I'm saying Dreamcast is a stupid name and didn't help it's sales. Obviously the existance of other competing game consoles, Yu Suzuki, and Sony's lies were also a big part of the Dreamcasts death.
While Sony and Microsoft continue to pander to the gamers, Nintendo is going after what we (the "true gamers") call a nitch market, the rest of the world. Motion sensing is more for the wife or girlfriend that can't seem to keep from waving the controller around while playing racing games, thinking it will some how help steer better. The potential for some really great new and inovative control style could emerge but I haven't been able to think of any in the 1yr+ that I have known about it. If others can't come up with something, and quick then it might fall flat. They could revolutionize the way games are played from now on with some must have features. Or it could be one last grasp gimick that fails before packing it in like Sega did.
Either way I will do what I did with the 360 and what I will do with the PS3, wait for enough good games.
Can you personally tell me what is so amazingly exciting and groundbreaking about the controller, Adam? WHY it will appeal to a mainly 18-36yr old market? Sure, shout innovative all you want, but older people aren't going to want to flap their arms around to play a game!
The only thing that appeals to me about Wii is that it can play a huge back catalog of amazing, classic games. I'm not looking forward to anything 'new' the system has to offer.
Sure, shout innovative all you want, but older people aren't going to want to flap their arms around to play a game!
Not all games even include movements that could be inputted via wild flailing. It'd help a lot with designing e.g. puzzles, instead of taking an item from your inventory, clicking on the object you wish to use it with and seeing your character do the right thing (even though you may have intended something completely different) you'd choose the item and now your character holds it in his hand. YOU do whatever you were planning to do with it. This allows puzzles to grow in variety. Remember how adventure games used to have huge lists of verbs? Those were cumbersome so they were slimmed down, first to the "look, use, take" and finally to "just click on it". When you're just clicking things there's not a lot of possible variety beyond. Now we no longer need verbs, every action can be expressed by moving the controller in the right way. You can avoid verb lists while still giving the player a large number of possible actions for each object.
Oh calm down Adam. Vig has a good point.
Can you personally tell me what is so amazingly exciting and groundbreaking about the controller, Adam? WHY it will appeal to a mainly 18-36yr old market? Sure, shout innovative all you want, but older people aren't going to want to flap their arms around to play a game!
The only thing that appeals to me about Wii is that it can play a huge back catalog of amazing, classic games. I'm not looking forward to anything 'new' the system has to offer.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was commenting on Vig saying niche as "nitch". It's pronounced "neesh". Big pet peeve of mine, anyway.
Sure, its gyroscopic and will recognize your movements, in all directions and motions. This opens a whole new field of ways to play games and I personally can't wait to get my hands on Wii. It's appeal is in my last sentence, new ways of playing games we're already use to. I don't mean going back to play Quake with this controller, but creating FPS's around this type of controller is new and exciting. And I'm an "older person" and am excited about this system and it's way of controlling it... so theres the proof, suckah.
As for the back catalogue... that's damn impressive and is the main reason I'm getting the sytem.
I was commenting on Vig saying niche as "nitch". It's pronounced "neesh". Big pet peeve of mine, anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right about the spelling, but according to Merriam Webster, both pronunciations are correct. The "nitch" pronunciation may have originally been a mispronunciation that was so common it became an accepted pronunciation, I don't know.
As for the back catalogue... that's damn impressive and is the main reason I'm getting the sytem.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. I never really enjoyed emulators on the PC, but playing NES and SNES games (and even N64 and Gamecube games) on a console, with an NES type controller (or Gamecube type controller for the N64 and Gamecube games), has gotten me excited. I think that alone is almost reason enough to buy the console.
Same here. I never really enjoyed emulators on the PC, but playing NES and SNES games (and even N64 and Gamecube games) on a console, with an NES type controller (or Gamecube type controller for the N64 and Gamecube games), has gotten me excited. I think that alone is almost reason enough to buy the console.
[/ QUOTE ]
Plus the pricetag. Why would you NOT get the console if you were a serious gamer?
was watching Mr.Show last night, there is a sketch called show me your wenis, and thought that if you referred to it as the wii nintendo entertainment system, you could call it wii-nes(wenis) for short. so i am just calling it the wenis from here on out.
For those who may not realize it, mice have existed for some time now, that use a gyro control. Games could have existed a long time ago with this sort of usage. I don't know anyone that actually owns one of these mice though. I'm sure being part of a gameconsole will help it though.
