This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Lol thats never a 256*256 texture.
Or maybe im wrong? Prettysharp ^^
I had to go back and double check because the photoshop was at 512 and the png was 256. The rendered one (middle) is definitely the 256, but I'm not sure when I took the screen grab. So the wireframe (left) could be either, but just looking at the edge quality you're probably right. Good catch.
texture for the caveman
My Webpage
It has 344 tris and 128x128 diffuse
Nice work renderhjs, coherent
Low-poly models are so nice, I like them a lot. Congratulations to the authors of the models on those pages!
I'll post some of my models too, starting from this racing spaceship. It's the first one I made for a futuristing racing game project on Nintendo DS, but, because of the box-shaped collision map limitations on the console, it won't be used. Also, I plan to change the style of every ship and lower the polycount under 100, so this ship can be sent to the junkyard. What a pity!
Hmm. I know it's just from using the same source of inspiration, but...
Also, bloody lovely texture, Jonas. Saved to inspiration folder!
Argh... That's no good. I never played F-Zero on GC... I never seen this ship, really. The only F-Zero I played is Maximum Velocity for GBA!
Woke up today thinking, i want to make a puppy, so found an old arttest from ubisoft nagoya that i wasnt able to finish and well hehe here is my first wip, don't know that much about dogs so some pointers would be cool ^^;.
498tris and 128 x 1 at the moment
when it comes to rigging, many people get it wrong though.
Try to hinge the mouth from a bit further back - I've seen this done really badly on "nintendogs" - where all the dogs have flappy mouths instead of real jaws.
Also, another pitfall is that most animals are animated with the legs really far apart like they are robots. This is simply not the way 4 legged animals walk - they tend to move their legs in slightly when connecting with the ground, like a catwalk model.
good luck!
1 512x512 diffuse
Edit: Looking at it now i can see most of my color on the walls got washed out, gonna tweak a few bits and re-post tomorrow with a more accurate camera angle
Nice project. From the first pics you posted, I would suggest to darken the door on the left much more like in the concept. That way it will giove more contrast to the white wall.
Fpr your maya-Viewport screen: I suggest that you give the lightsource a linear decay (maybe a quadratic, depends on the scale of your scene) That way it should be possible to darken the lower Level of the stairs while the upper Level with the center of interest will be much brighter, than the lower sections. (like depicted in the concept)
I was thinking about darkening the door to match the concept more, both doors share the same uv space however, but i think i've got enough room to squeeze another in, also the lighting will probably have to be played around with because rite now i've got about 6 or 7 light sources giving an even distribution of light so messing around with the decay wont give me much of a result with the current setup, i'l be sure to try it out tho, thanks for the input.
okno: Defenintely, gonna try that in just a few minutes. thanks
Wow, that's really .. cute.
465 tris seams quite a lot, looking for a model, but doesn't matter. Nice work.
I love that style of textures!
adjusted the door on the left, increased the visibility of the greens/blues on the concrete and painted in some shadows with vertex colors
Work in progress, about 30 mins into modeling this thing, I have never rigged anything, and have never textured a humanoid before.
Crits on edgeflow and optimization please and thanks!:)
376 tris, 410 edges, 208 faces
P.S They're clickable
When I started I thought to myself 'Oh yeah, 500 tris, this will be easy.' Once I 'finished the model', I evaluated it and realized it was 500 polys and roughly twice the tri limit, so I finally decimated it down to 500 tris, the mesh you see there, only to realize that I had hidden some heads earlier on that I'd forgotten about, once I deleted them, the tri count dropped from 500 to the current 348. Looks like I gotta add some detail back in, maybe use some of my breathing room for hair/hats.
I really liked sama.van's style and how good the textures came out and how the UVs were layed out with the separate texture just for the face, so once I brush it up a bit more I'm going to try to emulate that look.
I have no idea about resolutions and whatnot, so i was thinking of just painting over this and importing into maya as a texture.
Let me know if I'm the right track! thx
Some awesome low poly work there.
sweet! looks great!
That is absolutely fantastic! I love the amount of character that went into this piece!
grand work for sure.
Its been a while since I've done any lowpoly stuff.
Here is one that is slightly above 500 with the body being 450 and the head 160
With two separate textures.
tda - hahaha, never thought psycho mantis could be so cute
Haha! I need to second that one
rollin & HntrLuc: Thanks for the feedback, now that you guys mentioned the feet, they are driving me insane, I'll be sure to finish them up.