ya, i'd say get some more dynamic flow in your forms, the chest is pretty much a cylindar. couple those straight lines with the curved and get a nice contrast in your shapes to make them more interesting, make them sharp and dangerous. he's looking a little symetrical. it's a good start, can't lose with a skeleton badass.
like KP says, you can't go wrong with a skeleton badass. i think what you'll want to do is consider more novel variations on that particular theme... it's a complete gimmee to put skulls on the pauldrons and kneepads, think about more interesting ways you could incorporate skulls 'n' bones 'n' stuff.
it may be obvious, but that's for a reason, really... circular objects for circular areas... i'm more concerned with the emptiness of the stomach area...
I'm assuming you ran the Q2 server back in the day.