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The War on Christmas!!!

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ebagg polycounter lvl 17
While I do have to say the whole mentality that we should say Happy Holidays but not say Merry Christmas because it might offend someone is ridiculous, I think this is a little much:



  • Mark Dygert
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    laugh.gif That guy is a nut job. I can't believe people actually watch that trash show.

    Hah- I just watched part of the clip. Doesn't O'Reilly realize that "liberal" retailers he listed such as Costco and Wal Mart actually donate more money to the Republican party than the Dems by a HUGE margin. He should really take more care to not offend his viewers.

    Merry Kwanza, everybody tongue.gif
  • cholden
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    What's so important about whether or not a store uses the phrase "merry christmas" in it's advertising? Cry about it at church. Advertising is evil anyway.

    I'm perfectly happy with celebrating a season of giving in the winter, with family, feasts, and decorations, without all the marketing and religious bullshit. And not just on one convenient day of the year.

    The only thing Christmas has in common with Christ is the name. I really don't care what greeting is used, as long as no one starts preaching to me about the baby Jesus. Using "Happy Hanukkah" would just as easily offend Christians, so the hypocrits need to chill out.

    [ QUOTE ]
    We're not too interested with the word "merry."

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not offended by Hannukah, but then I came from a neighborhood that was equal parts mormon, protestant, and Jewish.

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    In other news, O'Reilly believes that any votes for democratic candidates were faked by an international jewish-liberal-communist conspiracy that attempts to suppress the aryan race.
  • Mark Dygert
    I really want to get a job at Fox News so I can get my hands on the teleprompter. I really need to know if he would read anything that is put on it or if he actually comes up with this stuff on his own?

    [ QUOTE ]
    John Gibson:
    The way this apears in schools for instance, we now don't call it the christmas break, it's the winter break. As if people worship winter.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wrong again moron. Its called the winter break because it takes place GASP durring the winter. Like spring break takes place in the GASP spring. Should we change it so spring break takes place on Easter and call it Easter break?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Has that guy ever been to church? You worship God, noone and nothing else (Christians get away with worshipping a human by calling him a part of God). Should we call it "God break"?

    I mean I don't even understand why you're supposed to worship God. If she exists, why would she want us to worship her?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    As a devout follower of our beloved saviour Jack Frost, and dedicated worshiper of winter I'm incredibly offended. I hope he rots in summer.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I don't care what people want to call it. I don't believe in god, but it always has been (and always will be) Christmas to me.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    I mean I don't even understand why you're supposed to worship God.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I make an effort to restrain myself from posting these things, because that discussion goes nowhere. People are free to worship who or whatever they want, if they want.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't care what people want to call it. I don't believe in god, but it always has been (and always will be) Christmas to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here here!
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    merry christmas isn't excluding people from religions, its INCLUDING them your own celebration. no one is forcing anyone to celebrate it. I don't believe in jesus and god and buddah and blah blah blah, but i do agree with ElysiumGX that the HOLIDAY season should be about being together with those you love and care for rather than celebrating Jesus's birthday, or lighting the minorah, or whatever.

    jesus was actually born in the summer months anyway. the holiday season is just something to keep peoples minds off the crappy weather and to combat the jewish holidays to gain more followers AND for advertising.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I didnt really understand much of his points... dumbfuck...
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    if like O'Riley says, that christmas is ousting religions and paving the way for secular progressive agendas in general, then I'm all for it.

    Christmas is what was made from yule tide, and it seems to be reverting to a very similar festival. Even if the demi gods are now Woolworths instead of Wodin.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    I didnt really understand much of his points... dumbfuck...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe funny logic, you don't understand something so he's the dumbfuck? Now before you freak out I agree with you he is a dumbfuck. Your post just struck me as funny.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod

    "Let’s back up even fucking further, shall we? Can anyone tell me how old Christmas is? Anyone? Two thousand years, give or take, right? Gee, who’s been reading their No Child Left Behind History Textbooks? Try fucking four thousand years. Huh. Twice as fucking long as your little baby king has been around. How could that possibly be, unless. . . waitaminute. . .

    Christmas isn’t fucking Christian. Ok, now we’re talking.