I do agree that Wii is a dumbass name. I hope their marketing department chooses to change the name for the American market; as auto manufacturers have done in the past(and was already pointed out). But if you're truly a fan of Nintendo and what this system offers, the name shouldn't matter. Personally, I wasn't interested before, and I'm still not... but then again, I only buy consoles for my kids now. All my games are on the PC
BTW EBit, are you the Ebit I know and love from other forums?
Yeah the mice only do 2 axis, however This one comes with gesture recognition software, so its not like revolution style controls could not have been included in a pc title by now. Its just non standard equipment.
Also the name change bothers me, and puts the new system further down the "To get at some point" list. Its not because it sounds stupid, its because of what it says to me about the thought patern of the company. It comes off as totally alien and backward. Revolution was a great name for the console, as it manages to sum up the design, and the hardware and software innovations of console. Its Revolutionary from anything else on the market, and anything nintendo has produced to date. It was a fine title. Then they change something so succinct to something completely obscure. Something that REQUIRES explanation as to what it's about, and is a PUN no less. A marketing gag based on some obscure philosophical drivel about togetherness in games. Basically it makes me wonder what else they are going to screw with for the sake of screwing with it. How many other perfectly usefull things are they going to pervert and replace by launch time, just so it can be more Wii-centric. Its like the idea of getting 4 game boy advances and a game cube to play that one final fantasy game. Innovative, but expensive and somewhat prohibitive. I'm not completely turned off to the system, but I certainly am far more wary that I already was.
imagine a starwars game with lightsabers kotor like, but you can control the blasters etc and lightsabers by swinging the controler...simply amazing...
ive heard you can control it pretty easily with just flicks of the wrist... so maybe there's a way to set sensitivity for the more lazy people like me.
But how long can you flail your arms about, until you just can't play anymore? :P
[/ QUOTE ]
You're continuously under the assumption that all games will require lots of arm strength and movement. Which isn't a bad thing. If you can't move your arms freely for a certain amount of time...perhaps you've played games for too long. A nice arm workout would do you well. Oh, it could be set for short, quick movements. Stop judging it from the hardcore standpoint. They're not marketing to you.
Remember the power pad, and the olympic/fitness NES games? My friends and I would run ourselves dizzy. I wish they would bring that back. And maybe with the sensors, they can bring the zapper back so it works with any TV.
Screws this Sh^%T just give me a nextgen Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
no, that is what is wrong with nintendo's first party games. they sometimes have innovative ideas like warioware and stuff, but then they have mario 58 and donkey kong 30 and zelda where she isn't a princess anymore, she's a wrinkly old hag with saggy breasts.
no, that is what is wrong with nintendo's first party games. they sometimes have innovative ideas like warioware and stuff, but then they have mario 58 and donkey kong 30 and zelda where she isn't a princess anymore, she's a wrinkly old hag with saggy breasts.
[/ QUOTE ]The whole industry is like that though. Whats the difference between using Mario in a bunch of games or releasing a whole bunch of first person shooters with slightly different graphics. Nil, I'd say.
Anyway, heres an interesting interpretation, albeit probably laced with some desperation:
Looking at the wringing of hands by Nintendo fans everywhere, the massive laughing spree by Sony and Xbox fans at Nintendo's woeful renaming of its forthcoming Revolution console to Wii (Weeee!), people are starting to spring up a theory that Nintendo are intentionally taking the Wee(excuse the pun) and that's it's not actually the final name at all. Here's a quote as to why this may be.
"Because we dont believe that Wii is the real name. We think Nintendo is setting you all up to be Punkd at E3, generating a massive amount of positive buzz when the scam and the real new name are announced.
Crazy? Here is the first clue, By letting the gaming community vent now about the name, they will be less distracted as launch titles for the system are announced and initial reports about what its like to play the games begin to come in. Allowing your audience time to vent is not SOP in a name announcment, and also telegraphs that Nintendo knows what a stinker this name would be. Second, its not possible to engineer a worse name for this product.
Third, and this is a big one, there are no trademarks registered by Nintendo nor by any dummy corp in the U.S or over there for Wii. This is unprecedented for Nintendo and it is not possible that this is an oversight. If Wii were the name, they would have registered it. In fact, no new trademarks have been registered by Nintendo at all. This leads us to conclude that Nintendo has in fact registered the real name under a dummy corp, which is SOP when trying to keep a name a secret prior to launch.
