Just got news i landed a 20 week internship at DICE here in Stockholm. Come monday im gonna work either on the weapons team or as a object modeller on a Next-Gen first person shooter!
If all goes as planned and if they can fit it in their budget (IE. im not a screwup

) they said they will offer me a job after the internship's up which is at the end of this term when my school ends!
This means im officially gonna have to leave max for maya though but i guess you cant have everything right?

DICE is a nice place to start a career for sure.
Jay: cool you work at the london office, how you like it?
I know im not the most known on these boards and that i dont know a lot of people here as much as i would like but i would still like to give some shoutouts to the whole PC community. No doubt just hanging around these boards, looking at all the awesome artwork and reading all the useful tips and criticisms has helped me improve more than i could ever have done by myself. me
I got the job