krug Media polycounter lvl 17
    pics are back up.

    i think i get what you guys are talking about with the edge loops now, but if you still want to do a paint over, go ahead.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Ancient edge-loop resource, but still applicable...
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