    That’s right, that Yuletide cheer you’re spreading? What exactly do you think Yule is? It's the fucking Pagan celebration of solstice. And those “Christmas” traditions? They’re not just like Pagan rituals, they fucking are Pagan rituals. Way before your Jesus got all magical with the bread and fishes, the Romans were celebrating the birth of Mithra on . . . guess? Go on – guess. December fucking twenty fifth. What a weird coincidence. Practically the whole thing is ripped off from the fucking Druids and the Romans. Twelve days? Check. Exchanging gifts? Check. Mistletoe? Check. And you’d better fucking believe that those decorated trees that Gibson and Co. are so bent out of shape over are as Pagan as the Rune and Crystal Shack at Pentagramfest 2005. You might as well be building miniature fucking Stonehenges in your den."
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18

    I'm seriously getting sick of the Christian Right in this country... these people are just fucking insane. Holiday means "holy day," and they consider Christmas a holy day, right? Why is that a problem for them? I read about some Christian group who were outraged at the Presidential Christmas card, because it said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas," even though the card had a Bible verse. I mean, come on, it had a Bible verse right on the card; how much more Christian do they want their card? Will they not be satisfied unless their card is signed in the blood of Jesus? I'm usually a tolerant person, but these people and their ravenous nature disgust me.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Roo: you can take your history and your logic and GET OUT!

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hey I'm still gonna celebrate christmas, just as a pagan. tongue.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I was brought up by hippy pairents, we had a holly bush instead of a christmas tree. My dad would cut some fresh holly from the woods once a year.

    In fact christmas trees are something new, apparently.

    Rooster, what the fuck are you fucking talking about. Fucking this I'm off to get wasted on mead.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I assumed everyone knew that Christmas was deliberately chosen by the early Church to coincide with the winter solstice... Perhaps it is my parochial education that makes me such a dangerous Trivial Pursuit combatant, yeah?
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    verm for the wedge!
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I do like cheese...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    hahahah O'Reilly, yer a big sweaty pervert so you automatically fail
  • Mark Dygert
    Real christians know they are celebrating the holidays with the pagans. They do it because it is thier Christian duty to keep the economy going.
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Holiday is derived from the word "Holy Day". So when you say "Happy Holiday" you are still giving a religious compliment. Now what's left to say if your Athiest? Happy Consumer Whore Day?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Now what's left to say if your Athiest?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    "meh" or "yeah, yeah, whatever" is an appropriate response, that's what I say.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a level 20 Christian, and I STILL don't have jesus powers. Please advice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You must not be spec'ing correctly? Did you spend points in the "conjour water into wine" and "multiply fishes and loaves"? I hear those are needed to get to the really good stuff like resurection and healing touch. If you spec right no one can touch you. I bet Jesus gets nerf'ed next patch =/
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a level 20 Christian, and I STILL don't have jesus powers. Please advice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you can only get a level up by killing more blasphemous pegans
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I bet Jesus gets nerf'ed next patch =/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I heard they might take him out of the game entirely, and re-introduce him later in some sequel with Satan in it. He'll probably be replaced with this fat, jolly dude named Santa whose got this kickass chariot with some flying reindeer and elves and shit. I think it might be because Jack Thompson is suing the makers of the Bible for having too much violence, sexual innuendo, whores, and the killing of people with water, and large rocks from the sky. So they're trying to head down a more friendly path with their game.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    It's hilarious how angry all the non-religious people always get when something about religion is brought up. It's very personal to them that the religious people know how pissed off they are that someone believes in God. Atheists often talk about tolerance and criticize fundamenatalists (which they seem to think make up the entire religous population) for their lack of tolerance, yet it's obvious they loathe and despise "ignorant" religious people.

    But really, why in the hell are people crappin themselves over not saying Merry Christmas? If they still know it's Christmas, what difference should it make? I hate how the country is becoming so "politically correct" just as much as anyone, but if someone chooses to wish me a happy holiday instead of a merry christmas I feel just the same.


