so.. apparently me and asherr cant connect to
[ QUOTE ] *** Looking up your hostname...
- *** Checking ident
- *** Couldn't look up your hostname
- *** No identd (auth) response
- *** Banned: Your computer might be infected with a trojan. Please contact to get this removed
Closing Link: (Banned)
[/ QUOTE ]
we've run AVG, TrendMicro's House Call, Ad Aware, SpyBot Search and Destroy. nada. adware deleted. no virii, no trojans etc. sent an email to Freenode staff. no to wait..
i cant live without scrolling text of randomness!!

is it just us or anyone else having problems?
[17:35] * snemmy (n=mtravisk@ has joined #model_design
[17:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o snemmy
[17:35] * snemmy (n=mtravisk@ Quit (K-lined)
[17:35] * Asherr (n=a@ Quit (K-lined)
see this? this is me screaming!
**** **** ********* *********** ************ *********** **** *** ****!!!
/me runs more scans and gets on his Mac in the meanwhile
/me still waiting for freenode staff to reply
*no reply from freenode staff
*msn messenger refuses to send a confirmation email to my yahoo address
*firefox has crashed on me 20 times in the last day when it NEVER crashed before
Also if you have more than person connecting from the same IP, I think you have to register that IP and give them how many people will be connecting. Otherwise they don't know that you're not a bot army or something.