Given that their video game audience is the same demographic as Punkd, this whole campaign is perversely elegant. Except of course for failing to make the illusion complete by registering a TM for Wii.
Keep in mind, this whole PR campaign cost zero dollars. And yet, some naming experts just dont seem to get it."
[/ QUOTE ]The fact that that there was that whole Nintendo On business a year or two back (Remember? http://youtube.com/watch?v=kJRhQ1WOb4g&search=Nintendo%20On ) shows that the industry as a whole isn't exactly difficult to bamboozle, so who knows. Perhaps its all a big practical joke... or a front for genetically engineering winged pigs.
I think the innovation claims of the Wii become more believable if you keep in mind that Electronic freaking Arts is making a specialized version of Madden for the Wii instead of merely using lower quality assets.
IGN Wii: Perfect. Could you just for clarification purposes give us an idea of how a typical play might work using the controllers?
John Schappert: So, you take the controller, jerk it up to snap. Quarterback now has the ball. Your passing icons are now up. Take the wand controller and you'll see that the four directions on its D-Pad represent four of your receivers; the A button is your fifth receiver. Point to one of those receivers that you want to receive the ball and with your hand gesture a throwing motion to pass. Now, the harder you throw, the more that's going to be a bullet pass. The softer and the more you lob a throw, the more that it's going to be a lob. When you receive the ball, you run with the analog stick on the nunchuck and if you want to juke, you use the nunchuck to gesture it. And if you want to stiff-arm, you use the wand.
I haven't played Guitar Hero myself but judging by its popularity I would say that new controller ideas in this industry could be a good thing. Who says people don't want to physically participate in games?
I swear, they're going to torture me until it's released. I don't care what the name is, as long as it's not Gamecube2, I just want to play!
Did anyone read the article about how Nintendo is the only company that has released it's SALES figures for the Gamecube. The other two companies only released SHIPPED figures (for marketing reasons). So Nintendo SALES something like 19.5 million, and Microsoft SHIPS 20 million (including those returned, replaced, and left on the shelves). Add to that the growing popularity of the DS. How can anyone state that Nintendo is not finding any success?
I think most people are under the impression that nintendo is going through rough times because they only look at the north american console market, while nintendo has a strong foothold in asia ..
they also fail to recognize that nintendo has a strong hold on the handheld market as well ..
wii might not be as huge of a hit as the n64 was a few years ago .. but it's a very fresh and original concept that can only be expected from nintendo
I think most people are under the impression that nintendo is going through rough times because they only look at the north american console market, while nintendo has a strong foothold in asia ..
they also fail to recognize that nintendo has a strong hold on the handheld market as well ..
wii might not be as huge of a hit as the n64 was a few years ago .. but it's a very fresh and original concept that can only be expected from nintendo
go wii !
[/ QUOTE ]
It's the handhelds that matter. THe GC only sold I think 21 million world wide or so, as compared to around 25 million xbox and over 100 million PS2.
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
Sony and Microsoft don't release the number of systems sold, only the number of systems shipped to retailers.
I wonder how well Sony will keep its lead with an expensive PS3.
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
Sony and Microsoft don't release the number of systems sold, only the number of systems shipped to retailers.
I wonder how well Sony will keep its lead with an expensive PS3.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they mean the same thing don't they? There is no way for a manufacturer to really tell how many of their product has been sold by the retailers, only how many they have sold to the retailers.
And there was recently a news release that said 101 million PS2's sold I thought? Hmm... I have such a horrid memory. And I got my numbers from a teacher (History of gaming class), so there is no saying whether they are right anyways.
Indeed, there's also that whole sales tracking business. If the DS and PSP numbers were measured in the same way they wouldn't be this close, the two are neck and neck in Europe and America while the DS is completely trashing the PSP in Japan with a lead of more than 3 million units.
well you can already emulate all of the titles on your PC but be prepared to buy back cat sega and nintendo titles through an itunes like system that will charge you a quid a go. Also you don't get to keep the game.
I have a SNES and Famicom hooked up to my TV, I don't think the back cat will attact me, considering anything else I want to play I can do with my USB smart joy.
It's the new games that would make me buy.