    Merry Christmas, assholes wink.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good message, bad attitude. I'll pass and read other articles that have an ounce of intelligence.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now what's left to say if your Athiest?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I usually say "good to see you again, how have you been", "this is for you", and "man, I'm full". You know, things that actually mean something to someone. For people I meet, I'll ask them what they celebrate as to show respect instead of making false assumptions. Don't want to run through a jewish temple shouting "praise jesus!". I celebrate Christmas with family, and I've celebrated hanukkah with friends. It's all good times.

    I don't pick sides. Atheists piss me off too. I see the purpose of religion, even if it isn't for me.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Atheists, I really don't get them at all. I can understand being agnostic, that's a reasonable starting point, but I don't see how anyone can be so adamant about non-belief as some of the hardcore atheists I've encountered. There are many things that science can't fully explain either, but you never see anyone get militantly argumentative about gravity or the big bang theory...
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, but by being atheists, we can curse, have pre-marital sex, and wear mixed fibers as much as we want and have none of the guilt. smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    There are many things that science can't fully explain either, but you never see anyone get militantly argumentative about gravity or the big bang theory...

    Or evolution... Wait, no. Anyway, those theories try to give you a ruleset with which to predict future events (e.g. when the needle will hit the ground after you let go of it). If you believe in Intelligent Pushing (that's from Flying Spaghetti Monsterism) that merely means you're no longer sure when the needle will reach the ground. As a general rule, when you attribute something to an intelligent being (though I'm not sure whether the FSM is an intelligent being or representing Unintelligent Design) you lose the predictive ability of other theories and go back to square one "we don't know".

    Theories are discarded when better ones turn up.

    But anyway, happy Winter-een-mas!
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    whee! this thread turned out exactly how i thought once i saw "War on Christmas", O'Reilly, and mediamatters.org (who are *completely unbiased by the way)...

    the thing about schools calling it "Winter Break" instead of "Christmas Break" came from a school where the only (or one of the only) Muslim student(s) at the school wanted the school to put Ramadan as part of the break. rather than deal with that the school voted to change it to "Winter Break". i think the outcry over this caused the school to change it baack to "Christmas Break".

    and then there's the story about the ACLU sueing a school for having a Nativity scene in the library. but the ALCU didn't care or "forgot" that the school had a series of religious displays set up. Hannuka, Kwanza, Ramadan, didn't matter they went after the school because of the Christian display.

    but don't let that get in the way of stamping out Christianity. glad to see i'm not the only one getting sick of Aethists cramming their beliefs down everyone's throat.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    There are many things that science can't fully explain either, but you never see anyone get militantly argumentative about gravity or the big bang theory...

    Or evolution... Wait, no. Anyway, those theories try to give you a ruleset with which to predict future events (e.g. when the needle will hit the ground after you let go of it). If you believe in Intelligent Pushing (that's from Flying Spaghetti Monsterism) that merely means you're no longer sure when the needle will reach the ground. As a general rule, when you attribute something to an intelligent being (though I'm not sure whether the FSM is an intelligent being or representing Unintelligent Design) you lose the predictive ability of other theories and go back to square one "we don't know".

    Theories are discarded when better ones turn up.

    But anyway, happy Winter-een-mas!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't really know that it matters one way or the other - I think some people have a hard-on for atheism the way that others have similar zeal for religious fundamentalism. I mean, the atheist argument for sentient life still effectively amounts to freaky chance as a result of randomly collided particles. I don't see how that's a better theory than something divine, but moreover I don't see how that opinion is enough to get them so thoroughly entrenched. The theists might be wrong, but I can at least see what inspires belief. What the incentive is for diehard atheism, it's just beyond me.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I have a hard-on for atheism. right now!
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    but don't let that get in the way of stamping out Christianity. glad to see i'm not the only one getting sick of Aethists cramming their beliefs down everyone's throat.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    How does someone force a lack of a belief down your throat?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a level 20 Christian, and I STILL don't have jesus powers. Please advice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You must not be spec'ing correctly? Did you spend points in the "conjour water into wine" and "multiply fishes and loaves"? I hear those are needed to get to the really good stuff like resurection and healing touch. If you spec right no one can touch you. I bet Jesus gets nerf'ed next patch =/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude Jesus wont be nerfed next patch,hes a healer.

