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Quick question Combustion 4 to 3?!

polycounter lvl 18
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D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
I just want to know hopefully before tomorrow if a combustion 4 file can go to a ealier version such as combustion 3?

Anyone know of this or a utility if their is a need for one.

Thank you!


  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    i bet the answer is "no". if all it saves out is the cws workspace file, then i'd say you're pretty much lost.
    look it up, if cws is an ascii-format, you might be able to edit something. knowing discreet products, i bet it's a binary mess that only the developer might be able to decipher.

    i guess all you could do is to render out as much as possible from your c4 project, separe into layers where it makes sense - and re-create your setup in c3 again. fun, isn't it?
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