Yeah so its been a while since i've actually posted a thread here.... I feel dirty, and you know... Not dirty like i usually feel either, like the bad kind of dirty. When you dont shower for 2 weeks.....
Will finish hair tomorrow, add eyelashes too probably.... Need sleep now
I will make love passionately many many times to j.i. styles for his fantastic skin shader.
I think.
Its in the sketch thread...
and whats this about showering more than once every two weeks?
What resolution is the texture? It seems a tad blurry given the geometric detail.
(she needs a thought bubble)
(more little pores in the skin would be nice)
Hot damn... In a totally pletonic and macho way of course
looking good Mr. EQ
The upper lip profile seems a bit straight instead of curving and looking soft. Nice work though.
Hair looks like a good start but the ends shouldn't just fade off like that, again it looks pretty fake.
Shaping up nicely though.
would love to see you work up the hair a bit more, at least to be somewhere in the amaazing neighborhood of the face of the skin. i think you've really done a good job here--she clearly has the same alien heritage of miss devon, but i think i'd be attracted to this girl more. for whatever a vaguely creepy statement like that is worth.
well keep cranking on it. not only is this portfolio material, it's portfolio centerpiece material. keep crackin'!
I dig. Good to see something non generic.
And im not saying my model is exactly like this by any means, it was never the intention to make it 100% like her(shes too creepy).
Check out the portion about the tear line. I think it may help set the eyes into the head with less of a sharp transition, as that is my only issue right now. It could be the lashes though. Dunno if this can be incorperated into a real-time model very well.
Can I check out the nasal topology in quad, or closer without texture? It's impressive. Don't feel obligated, i'm just studying.
Edit: Make the eyes shinier!
But... I think her eyelashes are sticking up way too much. They should protrude more horizontally from her face and not so vertical.
-DK =^..^=
hmmm i think this works ok for the eyes...
i'm sure pedro here had something in mind, give him a chance.