    jesus saves and only takes half damage. laugh.gif

  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Wednesday, November 9, 2005


    Talking Points Memo
    A victory for traditional America
    "The Hillsborough School Board near Tampa has reversed its decision to remove religious holidays from school calendars. We reported the story last week, the folks in Florida rose up, and the school board backed down. The controversy began when a Muslim group asked the school board to add a holiday for Ramadan. Rather than deal with that request, the board eliminated all religious holidays. Predictably, the St. Petersburg Times, a radical left newspaper, is all for the religious holiday ban and framed the issue as anti-Muslim. Reporter Melanie Ave wrote this: 'Bill O'Reilly has focused on the involvement of Muslims.' Ms. Ave is simply lying. The only Muslim angle was explaining how the controversy began. The St. Petersburg Times is a dishonest far-left publication that does not deserve reader or advertiser support. The school board's reversal is not due to me - the folks just had enough. American students must understand how their country was formed and why most Americans call themselves Christians. To suppress the education of religion is an affront to the First Amendment. So a big win for traditional Americans, and a big loss for the secular progressives and the media who support them. Good!"


    Friday, November 18, 2005


    # Back of Book Segment
    Christmas in advertising: The list
    Guest: John Gibson

    As reported previously on The Factor, some retailers are avoiding the word "Christmas" in their advertising. When it comes to toy stores, Toys R Us would not respond to an inquiry, while K-B Toys and FAO Schwarz are not using the word. Fox News host John Gibson, who has written a book about the war on Christmas, explained the stores' rationale. "These retailers tend to worry about 100% of the customers, and if 85% of the country is Christian there is that little percentage that may not celebrate Christmas. It indicates hostility by refusing to use the word Christmas." The Factor suggested that stores are harming themselves and their bottom lines. "Surely they understand the anger that is going to be engendered among millions of Americans who feel their holiday is being denigrated and disrespected. I think it's all part of the secular progressive agenda to get Christianity and spirituality out of the public square."


    Monday, November 28, 2005


    #Talking Points Memo
    Merry Christmas... maybe?
    "Over Thanksgiving I was in the Bahamas, which is a Christian country. Lots of folks asked me about the Christmas controversy here in the USA. Everybody says 'Merry Christmas' in the Bahamas. Ten years ago almost everybody said 'Merry Christmas' in America, but that's changed. A legal assault by the ACLU, combined with a media that blatantly promotes secularism, has succeeded in convincing some Americans that the words 'Merry Christmas' are inappropriate. This is nuts! It is now time to draw the line. 'Merry Christmas' is an emotional but small issue. The drastic change the secular progressive movement wants is the big issue. Those people want an America free from spirituality and judgments about personal behavior. So Talking Points is putting together a 'Coalition of the Willing' to fight against the secular movement. George Soros and Peter Lewis, the moneymen behind the secular curtain, have financed a number of web sites which routinely attack those with whom they disagree in the most vile ways. In the coming weeks we will expose those media which pass along the vicious personal attacks. If traditional America rises up and punishes the mainstream media which furthers the cause of Soros and the ACLU, they will lose. If Christmas can be marginalized, any tradition can be, including marriage and the way you raise your kids. Every American has to decide exactly what kind of country he or she wants. And the time to decide is now."

    Tuesday, November 29, 2005


    # Talking Points Memo & Top Story
    Victories for Christmas traditionalists
    Guests: Fox News analyst Lori Litman Brown

    "As we have reported a number of retail companies will no longer use the words 'Merry Christmas' and some school districts have banned Christmas songs. The ACLU is threatening lawsuits against towns that allow Christmas displays on public property. Now the backlash has begun. The Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, has directed that the decorated tree in front of the Capitol be called a Christmas tree. Someone, and that person remains elusive, changed the name to the 'holiday tree.' Hastert has changed it back. In Boston someone, and that person remains elusive, ordered the traditional Christmas tree on the Common be called a 'holiday tree.' But Boston Mayor Tom Menino says no, it will be called a Christmas tree. In Encinitas, California the Christmas parade was changed to a holiday parade and again nobody will say who did that, but Mayor Dan Dalager has changed it back to the Christmas parade. In response, a number of groups say they will boycott the Christmas parade in Encinitas because they are offended by the word Christmas. Also, the American Family Association reports that its campaign of encouraging retail companies to use Christmas in advertising has resulted in the Lowe's stores renaming holiday trees as Christmas trees. Well, good for the AFA. The Christmas madness will not stop until traditional Americans hold the anti-Christmas forces accountable. If you do nothing the Christmas tradition will diminish, to be replaced by the Winter Holiday tradition."

