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Indie Online 3D ORPG seeks Artists/Modelers

Alex S.
polycounter lvl 17
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Alex S. polycounter lvl 17

Project Name:
Blades of Fury Online

Blades of Fury is an Indie project; all jobs taken are voluntary and will receive no payment. The main purpose of this game is not to beat commercial games or become famous, instead, its for us developers to gain more experience.

DirectX 9 (Fallback to DirectX 8 if not supported.)

Current Team:
Alex S. - Core/Networking/Editor Programmer, World Design, Modeler, Web Master, various other tasks...
Nelson C. - World Design, Writer
Simon F. - Music Composer
Luke T. - Sound Effects Composer
Ian F. - World Design, Concept Modeler.

Searching for:
<u>Object Modelers/Enviromental Artists</u> - Structures and other static objects.
- MY3D Format Prefered
- Prefered Software: 3DS Max
<u>Character Artists/Modelers</u> - Animated characters, low-poly.
- MS3D Format Prefered, MD2 also Supported


<font color="red">Note: Screenshots are randomly replaced.</font>
(I broke it?)
More Screenshots...

Contacting Us:
E-Mail: application@shadowedworks.com
MSN: shadowedworks@hotmail.com
Forums: http://www.bofonline.org/community/

Thank You
Alex S.
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