I went for a few beers with my mate who named Wii, he said that even though it does mean piss in the UK, Nintendo have made a ballsy choice and once the internet humour has died out it will go on to be a recognisable brand. I'm not inclined to agree, considering how utterly badly the gamecube did in the UK. And that didn't have a bonkers name to put it down. (although nintendo europe are complete idiots, and releasing the hugely popular japanese broadband adaptor would have helped)
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
[/ QUOTE ]
even so, nintendo is the only one to make an actual profit on hardware
I'm saying Dreamcast is a stupid name and didn't help it's sales. Obviously the existance of other competing game consoles, Yu Suzuki, and Sony's lies were also a big part of the Dreamcasts death.
As was Genesis!
Playstation? Xbox? Playstation Portable? Those are awefull. But they have GOOD GAMES! That's what matters.
Either way I will do what I did with the 360 and what I will do with the PS3, wait for enough good games.
all the girls called it 'cute' and 'kawaii', and they all seem to really want it now.
[/ QUOTE ]
mission accomplished
Can you personally tell me what is so amazingly exciting and groundbreaking about the controller, Adam? WHY it will appeal to a mainly 18-36yr old market? Sure, shout innovative all you want, but older people aren't going to want to flap their arms around to play a game!
The only thing that appeals to me about Wii is that it can play a huge back catalog of amazing, classic games. I'm not looking forward to anything 'new' the system has to offer.
Not all games even include movements that could be inputted via wild flailing. It'd help a lot with designing e.g. puzzles, instead of taking an item from your inventory, clicking on the object you wish to use it with and seeing your character do the right thing (even though you may have intended something completely different) you'd choose the item and now your character holds it in his hand. YOU do whatever you were planning to do with it. This allows puzzles to grow in variety. Remember how adventure games used to have huge lists of verbs? Those were cumbersome so they were slimmed down, first to the "look, use, take" and finally to "just click on it". When you're just clicking things there's not a lot of possible variety beyond. Now we no longer need verbs, every action can be expressed by moving the controller in the right way. You can avoid verb lists while still giving the player a large number of possible actions for each object.
Oh calm down Adam.
Can you personally tell me what is so amazingly exciting and groundbreaking about the controller, Adam? WHY it will appeal to a mainly 18-36yr old market? Sure, shout innovative all you want, but older people aren't going to want to flap their arms around to play a game!
The only thing that appeals to me about Wii is that it can play a huge back catalog of amazing, classic games. I'm not looking forward to anything 'new' the system has to offer.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was commenting on Vig saying niche as "nitch". It's pronounced "neesh". Big pet peeve of mine, anyway.
Sure, its gyroscopic and will recognize your movements, in all directions and motions. This opens a whole new field of ways to play games and I personally can't wait to get my hands on Wii. It's appeal is in my last sentence, new ways of playing games we're already use to. I don't mean going back to play Quake with this controller, but creating FPS's around this type of controller is new and exciting. And I'm an "older person" and am excited about this system and it's way of controlling it... so theres the proof, suckah.
As for the back catalogue... that's damn impressive and is the main reason I'm getting the sytem.
I was commenting on Vig saying niche as "nitch". It's pronounced "neesh". Big pet peeve of mine, anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right about the spelling, but according to Merriam Webster, both pronunciations are correct. The "nitch" pronunciation may have originally been a mispronunciation that was so common it became an accepted pronunciation, I don't know.
As for the back catalogue... that's damn impressive and is the main reason I'm getting the sytem.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. I never really enjoyed emulators on the PC, but playing NES and SNES games (and even N64 and Gamecube games) on a console, with an NES type controller (or Gamecube type controller for the N64 and Gamecube games), has gotten me excited. I think that alone is almost reason enough to buy the console.
ever heard of this: mitsubishi car naming screwup ?
[/ QUOTE ]
That link reminds me of the Chevy Nova issue. For those that don't speak spanish "no va" means "no go" in Spanish. :P
Same here. I never really enjoyed emulators on the PC, but playing NES and SNES games (and even N64 and Gamecube games) on a console, with an NES type controller (or Gamecube type controller for the N64 and Gamecube games), has gotten me excited. I think that alone is almost reason enough to buy the console.
[/ QUOTE ]
Plus the pricetag. Why would you NOT get the console if you were a serious gamer?
I do agree that Wii is a dumbass name. I hope their marketing department chooses to change the name for the American market; as auto manufacturers have done in the past(and was already pointed out). But if you're truly a fan of Nintendo and what this system offers, the name shouldn't matter. Personally, I wasn't interested before, and I'm still not... but then again, I only buy consoles for my kids now. All my games are on the PC
BTW EBit, are you the Ebit I know and love from other forums?
