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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    Hey I there this is some fun stuff nothing special but i wanted to Post s.t. in this thread becouse this LP stuff is realy impressive

    the cannon have 782 Tris and 64² Texture... the UV Layout isnt createt for a low texturesize but ut works fine aniway.

    lowpolycrap.pngthe Texture preview is Rescaled
    tell me what u think about this small asset. krits are welcome

  • Amtyk
    haven't done some personal work in ages
    might as well make some assets

    I really wish the presentation for this was better; throw a quick self-lum material on it and composite a wireframe so we can get a better look at it. A few areas in his torso could probably be tried out. His shoulders seem very boxish too me and could be relaxed a little. That tri that makes up his armpit is a little concerning to me too (animation wise).
    Not really sure where you're sitting at polys-wise but you have a lot of assets for the character that could just be painted on; the belt and the strap for instances. If that circle part of that belt is SUPER big to his silhoutee to you, leave it but have it set into his body more. Also I'd cut down the number of edges in your cylinders; those thinks are really killers of poly count. That belt bit probably only needs to be six-sided.
  • Amtyk
    rschmidt wrote: »
    Hey I there this is some fun stuff nothing special but i wanted to Post s.t. in this thread becouse this LP stuff is realy impressive

    the cannon have 782 Tris and 64² Texture... the UV Layout isnt createt for a low texturesize but ut works fine aniway.

    lowpolycrap.pngthe Texture preview is Rescaled
    tell me what u think about this small asset. krits are welcome


    First off, why did you render this with non-uniform lighting? Or light it at all. In most low poly based games, there are no lights and all light info is painted into the texture (see "Dota 2 Art Guide"). For presentation make the material self illuminate to simulate in-game lighting. Also, I'd probably re-work my UVs if I were you. I see some very big blocks of empty in the top right corner, top left,and mid right that could be filled. You are doing a 64x64 so every pixel counts. Also looks like you need some more over paint (see your top left render's cart - far left). You're going to want to leave around 2-3 pixels for over paint so you don't get visible seams.

    For this asset I really think you don't need that many loops for the cannon's cylinder; most CHARACTERS for low poly games hit around 1000 tris MAX (in my experience). You could lower that things loops to like 6-9 and still have the same silhouette as this version.

    Back onto the texture again, be wary of putting your "light" for the object off to the side; it limits it's position in game by making the light source its right. Play it safe on that and make the notable light rims on the top with lighter accents on the sides if needed. It looks like you painted the info for the cannon portion, but why not its drop shadow on the cart?

    The pallet is looking nice, but could have much more color variance in the smaller details; you're going to have to pixel paint a little more. Go take a look at some WoW/Firstkeeper's stuff and color pick it. Having maybe some brown, orange, red, gold, pink, and hell maybe some random ass color could help. I could really see those warn bits of the texture having some nice detail in them. By the way, what material is this cannon? Bronze, Iron, Wood, or some space/magic thing? Is this paint or colored material? If this thing is chipping paint it's either very old or very well used- maybe adding some straches or cannon fauder around the barrel could show how old it is? Or maybe someone re-painted but did it wrong and it's chipping? Think about that while painting. On another note, re-think your wheels- unless this is, like, a toy cannon, those wheels are pretty sketchy and could have more detail. Finally, why doesn't the red continue along the top of the cart's rim? That's really jarring for me. I mean if you made a IRL cart and was told to put trim on it, wouldn't you continue it?
  • Heather.Hughes
    Not sure if this fits in this thread due to the texture sizes, but the poly count fits (896 tris). Let me know if this doesn't belong and I'll remove it. :)

    -896 tris

    I created three 1024x1024 texture maps
    -ESPM map (emissive, specular, specular power, and a mask in one map via channels)

    The cube map was an already existing map in UDK.

    Oh, and the red rings between the plates pulse with time (if you can't see that from the material nodes).

