Hi guys, good to see so many familiar faces still here
Havn't had time for much other than work and family in a couple of years and finally got to do something for my self, if i am lucky it may get finished in another couple of years
. when those ss ledahosen find there way to it
Also good to see there is still so much wenie worries going on
The ridges on the lower lip dont look too hot either at this point. Smaller, more variation in placement, angle & length.
thanks Ninjas got some way to some of them.
It would be really helpfull to know if the second one is better?
Or just too photochopped?
still it's a sweet model! I hope you don't mind, but I HAD to do this:
What would really be awesome (I know it's alot of work) would be to get a wider, full shot with him sort of pondering his hands or like when he first sees himself in the mirror and realizes what he is... that's the sort of expression I'm seein on his face. just an idea
ps. last time we fragged must have been four years ago? I'm coming up to the end of my degree,maybe we should have some polyfragging reunion?