Also the name change bothers me, and puts the new system further down the "To get at some point" list. Its not because it sounds stupid, its because of what it says to me about the thought patern of the company. It comes off as totally alien and backward. Revolution was a great name for the console, as it manages to sum up the design, and the hardware and software innovations of console. Its Revolutionary from anything else on the market, and anything nintendo has produced to date. It was a fine title. Then they change something so succinct to something completely obscure. Something that REQUIRES explanation as to what it's about, and is a PUN no less. A marketing gag based on some obscure philosophical drivel about togetherness in games. Basically it makes me wonder what else they are going to screw with for the sake of screwing with it. How many other perfectly usefull things are they going to pervert and replace by launch time, just so it can be more Wii-centric. Its like the idea of getting 4 game boy advances and a game cube to play that one final fantasy game. Innovative, but expensive and somewhat prohibitive. I'm not completely turned off to the system, but I certainly am far more wary that I already was.
call me crazy but i have a feeling that nintendo this time will make it...BIG !
and im always right with my hunches;)
It sounds very cool, but I'd have to see it first-hand to know for sure.
But how long can you flail your arms about, until you just can't play anymore? :P
[/ QUOTE ]
You're continuously under the assumption that all games will require lots of arm strength and movement. Which isn't a bad thing. If you can't move your arms freely for a certain amount of time...perhaps you've played games for too long. A nice arm workout would do you well. Oh, it could be set for short, quick movements. Stop judging it from the hardcore standpoint. They're not marketing to you.
Remember the power pad, and the olympic/fitness NES games? My friends and I would run ourselves dizzy. I wish they would bring that back. And maybe with the sensors, they can bring the zapper back so it works with any TV.
Oh, how I dream.
Since the controller doesn't weigh anything I imagine I can play all day no prob.
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on how you're using it.
I'm still probably going to buy one. Imagine the next Jedi Academy.
I figure the thing will be light enough to flail about for awhile. I wonder if people will get tennis elbow from this if they play too hard.
Screws this Sh^%T just give me a nextgen Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
no, that is what is wrong with nintendo's first party games. they sometimes have innovative ideas like warioware and stuff, but then they have mario 58 and donkey kong 30 and zelda where she isn't a princess anymore, she's a wrinkly old hag with saggy breasts.
But when I'm trying to relax and unwind by playing a game, I don't want to be moving all about. I want to sit, relax and play a game. Not act it out.
I'm still not sold on the motion wand. But the back catalog is quite a juicy temptation. As long as they offer a normal controller, that is.
no, that is what is wrong with nintendo's first party games. they sometimes have innovative ideas like warioware and stuff, but then they have mario 58 and donkey kong 30 and zelda where she isn't a princess anymore, she's a wrinkly old hag with saggy breasts.
[/ QUOTE ]The whole industry is like that though. Whats the difference between using Mario in a bunch of games or releasing a whole bunch of first person shooters with slightly different graphics. Nil, I'd say.
Anyway, heres an interesting interpretation, albeit probably laced with some desperation:
Looking at the wringing of hands by Nintendo fans everywhere, the massive laughing spree by Sony and Xbox fans at Nintendo's woeful renaming of its forthcoming Revolution console to Wii (Weeee!), people are starting to spring up a theory that Nintendo are intentionally taking the Wee(excuse the pun) and that's it's not actually the final name at all. Here's a quote as to why this may be.
"Because we dont believe that Wii is the real name. We think Nintendo is setting you all up to be Punkd at E3, generating a massive amount of positive buzz when the scam and the real new name are announced.
Crazy? Here is the first clue, By letting the gaming community vent now about the name, they will be less distracted as launch titles for the system are announced and initial reports about what its like to play the games begin to come in. Allowing your audience time to vent is not SOP in a name announcment, and also telegraphs that Nintendo knows what a stinker this name would be. Second, its not possible to engineer a worse name for this product.
Third, and this is a big one, there are no trademarks registered by Nintendo nor by any dummy corp in the U.S or over there for Wii. This is unprecedented for Nintendo and it is not possible that this is an oversight. If Wii were the name, they would have registered it. In fact, no new trademarks have been registered by Nintendo at all. This leads us to conclude that Nintendo has in fact registered the real name under a dummy corp, which is SOP when trying to keep a name a secret prior to launch.
Given that their video game audience is the same demographic as Punkd, this whole campaign is perversely elegant. Except of course for failing to make the illusion complete by registering a TM for Wii.