  • Obstacle_1
    I have been lurking on polycount since my professor introduced me to the site at the beginning of this semester. This low poly car was my first official assignment for the class and the textures were 'Frankensteined' together from various photographs online. I am hoping to complete hand paint my next model's textures. This is my first 3D model and it was done in Maya. Comments and critiques appreciated!
    Some screenshots from Random Arena:

    These models were created in Wings3d.
    Please 'Like' RA on Facebook
    Thank you for your support!
  • Heather.Hughes
    Obstacle_1 wrote: »
    I have been lurking on polycount since my professor introduced me to the site at the beginning of this semester. This low poly car was my first official assignment for the class and the textures were 'Frankensteined' together from various photographs online. I am hoping to complete hand paint my next model's textures. This is my first 3D model and it was done in Maya. Comments and critiques appreciated!
    Pretty good for your first model. :)

    As for ways to make it better, the uvs for the top of the car would probably be better separated. You're getting distortion on the front and back windows. Also, the side of the car looks warped inward. I'm guessing that's just how it's modeled, but a view with the wireframe on would be helpful to be sure.
  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    @ Amtyk
    thanks for the good kritiks.. i dont tink to continue it.
    but u give me good hints i totally agree with.
    ... the mobilephones are that powerful to handle this things..
    this isnt made for realy being Lowpoly but it works fine for me with this texture..

    But i will try to do another LP Asset.. i realy enjoy this workflow
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Erm just 200 shy of the limit... oh well.

    I should finish my explosions pack instead of making this.

  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    @Muzz That's hot! Is the texture final or WIP?
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Cheers man! its wip.

    I realized i did a shit job of unwrapping, so I'm re unwrapping it then I'll just bake the old textures over to the new UV's and continue.

    Anyone interested in me releasing this as a sdk?
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Muzz wrote: »
    Anyone interested in me releasing this as a sdk?

    If you end up doing that I'll give it a go, not sure what I'll do with her but I guess we will find out when that time comes. :)
    I like the colors your going with so far, can't wait to see her all dolled up.:thumbup:
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    Cool stuff, Muzz! :poly142:

    I do see some edges that could stand turning. :poly121:

    Can't wait to see the final texture!
  • augi_dragknar
    I am currently working on some low-poly models for Team Fortress 2. I have just started out with 3d modeling, and am looking for critiques. Thank You.
  • some3dguy
    Hi everyone!
    Being a long time lurker on the forum, I thought it's about time to post something. I didn't want to use alpha (just for the kicks of it :)) and I know I could still cut a few polys on the hammer thingie, but...oh well...

    edit: removed the pic
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    some3dguy - That gun is stunning! Really nice!

    Finished up the door!

  • 87roach
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    87roach polycounter lvl 5
    Great work everyone!

    I love this thread, keep on posting!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work some3dguy, post more as soon as you can. :)
    looking good safer.
  • inkDrop
    @some3dguy, That is really cool, I love it.
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    Something I'm working on :)

  • some3dguy
    Wow, what a warm welcome! :D
    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words, keeps me going. Gotta see what's next.
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    @Free_Fall: I Don't mean to be harsh, but I hope Comic Sans, typos and lensflares aren't part of your big plan :D
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    9skulls wrote: »
    @Free_Fall: I Don't mean to be harsh, but I hope Comic Sans, typos and lensflares aren't part of your big plan :D

    No worries, it was only a joke :p

    Here's some more!

  • Aerial_Knight
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    Aerial_Knight polycounter lvl 8
    I made this low poly version of what I think a first person Animal Crossing a couple weeks ago I would love to know what you guys think.



  • USSMidway
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    USSMidway polycounter lvl 17
  • Tennis
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    Tennis polycounter lvl 16
    some new stuff :)

  • Lord Fryingpan
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    Lord Fryingpan polycounter lvl 12
    awesome as usual mate
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    Always a pleasure seeing your work, Tennis. Have you ever done any streaming or written up how you make your models and plan those layouts? I'd really love to see you in action.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    ^ I second this. Pretty pretty please!
  • 87roach
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    87roach polycounter lvl 5
    Always a pleasure seeing your work, Tennis. Have you ever done any streaming or written up how you make your models and plan those layouts? I'd really love to see you in action.


    Love your work Tennis!
  • Vilmore
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    Vilmore polycounter lvl 4
    I agree with the guys above me! Tennis you have super cool stuff.
    Checked your site, some of it seems to be old (Max 7 :poly121:) but still I really like it.

    I have two questions for you.
    How long does it take to make those pixel art models, from modeling to texturing?
    And secondly, how do you make good unwraps for those pixel art textures??

