figuered we could use a formal skinage thread in here rather than ripping bobo's challange thread. leave it to him!
i made a quicky behind the bushes
i accidetaly painted directly over the wireframe layer, so it looks like this.
the structure flow is great very good model i have to say
*must*resist*texturing also*
Open the original wireframe file that's just black and white. Select only the wireframe using the magic wand tool or what have you. Drag that selection into your texture file so you have only the wireframe pixels selected. Delete this. Now duplicate the layer, hide the top copy. On the bottom one (that has the wireframe deleted, go to filters > other > minimum and set that to 1 and confirm. Now slightly blur that layer. Now you can unhide the top layer and collapse. Might have some slight artifacting, but should work pretty well to get rid of the initial wireframe quickly.
It looks like Shotgun made a thread in Pimping and Previews. Y'all might want to repost these there so that they can really be spotlighted! I'll post my final there too.
- BoBo
[/ QUOTE ]
Reposting as suggested by Bobo. Still working on it.
animator that's looking ace!!
reminds me of the texture artist from Alice.. good stuff!
maybe try pushing your blues( armpit,legs) and yellows (belly, hands?)
also, all these textures are looking wonderful, and I might have to take a CRACK at it
still cant believe there's no penis...
Nice work guys, keep it up, it's a fun little model to make quick textures for!
no penis?! This is an outrage!
also, all these textures are looking wonderful, and I might have to take a CRACK at it
still cant believe there's no penis...
[/ QUOTE ]
um who said this was a male demon...if you look close there is some geometry hanging from the back
WoW! These look great! That kicks too much ass Per!
Oh and here is the SDK if anyone wants a go:
- BoBo
Here's my progress...thats right fellas, he's all gums
heh, skinning this demon should have been the next challenge ;p
Not sure what to do with the horns...
Some very fancy texturing in this thread, keep it up.. btw No penis? Man that's.. so unlike PC... maybe put like a WS (worksafe) tag in the title?
- BoBo
I've decided he looks a lot like a muppet.
Slainean, is that a shadow of the colossus skin?
256x256 texture.
This was made right after my mouth was frozen at the dentist to keep me distracted
Something a little different. I'm trying all sorts of new crap with him.
He's made with just the 1 pixel brush, and i'm trying out greyscale style.(though true color is slower I like it more)
I may color him like a lving creature and learn to rig and animate on him(thanks for the great model bobo) or learn to use spec maps ,make him a statue and give him a base.
Thanks Bobo!
cmb i love that look you are getting,, verry sureal.
when i texture things like this i try to think of a way to get a verry unique layout, even using the mesh in ways that was not intended. its a lot of fun..
i'm also trying out a lot of new stuff in my texture painting,, working with broader strokes, roughing in more then honing. so far it seems to be workng much better for me.
his names Crusher Gordo.
Man, I love how creative you guys are getting with these! I might have to do another one, just to see what i can come up with =D
Three cheers for the Champ!
- BoBo
Guess what im gonna do with the little bump beneath his tail
My little Oni..
Time to do the clothing.
still very WIP
Good practice. Finished your demon before mine.
I can't stop starting.
(BTW Joe, love that avatar image