Keep in mind, this whole PR campaign cost zero dollars. And yet, some naming experts just dont seem to get it."
[/ QUOTE ]The fact that that there was that whole Nintendo On business a year or two back (Remember? http://youtube.com/watch?v=kJRhQ1WOb4g&search=Nintendo%20On ) shows that the industry as a whole isn't exactly difficult to bamboozle, so who knows. Perhaps its all a big practical joke... or a front for genetically engineering winged pigs.
IGN Wii: Perfect. Could you just for clarification purposes give us an idea of how a typical play might work using the controllers?
John Schappert: So, you take the controller, jerk it up to snap. Quarterback now has the ball. Your passing icons are now up. Take the wand controller and you'll see that the four directions on its D-Pad represent four of your receivers; the A button is your fifth receiver. Point to one of those receivers that you want to receive the ball and with your hand gesture a throwing motion to pass. Now, the harder you throw, the more that's going to be a bullet pass. The softer and the more you lob a throw, the more that it's going to be a lob. When you receive the ball, you run with the analog stick on the nunchuck and if you want to juke, you use the nunchuck to gesture it. And if you want to stiff-arm, you use the wand.
I swear, they're going to torture me until it's released. I don't care what the name is, as long as it's not Gamecube2, I just want to play!
Did anyone read the article about how Nintendo is the only company that has released it's SALES figures for the Gamecube. The other two companies only released SHIPPED figures (for marketing reasons). So Nintendo SALES something like 19.5 million, and Microsoft SHIPS 20 million (including those returned, replaced, and left on the shelves). Add to that the growing popularity of the DS. How can anyone state that Nintendo is not finding any success?
they also fail to recognize that nintendo has a strong hold on the handheld market as well ..
wii might not be as huge of a hit as the n64 was a few years ago .. but it's a very fresh and original concept that can only be expected from nintendo
go wii !
I think most people are under the impression that nintendo is going through rough times because they only look at the north american console market, while nintendo has a strong foothold in asia ..
they also fail to recognize that nintendo has a strong hold on the handheld market as well ..
wii might not be as huge of a hit as the n64 was a few years ago .. but it's a very fresh and original concept that can only be expected from nintendo
go wii !
[/ QUOTE ]
It's the handhelds that matter. THe GC only sold I think 21 million world wide or so, as compared to around 25 million xbox and over 100 million PS2.
Handhelds nintendo remains the king of though.
Current as of January 2006:
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
Sony and Microsoft don't release the number of systems sold, only the number of systems shipped to retailers.
I wonder how well Sony will keep its lead with an expensive PS3.
Disregard the wii.
World wide sales figures
Current as of January 2006:
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
Sony and Microsoft don't release the number of systems sold, only the number of systems shipped to retailers.
I wonder how well Sony will keep its lead with an expensive PS3.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they mean the same thing don't they? There is no way for a manufacturer to really tell how many of their product has been sold by the retailers, only how many they have sold to the retailers.
And there was recently a news release that said 101 million PS2's sold I thought? Hmm... I have such a horrid memory. And I got my numbers from a teacher (History of gaming class), so there is no saying whether they are right anyways.
At least I can hope...
well you can already emulate all of the titles on your PC but be prepared to buy back cat sega and nintendo titles through an itunes like system that will charge you a quid a go. Also you don't get to keep the game.
I have a SNES and Famicom hooked up to my TV, I don't think the back cat will attact me, considering anything else I want to play I can do with my USB smart joy.
It's the new games that would make me buy.
I went for a few beers with my mate who named Wii, he said that even though it does mean piss in the UK, Nintendo have made a ballsy choice and once the internet humour has died out it will go on to be a recognisable brand. I'm not inclined to agree, considering how utterly badly the gamecube did in the UK. And that didn't have a bonkers name to put it down. (although nintendo europe are complete idiots, and releasing the hugely popular japanese broadband adaptor would have helped)
World wide sales figures
Current as of January 2006:
# Sega Dreamcast: 11 Million
# Sony PlayStation 2: 95 Million shipped
# Nintendo GameCube: 25.1 Million SOLD
# Microsoft Xbox: 21 Million shipped
# Nintendo DS: 14.43 Million units SOLD
# Sony PSP: 13 million units shipped
# Xbox 360: 2 Million shipped
[/ QUOTE ]
even so, nintendo is the only one to make an actual profit on hardware