Well i'm using the trial version of max 8 at the moment, and i've just finished unwrapping a mesh and suddenly realise i don't have texporter installed...
Go tothe website to DL it for Max8 and lo' and behold, there isn't a max 8 version!
How do i get my UVW map into a texture now? Is there another plugin?
Slum; Awesome, that worked poifectly. Thanks mate!
open your UV edit window, make the background black, printscreen, crop it down in photoshop
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If you've got Chuggnut's unwrap tools (which you really should have, they've got a bunch of insanely useful tools which will speed up your workflow, honestly), then there's also the handy "Dump Map" button - just set an image size, and hit the Dump button - bingo, perfect size UVs, white wires on black background. That's much faster than changing the UV window's background colour every time :P