    Fox News Video: FoxNews.com

    Lori Litman Brown, director of the Secular Coalition, said Christmas does not need to be a federal holiday. "I don't think it needs to be a federal holiday. That's a government endorsement of a Christian holiday." The Factor noted that the Founding Fathers probably used the term "Merry Christmas" to one another, to which Brown said, "But they didn't put it in the Constitution." The Factor retorted: "They never envisioned a person like you objecting to it."


    Friday, December 2, 2005


    #Talking Points Memo
    Big wins for Christmas
    "The Yule-tide has turned and the anti-Christmas forces are retreating all over the USA. In Wichita, Kansas it used to be called a 'community' tree. Now it's called a Christmas tree thanks to the city council. In Deerfield, New Hampshire the cops and firefighters say they are putting up a Nativity scene, and you can talk to them if you don't like it. Walgreen's now says it made a mistake banning 'Merry Christmas' from its advertising and next year Christmas will be back. Lowe's home improvement centers now say they are selling Christmas trees, not holiday trees. And the biggest victory of all--Macy's. Last year it would not advertise using Christmas but this year it will. As I said in my newspaper column this week, three wise men showed up to honor the baby Jesus way back when. And if corporate executives are not wise enough to emulate that, well, those of us who respect Christmas might look elsewhere. Talking points is proud to be a part of the pro-Christmas movement and things are moving our way. But eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and over the next three weeks we will be vigilant on this subject, believe me."

    # Back of Book Segment
    Jackie Mason & Christmas
    Guest: Jackie Mason

    As we told you in the Talking Points Memo the pro-Christmas forces in America are winning the fight this year as more and more retail stores are using 'Merry Christmas' in advertising and the 'happy holiday' crowd is on the run. And now comedian Jackie Mason has joined the Christmas team so it could be all over for the secularists. "This just started happening the last year or two, and it's a form of insanity. These people represent nobody. The people who are against the word Christmas don't represent any Jew in the world. You would have to have a CIA man follow Jews around for the next nine years to find one that's against the words "Merry Christmas. It doesn't disturb a Jew." The Factor agreed. "I get a few letters from Jewish people who are, but I agree with you, overwhelmingly Jewish Americans like the season."


    Monday, December 5, 2005


    #Talking Points Memo
    Progressives strike back on Christmas
    "There is a very small minority of Americans who want Christmas out of the public square, and they've made big inroads into America's most revered tradition. However, Christmas is making a comeback and some companies that used to avoid saying 'Merry Christmas' have reversed themselves. That's not playing well in the secular progressive movement, which wants to diminish Christmas and all vestiges of Christian power. They realize that to get gay marriage, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and other parts of their agenda passed they need to marginalize religious forces. Over the weekend some liberal newspapers stepped up to the plate. The absolute best comes from the most enthusiastic secular newspaper in the country, the New York Times. Adam Cohen wrote this: 'The Christmas that Mr. O'Reilly and his allies are promoting ? fits their campaign to make America more like a theocracy.' Of course, Mr. Cohen has no idea what he's talking about. I don't want a theocracy and I don't want Christian prayers in the public schools. What Talking Points is really promoting is respect for a holiday that is celebrated by 95% of Americans. It's insane to diminish Christmas and it's also wrong. The secular progressives are going to lose the fight, and they'll do what they always do - attack."