  • jmiles
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    jmiles interpolator
    Mine is a little high on the Tris, but I kept it under control..I've been giving myself a speed test on low poly hand paints.. modeling, unwrapping and layout took about a total of 7 hours, and the texture about 12.. I've been putting in the hours to get this done. I started this on the 18th and worked through this all the way to this morning.. trying to get faster. Model is 2500 Tris and the texture is painted all on a 512 diff.. no size reduction and this is a live shot from Max w/ no post


  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    So now i'v done a new Lowpoly asset. i tried to include all the critics from my last asset.
    and it isnt realy lowpoly with 616Tris for a regular woodn box but i thought it would give that box a little more "personality"


    thanks for some crits.

  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    jmiles that is SLICK

    nice work on the crate texture rscmidt. I don't know that half of those side panel polys will be giving you bang for your buck but the overall effect is very nice
  • Tomm
    Some pretty cool stuff here.. I'll throw this in too.

    Inspired by the olmec heads.
    Texture was made 100% in sculptris and I'm actually surprised how comfortable it is to paint in sculptris.. only if it had layers :(

  • lean
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    lean polycounter lvl 5
    jmiles: that's pretty cool. I love what you did with the hands and the head!

    the texture and shape is great! though I think that the extra polygons in the inner part of each face aren't necesary, specially for a diffuse-only shadeless asset. The rounded edges are also almost unnoticable. I think that if you kept only the detail at the edges of the crate, you'd get similar silhouette and overall effect.
  • walterlow
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    walterlow polycounter lvl 8
    Tennis wrote: »
    some new stuff :)


    really awesome stuff. +1 to all the requests for a tutorial
  • Tennis
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    Tennis polycounter lvl 16
    thanks guys, no haven't done any tuts or streaming, been thinking about it, but my work process is a bit of a mess so im not sure if it would be useful to anyone :)
    i almost always start out not knowing what i want to model, also the space left on the texture sheet some times dictates which details i'll add to the model.

    jmiles: looks super cool

    an evening or 2, depending on how concentrated i am :)
    i keep the mesh quite straight, that way i dont get any distortion on the textures, thats also why i also mostly do vehicles :)
  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    thanks for the good tips lean and "tha fanclub" going to include this things into the next assets
  • Vilmore
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    Vilmore polycounter lvl 4
    So, Tennis you inspired me!
    I went a bit more realistic, not as stylized as you.

    Loads of fun :)



    Learned some stuff:
    Mainly the unwrapping is done differently,
    - if you have lines or strait borders on your poly, unwrap it in that direction
    - there is not much problem with stretching as you are using lots of flat colours anyway.

    Any tips and critics are welcome of course
  • nellspot
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    Did some final tweaks on my musclecar :)


  • mariomanzanares
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    mariomanzanares polycounter lvl 5
    I come here everytime I need inspiration because there are so many great pieces of lowpoly in this thread.

    Not real lowpoly style because of the normals and "realism", but anyway, this baby it's just 589 tris. Modeled in Maya, real time in Marmoset.


    Cross post from here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=118642
  • mcunha98
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18

    You could have done the texture like this attachment below.

    Loving the updates all awesome stuff!
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    Since the green faces are just as large as the gray ones wouldnt it make more sense to do something like this to have the same texel density throughout?:

  • ShinotoKnightZ
    Alright, so I finished my low poly character model.
    624 Trigs
    Using 2 512^2 texture maps. One for just his face, the rest for everything else.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Edit: I see you posted an updated version in P&P, so disregard ;)

    Looks great! i would adjust the levels to make the colors pop, it feels a bit desaturated at the moment.
    jmiles wrote: »
    Mine is a little high on the Tris, but I kept it under control..I've been giving myself a speed test on low poly hand paints.. modeling, unwrapping and layout took about a total of 7 hours, and the texture about 12.. I've been putting in the hours to get this done. I started this on the 18th and worked through this all the way to this morning.. trying to get faster. Model is 2500 Tris and the texture is painted all on a 512 diff.. no size reduction and this is a live shot from Max w/ no post


  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    There is some epic stuff on this page!

    A little update to my stuff!


  • lean
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    lean polycounter lvl 5
    great mechanical animation stuff, saferdan!
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