Squaresoft is still the best for cinematics but they do good stuff to . I wish they would have shown more of the models and the process but it was still pretty cool
Opinions are like.... ( () ) <---- Anyways so your telling me Advent Children does'nt look better then stuff by blur ? Or the Final Fantasy 12 cuts ? ??? Guess someones a blur fanboy how can I argue ?
Considering that I've worked on 2 games that have Blur cinemas, I can easily side with Blur when it comes to Blur vs. Square.
Where Square had years to make Advent Children, Blur turns their cinemas over in months. And they look just as good or better than Square's.
I'm a fan of both mind you. Just keep in mind that we haven't seen a Blur product that has taken years upon years to develop.
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Taken from that perspective i'd have to say Blur wins but Blur also does'nt make 100 minutes of footage for game cinematics like Advent Children either . Also every Square Final Fantasy game since 7 has had over 60 minutes of cinematics so I think they work pretty quickly considering that.
i think both square and blur are pretty awesome at what they do. squares stuff seems to be more technical and blur is all about bang for the buck. it is pretty obvious one is an american company and one is japanese. blurs cinematics contain either blood or boobies and always a explotion, in the case of bloodrayne all 3. squares cinematics are extremely maticulous with thousands of things going on, hundreds of people, animals, birds, pirateships, spaceships, a body of water, a jungle, a city, a sunset, a ninja fight,and a war all in the same 3 second shot. if square had infinate time to do them i can see them even making fleas and parasites on the animals, not because you could ever see them, just because they are that anal. when it comes down to it though, all square does is cinematics for its own games, and they all look the same, a bunch of metrosexual boys with weapons and cute japanese/american half breed chicks and a villian nobody really knows is man or worman all set in alternate reality were there is technology and magic and victorian asian fusion going on everywere. blur on the otherhand does a good job matching their cinematics to the the in game counterparts. so i can see working at blur fun, where as working at square monotonous and sexually frustrating.
A good friend of mine is an animator at Blur. Cool company, with some very talented people, but man, they work you pretty hard over there. I guess that explains the quick turnaround on cines though...
I just got back from laughing for 10 minutes.
Uh.. Squaresoft better than Blur?
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Opinions are like.... ( () ) <---- Anyways so your telling me Advent Children does'nt look better then stuff by blur ? Or the Final Fantasy 12 cuts ?
Thanks for the link, Jay. Interesting stuff.
Guess someone's a Squaresoft fanboy, how can I argue?
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You can't I win !!!
Where Square had years to make Advent Children, Blur turns their cinemas over in months. And they look just as good or better than Square's.
I'm a fan of both mind you. Just keep in mind that we haven't seen a Blur product that has taken years upon years to develop.
Considering that I've worked on 2 games that have Blur cinemas, I can easily side with Blur when it comes to Blur vs. Square.
Where Square had years to make Advent Children, Blur turns their cinemas over in months. And they look just as good or better than Square's.
I'm a fan of both mind you. Just keep in mind that we haven't seen a Blur product that has taken years upon years to develop.
[/ QUOTE ]
Taken from that perspective i'd have to say Blur wins but Blur also does'nt make 100 minutes of footage for game cinematics like Advent Children either . Also every Square Final Fantasy game since 7 has had over 60 minutes of cinematics so I think they work pretty quickly considering that.
nice link by the way.