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3d Modeler needed for mmorpg

polycounter lvl 17
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Xero00 polycounter lvl 17
First off thank you for reading my post and not just scrolling down after you saw the fact that I wanted to do an mmorpg.

Let me explain a little about what I am trying and wanting to do. I have been a coder for a very long time, I have a good ammount of experience in all langauges and used to do client server stuff for a living. I feel that I have a very solid game design and could make something great if all I had was a single artist willing to work with me for a few months in getting a demo ready. I know I could get my game funded very very easly if I could just find someone to help me put it together. I have a little bit of concept art, alot of story and alot of design.

In short I am looking for someone who would be willing to help me flesh out a demo in an atempt to get it funded.

I promise I have the resources, the time, and the detication to go into this demo with out any problems.

So if your intrested in at least hearing my game idea, send me a pm or reply here and I will pm you the larger details.


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