    # Factor Follow Up Segment
    Christmas shopping & Christmas greetings
    Guest: Neil Weinberg, Forbes Magazine

    Some retailers are avoiding the word "Christmas" in their advertising and marketing campaigns, and business journalist Neil Weinberg reported that stores are taking this issue very seriously. "This is a big topic of discussion in the board rooms, and you're a big topic of discussion. They're trying to walk a very fine line between Bill O'Reilly and the 'anti-Bill O'Reillys.' And they're saying that maybe we have to put a little more 'Christmas' back in Christmas. This is the season that, whatever it means for you and me, means money for retailers." The Factor put forth a simple solution. "People want to walk into a store and see 'Merry Christmas' and then maybe 'Happy Holidays' or Hanukah or Kwanzaa. My solution is why not have them all?"


    Tuesday, December 6, 2005


    #Talking Points Memo
    What Christmas controversy?
    "Writing in the Los Angeles Times, wise guy columnist Joel Stein has declared there is no war on Christmas, and that religious nuts have fabricated the Christmas controversy in order to turn the USA into a theocracy. Here's what he wrote: 'John Gibson and fellow Fox anchor Bill O'Reilly ... have organized a boycott ... of Target, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Sears and Costco for using the phrase "Happy Holidays" in their ads.' That's news to me! On the Radio Factor I said this: 'I don't want to be telling you where to buy and not to buy.' So, Stein did not write the truth, and Times editors say they will issue a correction. The importance of the Christmas controversy is that it has become the centerpiece in the culture war between traditional Americans and progressives. The L.A. Times and much of the media is firmly in the secular corner; Talking Points is rooting for the traditionalists. So the battle lines are drawn. Too bad Christmas has to be in the middle of it."

    # Factor Follow Up Segment
    Christmas attack in Memphis
    Guests: Organizer Brandi Chambless & Fox News chief judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano

    A library in Memphis, TN prohibited a manger scene that was intended to advertise a local church event. Church member Brandi Chambless elaborated on the controversy. "I was told I could have the nativity scene as long as it didn't have Jesus, Joseph, Mary, or the three wise men, so we have a bunch of barnyard animals in the display. This is ridiculous! Having Christmas without the baby Jesus is like having the Bill O'Reilly show without Bill." Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano pointed out that the library encouraged the public to advertise civic events, and thus is on shaky legal ground. "In this case the government itself invited people to come on to government property and publicize what they're doing. Once the government issues that invitation, it can't censor the display. I think the library is going to back down and let the baby Jesus and the blessed Mother be there." Judge Napolitano also couldn't resist the opportunity to tweak The Factor. "Bill, I love this segment because it's the first time I heard you compared to the baby Jesus."


    Friday, December 9, 2005


    # Talking Points Memo & Top Story
    More victories for Christmas
    Guest: Fox News analyst Jim Pinkerton

    "While the secular media continues to spout that there is no Christmas controversy, in the real world we have proved there is. More evidence: Apparently Sears and Target, two operations that were not saying 'Merry Christmas,' have turned around and are now Christmas kind of people. This is about respect. Banishing the words 'Merry Christmas' is simply disrespectful to people who celebrate that federal holiday. In Wisconsin, an elementary school changed the name of 'Silent Night' to 'Cold In The Night.' In Plano, Texas, a school told students they couldn't wear red and green because they are Christmas colors. That's flat-out fascism. If I were a student in Plano, I'd be a walking Christmas tree after that order. Talking Points understands that you know what is going on here. The good news is that we're actually winning, and nearly every time we embarrass the secular forces they cave. Only a few stores are now banning 'Merry Christmas' - they are listed on BillOreilly.com. We are defending Christmas, we are exposing the people who are disrespecting the federal holiday and the media that covers it up. And we'll continue to do that."

    Fox News analyst Jim Pinkerton joined The Factor with his view on the Christmas controversy. According to Pinkerton, a newspaper columnist himself, many journalists refuse to acknowledge that Christmas is under siege. "They hate to admit that for the last 30 or 40 years they have been waging a war against Christmas and Christian tradition. If you see all the evidence put together by John Gibson in his book and what you've had on your show, it's overwhelming. And to deny what is right in front of your face requires a real act of will." The Factor accused the mainstream media of outright deceit. "Intelligent people who run these newspapers know what's going on. Children are being forced to sing counter-lyrics to a classic. And the secular liberal press is not only justifying it, but trying to demonize those who want it to stop."
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    War on religions other than christinaty, the seperation of church and state, and the non-religious.

