This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
done in a few hours
quite a bit of inspiration from that little mechanic of yours Paulewog
some electronic music gear
super dza: Like it a lot, cool colors!
Love these. Awesome work sir.
Brings to mind very nostalgic Sega memories.
I'm a terrible animator
just trying out the rig
my nokia e71 covered by stickers
Hey man it looks great, but I do have some advice that will really help and bring it more to life
during the walk and run cycles, you really need to get some hip and shoulder movement. Move the hips forward and backup and up and down as he walks. I can't recall the order of up and down movement, but obviously the foot that steps forward, the hip is going to go forward with it (IE: Right foot forward, rotate the hip forward to the right)
The shoulders/arms are actually going to opposite of this motion (in your currently run cycle, when his left foot comes forward, his left arm goes forward too, and this is completely wrong). IF leftfoot foward, THEN rightshoulder forward :P
my last bit of critique, is that when you run, or even walk, you aren't walking or running on the heel of your foot. Sure your heel is probably going to be the first thing that hits the ground, but the step is "complete" once your foot slams down. Currently on your run cycle it sorta pauses when his heel hits, and then when it's almost all the way back his foot finally comes down.
Fix these couple things and I GUARANTEE you you're animations will look 10 times better
i read the forums here for quite a while and this is my first post here.
This is a character from a movie and i bet no one will get who it is
c&c are very welcome as i try (and need) to improve
If I can offer one last piece of advice, I feel like he should be a bit faster? Don't take my word solely on this though, could just be my own personal preference :x
that video was super long, but the music totally made it worth it
Charlie Sheen
I'm tri winning!
Simple little test character for my little game (188 faces), I just hope it's not too terrible, I'm new to low poly.
Hawt Kofee: message me if you start anything, I'm down.
yes i know the head is messed up ....
edit: @ achillesian : uhm its modeled with quads only
what kind of stuff? i have some nice ideas as well
press "go advanced" which gives you a preview (and converts text url to a hyperlinked url)
press "preview post" which refreshes the preview (and converts the hyperlink to an embedded video)
Edit: Hawt Koffee - it looks a bit like you've got the highs and the lows inverted. the head should be highest when the legs are right underneath the body:
meet the recon
hawt koffee...what are you making these characters for? Their low poly, low texture resolution and overall character is sexy
Lol, that is awesome!
Here is the original model I made that is used in-game:
Yours is great, looks a whole lot like G. Bob v.2 that we where going to use in the sequel :P
Anyway, Guerrilla Bob is also coming this or next month to PC, Mac and Android, with cross-platform multiplayer & stuff.
if your walk animation is 20 frames long you have to render frame 1 to 19 for a perfect cycle and/or edit ipo-curves. blender is definately not to blame!
694 tris
Texture(512) is obviously work in progress, and will take a back seat to rigging and animation right now.
In Unity.:
Ayoub, yeah, sort of.
Unity gives me this incredible sandbox that I can easily screw around in, and toy around with the ideas in my head(If I can get these ideas out of my head, maybe the voices will stop?). If out of all this I end up with nothing more that the fun it is, sweet, if I end up with a viable game, even sweeter.
The ticket for me is, with Unity ,I have the ability to handle everything on my end, and right now, that is incredibly therapeutic.
Currently, with placeholder graphics, I have a player model running around with some primitive enemies, that can shoot at and damage each other. Fun, fun, fun!
Once I have some animations in place on this guy, he will be in there running around shooting shit up
and in all honestly, sticking around 1k (probably lower if possible) is good for this thread. You're only barely over 1k anyway, post itttttt
Shameless, shameless fanart doodle.
I'll see what I can do to try to bring it under 1k. I think reworking the rifle to start, then see what I can drop from the character.
Der Hollander; im struggling to see where your tri count is being increased by so much. theres alot of small detail in the gun which could be more blocky shouldnt be hard to decrease this!
loving the work in this thread as usual, more stuffs from me soon...hopefully...
ayoub: As I get things done worth showing, I am sure I will
giles: Just looked up the SDK you referred to. Pretty cool shit, and I can see the comparison.
I thought I posted some optimized hands a couple of pages ago, but apparently I didn't. So here they are now:
First pic is about 130 triangles for just one hand, second image is about 50/60 I think, the last one is about 90 tris.
sorry if these image are obnoxious to someone, if they're too large I'll turn them into links
Nutsy - Liking the most of it, but the arms looks like they're in plaster casts.
Ha ha love It, though I am not liking the stiffness myself It's your little space guy so do what you like, keep going man! Don't see enough of the "back in the day members" posting their stuff.
Uploaded with
legs also seem kinda funky, like they aren't hitting the spots they should, but could just be me