so yeah I break up on friday from swordfish.
we have the christmas party to look forward to this friday. Free booze all day and nice meal at 'red peppers', a kind of restauranty steak house , next to an old canal.
Anyway, have you got a works party planned. will you make a complete tit of yourself?
Last year we inhaled helium baloons , which was fun

nice to separate work from play sometimes. he he why would you get arrested anyway?
you hate them that much?
you hate them that much?
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maybe they are racist
I don't hate my coworkers I'm protecting them from myself.
Cant Complain
*kicks Weiser in the mouth*
but that made up for it. either way, it was a better year than the last. I'm excited about next year.
summary: 2005 rocked.
Also just got the ok to hop on the next big project when production starts in the nearer future. Bring on 06...
had a great year, but I never consider a "year" to be bad. as long as i can still put one foot in front of the other i consider it to be a good year
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Heh - well, the fact that I'm not dead is probably this year's bright spot. On the other hand, if I *were* dead, I probably wouldn't care that I had a crap year. I can find the dark cloud in front of any silver lining!
living off of unemployment
no luck at all finding a job
friends threw a few months late suprise birthday party for me
i dunno.. this year went way too fast (as did any money i had)
i just wanna have a job again so i can stop worrying about getting money and start worrying about how i'm gonna spend it on my hobbies (my vette and my welding).
As for my year, I got dumped, wrecked my health so much I've aged noticeably for the first time in my life, and finaly truely learned to appreciate the phrase 'going nowhere fast'. Although I'm usually pessimistic about everything, I think this shit year has given me focus, so it was all worth it.
2005 sucked. Bring on 2006.
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Some minor health issues have been annoyances for me. Problems at work have also lead to insanely stressful periods.
Only good thing, is that my g/f of (almost) 3 years, has stuck it out with me
Made it through my first year of freelance.
Made money.
Saved money.
And my son was born healthy and kickin.
Lookin forward to 06.
Started a new company (3rd!)
Bought a condo downtown. (pic from my deck)
Haven't touched max or ued for 2 months.
A very bizzzzy year.
-moved to california
-finally got a U.S. work visa
-started working for a studio that suits my personality
-1st game where I have had some clout and managemnet exp
-designed my first art pipeline for the game I am working on
-finally visited NYC
-bought my first car
hey, this might even be the best year of my life *shrugs* On paper anyways...but 2001 was a hell of a lot more fun.