    Religion is a private matter, and like all private things you should keep it in your fucking pants.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Asherr: "talking points talking points talking points"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Was there actually a point anywhere in that post? If there was, could you please offer me the abridged version, since all I see is pages and pages of talking points that I'm not going to bother reading. If I wanted to know what are the latest republican talking points, I would listen to Rush or O'Reilly or whatever other drug-addled/sexual-harassing, right-wing pundits there are.

    Oh and here's a bit of irony in regards to Fox News' involvement in this whole "War against Christmas" bullshit:

    They've since changed all of their "Holiday" greetings to "Christmas," but when I was first told about this whole thing last week by a friend, I checked it out and sure enough they didn't even have the word "Christmas" anywhere on their site. Oh the sweet, sweet irony, stupidity and hypocrisy.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    if you can't be bothered to read it then i can't be bothered to explain it.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    if you can't be bothered to read it then i can't be bothered to explain it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well what the hell? All you did was post a bunch of talking points without any commentary from yourself. What am I supposed to do, read the talking points and then telepathically figure out your reason for posting them? If you have something to say, then just say it.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    wooooo! far left vs far right! when they come together we get middle of the road bullshit! nothing gets accomplished and everyone gets pissed and flies off the handle at the slightest provocation! god i love this country! wait, i said god! im a filthy right wing facist money grubbing oil drilling nightly news commentating flag waving republican! oh noes! how about 'non-denominational-being-of-powers-not-comprehendable-by-mortals
    i love this country?'. oh that makes me a dirty left wing free thinking pot smoking radical red commie flag burning bastard democrat! argh!!!

    oh and if your atheist then how about removing the words hell, damn, god, gah, geez, bejeezus, and other such religious derivatives from your vocabulary plz? tongue.gif

    and forcing atheism on people is just as easy as forcing anything else, you just pelt them from all sides with your holier-than-thou self-important ego-inflating bullshit like everyone else does.

    come on corporate machines! get rolling so that you will finally brainwash us all so we dont have opinions any longer and all this stupid fighting will finally end!! breakfast of champions!

    /em rolls eyes
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    wooooo! far left vs far right! when they come together we get middle of the road bullshit! nothing gets accomplished and everyone gets pissed and flies off the handle at the slightest provocation! god i love this country! wait, i said god! im a filthy right wing facist money grubbing oil drilling nightly news commentating flag waving republican! oh noes! how about 'non-denominational-being-of-powers-not-comprehendable-by-mortals
    i love this country?'. oh that makes me a dirty left wing free thinking pot smoking radical red commie flag burning bastard democrat! argh!!!

    oh and if your atheist then how about removing the words hell, damn, god, gah, geez, bejeezus, and other such religious derivatives from your vocabulary plz? tongue.gif

    and forcing atheism on people is just as easy as forcing anything else, you just pelt them from all sides with your holier-than-thou self-important ego-inflating bullshit like everyone else does.

    come on corporate machines! get rolling so that you will finally brainwash us all so we dont have opinions any longer and all this stupid fighting will finally end!! breakfast of champions!

    /em rolls eyes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, well said smile.gif

    and this post made me laugh my ass off:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a hard-on for atheism. right now!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    You can't really force atheism on anyone and no one wants to do that anyway, rational people tend to find their own way towards sanity. There aren't atheist standing outside of churches screaming there is no god. No one is seeking public funds to tell kids there is no easter bunny.
    It's real simple, in private you can be as religious as you want, heck, you can even dance with snakes (as long as you don't sacrafice them or somethin' 'les peta gets ta protestin' your ass back to the stone age where you belong), go nuts.
    But in the public forum, that is in places paid for by everyone, not just christians there should be no religious bias, which basicly means shut up. This isn't to say you can't be religious, you can go to the park and pray till it closes you just can't have the government build a 'prayer park'.

    Now as for business, they can do whatever they want but since they presumably want to do business with non-christians as well as christians they tend to try to be as neutral as possible so as not to turn away potential customers. There is no conspiracy.
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