Yeah, I trim it up and all that, not interested in growing a shrubbery, but shaving? Little itchy, prickly hairs scratching away down there every few days? No sir. It's a good week if I shave my chin twice...
I'm worried what it says about me that I've already replied to this thread three times. Closet metrosexual tendencies?
"not interested in growing a shrubbery" why not? Its so much fun and you never know when you might be asked for a shrubbery. Those knight who say...well you know they love them selves the shrubbs.
Men who shave ANY hair are whipped! All real men should have flowing beards that blend in with their rug-like chest hair in a continuous river of man-curls from which their junk can poke out like a dragon from his enshrouded lair at times of need.
(Vermilion, vaguely off-topic do you expect women to shave their pubic region if you're going down on them, or do you mind the occasional pubic hair in your teeth? )
I consider my Manscaping (gayest term ever, but applicable here, so Im using it desite my loathing) to be more hygene related and less appearance related. I just feel that body hair is well...kinda gross. Dirty. etc.
I shave+trim my various hairy nether-regions even when I dont have a lady friend because it makes me feel clean.
All real men should have flowing beards that blend in with their rug-like chest hair in a continuous river of man-curls from which their junk can poke out like a dragon from his enshrouded lair at times of need.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh! sorry... *wipes off the drool*
Imo shrubbery is lovely, so is trimming, but shaving & the pricklies that come with it kinda suck... for men anyways
All real men should have flowing beards that blend in with their rug-like chest hair in a continuous river of man-curls from which their junk can poke out like a dragon from his enshrouded lair at times of need.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ian that's priceless. Should be a sig, or at least on the back of a ZZ Top album somewhere.
I've never understood what could make a man want to shave his junk.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like I said, it's for the whipped. I don't date girls who are attracted to prepubescent boys.
Though all of that is for trimming. Shaving is not so good.
I'm worried what it says about me that I've already replied to this thread three times. Closet metrosexual tendencies?
(Vermilion, vaguely off-topic do you expect women to shave their pubic region if you're going down on them, or do you mind the occasional pubic hair in your teeth?
whatever makes it easier for her to do the job.
i totally take vermillion's stand here - you give what you get and you get what you give..
I shave+trim my various hairy nether-regions even when I dont have a lady friend because it makes me feel clean.
"taking your time huh?" he says as the mosaic fades from sitting in that deck chair, and the menu appears.
I don't care if it's for shaving or not, the actual website is hugely impressive.
The best advert for me is this !
[/ QUOTE ]
NO. That commercial is just... NO! Sorry, that DOES NOT make me want to buy your product.
"Wear your *bleep* and *bleep* as a gladiator mask... while unveiling christmas lights *bleeeeeeeeeeeep*"
All real men should have flowing beards that blend in with their rug-like chest hair in a continuous river of man-curls from which their junk can poke out like a dragon from his enshrouded lair at times of need.
[/ QUOTE ]
Imo shrubbery is lovely, so is trimming, but shaving & the pricklies that come with it kinda suck... for men anyways
All real men should have flowing beards that blend in with their rug-like chest hair in a continuous river of man-curls from which their junk can poke out like a dragon from his enshrouded lair at times of need.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ian that's priceless. Should be a sig, or at least on the back of a ZZ Top album somewhere.
And that site really is well done.
but yeah, this is advertising genius...
The best advert for me is this !
[/ QUOTE ]
NO. That commercial is just... NO! Sorry, that DOES NOT make me want to buy your product.
[/ QUOTE ]
What product? It's an ad for an ad agency and they say "We'll do everything to get the sound right".