This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
[size=-5]i feel dum[/size]
Edit: Maybe I'm thinking when you have a vertex in the middle with edges coming out like spokes? But that saves two tri's when you take that vert away (either by fanning or doing strips)...and also, who would have unnecessary polygons laying around like that?!
Fanning, if anything, is worse - it leads to irregular shading, if you were using all one smoothing group (as some engines, especially handheld, may still force!).
Personally I tend to suck it up and put a vertex in the middle and waste an almighty 2 triangles. Perfectly regular shading that way, plus it means you can do stuff like texture just a quarter of the top and mirror it 4 ways...
What method would give me 15 triangles?
See my post on the previous page for an explanation of that one...
Also, this is what I get for using object space normals so much. With them, you don't have to worry about vertex smoothing. What a magically educational adventure. Edit: okay, I felt bad, so I made everyone a pizza.
Looks great
I had to look to see what those pizza tables were really called, pizza box supports apparently. $17 bucks for 1000 of those little guys, someone should make a sculpture out of them.
I stared drooling at that pizza for 5min and didn't even notice that "table" 'till I saw your comment :F My eyeballs are decieving me!
I'm glad you considered both meat-eaters and veggie-eaters.
.. was ashamed of the UVs, perfectionist etc. have a slice. :]
It's confusing to me, but then again i'm not vegan.
Also when I was younger I always pictured flies eating small pieces of pizza on the little box supporter, because I always though it looked like a table, also. Damn.
Playing around with a low poly model of the sentry gun from Portal.
Texture and animation are both waaaaaay rough. But I got most of the rig complete.
close up of the model.
also some of the polygons are inside the body itself, there's a gun on each side that pops out.
It's a little over 500, but I think we can make a little exception.
edit: pushing it under 500. due to inspiration. :thumbup:
Also, Zenarion. Got him just under 500. 498 total for now! Could use some reworking and clean up.
Transfering myself to PSX universe:
[ edit: ]
Quick texture WIP (I'm actually as pale as mr. O'Brien himself, but I took some artistic liberties lol :-|):
(also fixed the model a bit: hands, knees etc)
I'll get around to making his body at some point.
Whoops, somehow I'd turned up the emit value somewhere along the way. Rerendered with proper settings.
Snipergen Thanks!
Deathhelmz - I would try creating a few blades of alpha grass and spread that around. The ones you have almost look like walls of grass. Cool scene you should also create a background image.
Here's a scene I've been working on for a day or so. Low poly aqua team hunger force. Right now the scene is sitting at 1392 and I'm using mostly 128 maps and a few 64's.
Do you do all of the painting in 1 layer or do you use different layers, like 1 for colour, 1 for highlights, or something different altogether?
oh just 1 crit, the wings don't blend in with the rest
:edit: oh.. and one thing you could do to get your tri count a little lower is make your shape more simple on the wings, and then mask them out w/ an alpha to get the webbed effect.. kinda looks like you added tris to get the shape... still looks cool.. but just an observation
I guess if you guys wanted an army of rainbow dragoons I could just upload the model for everyone to play with although I don't know how to do that..
Is there any place in particular I can upload the model?
Right now I want to design a FFtactics style ruin for him to stand on, I think I'll have to dust off the old playstation for some reference, hope it'll work.
Woah... cool!
And hey, if you upload the model we will love u more