(in this thread you can see a soldier with alot copy paste zones from a hawkprey concepts (gears of war ) , maybe you can see parts of your art on it :P .
dead on timex, your right. Kind of cheap really. He almost seems like he could do it if he wasn't being lazy... but instead decided to rip it off. Sad really. I suppose you can only depend on others works for so long though. I get the feeling this happens alot with concept art or something?
It looks like he did it as a quick fix as well to set the tone of the piece. However, not stating that in his post seems fishy. I would hold off on the witch burning just yet... unliess it's found out the other pieces were ripped from other art too.
Seriously, maybe being from China, the largest country for pirated stuff, he just isn't aware that it's wrong to do?
hey Timex, I tried to register but conceptart.org is under maintenance. I'd revise your post and go in to more detail - even posting the image of the GoW concept right in the thread to make your point more apparent.
Although this person has skill, you're dead right about this and it's damn lame.
He atleast needs to be told to give credit where credit is due.
Ah, and I think this thread should have been posted in GD. *Shrug*
yeah, i see his other concepts and are really amazing , alot of people use "copy paste" for make concepts exp (the millenary falcon is based in a truck lock), this man say that the concepts are for friends for make some 3d model , but him can put the hawkprey name in the post by it to have hidden i open this post.
This is other image , I see the image time ago then i foud the conan images and his hands are really = .
Gary said " there were very little guidelines and all I was told was to create a warrior figure "
Weird, let's see what he has to say in his defence (not that he can have any, it's pretty clear that he has just copied stuff straight off). Also, all the parts that he drew cannot compete with how tight hawkpreys work is. The rest of his work is nice though.
I don't see anything major wrong with the latter one personally, since he's not really copied any of the design, just the pose/anatomy. Which does just come down to reference imo.
As for the first one, copying and pasting others stuff might be handy to get the feel of a concept down quickly- shouldn't be publicly pimped tho . Good eye man
Nothing wrong with the conan pose though, since he only copied the pose and not the actual art. Don't see anything too wrong with that, although it does lack imagination.
DFacto - almost the whole left arm/shoulder is used as well - minus the tube. I doubt this guy could find work. I certainly would be very suspect about using him. I'd just be waiting for another artist to spot his work and file a law suit. Shame, as he obviously has some drawing skill, just no 'concept' or 'design' skill. He'd be better off doing real-world commercial stuff.
Everyone "steal" poses (there are only so many that work well so it is only logical that they get reused).
Also the design part is two fold, i wouldnt say that its stealing unless its pretty much copy-paste, you see everyone has some inspiration that comes from others work etc. so i would say nothing is 100% original.
This post has nothing to do with the chinese guy work as such (so no one would say i defend/attack him or something) but merely my toughts on the subject.
If you look at the pic, you see that he did copy and paste the Unreal Championship conceptart and just painted over it, as well as throwing in parts from the Gears of War pistol.
Pretty lame, though. I'm with dfacto. You can still see parts of the original Gorge drawing showing through when you look at the full-size piece.
There's a difference between inspiration, and tracing other people's work.
The guy has tallent, why the hell would he need to steal like that. What an smacktard... He didn't even trace, paint over or alter in any way some bits. It's like he starts by doing paint overs but then stops and calls it done half way thru. Shame he doesn't give proper credit but tries to ride the coat tails of others success. But then again that is what the industry does so it shouldn't suprise me.
CA is still down, someone should mention that the LEAST naughtyboy can do is give credit when credit is due. If he's going to literally copy/paste other peoples work he should let it be known and give credit to the artist(s).
I agree he should have mentioned his method, and given credit. Not doing so is dishonest, and peope who aren't aware of it treat him like a master of his craft. I'm sure if I (or anyone) used hawkprey's work as a base, my art would appear to improve as well...but it's not fair to do so.
this isn't okay in my eyes.
i am really bothered by artists doing this. i can understand taking shortcuts in a production atmosphere. it's tempting to use something as a guide, but it only hurts you as an artist.
when i was younger, i would smell like a gross little kid, and my mom would make me take showers. it's the typical bath war, where the kid doesn't want to take a bath, and the mom is laying down the law.
to defeat her, i would simply agree, go into the bathroom, turn on the shower, sit on the toilet seat and pout about how unfair my mom is being.
i would reach into the shower and breakup the water so it sounds as if i was standing in it, thump the basin of the tub as if they were foot steps, pickup and putdown the shampoo and conditioner to imply i was using them on my hair.
during breaks of creating realisticlly timed sound effects to throw my mom off, i'd use the batroom sink to wet my face, arms, and hair.
i'd turn off the shower and be on my way to go to sleep. my mom would call me down and check to see if i'd showered. she smelled my hair and rubbed it with her fingers to see if it squeeked. after a strange look, shed say "okay, good night."
because i got away with it, didn't make the fact that i cheated ok. i put just as much effort into created the effect i have taken a shower, when i could have just taken a damn shower.
30 minutes later, while laying in my bed, mom would knock on my door, flip the lights on and say, "take a real shower this time". you always get caught in the end.
hawken's got a point: this guy's in china. there's an extremely different sensibility towards IP "theft" there. and it looks like the degree to which he's taken from hawkprey's work is akin to sampling in music. some people think it's a complete abomination, others think it's a valid form of musical expression. sure, it's "not cool," but as has been mentioned, it at least appears this guy has his own skill...?
gauss: Usually people who sample music at least credit it
What would you think if you loaded up a thread in CA's "Finally Finished" section and saw a piece of your own work being used as a base (visibly and noticeably) for someone else's art?
Well, credit goes to Timex for having sharp eyes and pointing it out. I often wonder how many times this has happened before without someone noticing. The world is a big place, but our community is smarter than most.
it's a real shame because that guy obviously can draw. If I was stealing hawkprey's stuff there would be more of an excuse actually than if a good painter who doesn't need it does it....just IMO.
There was a thread a while back on CA forums were a Blizzard concept artist was caught doing the same thing . He was amazingly talented but streight up painted over some pretty well known mecha design to make his own robots . Linda Berkavist was caught lying about painting over photos in her art work and yet I think it's obvious how talented she is . When do you draw the line ? I mean Feng Zsu and Craig Mullins paint over refrence from either photos or block models . I personally think the guy changed the artwork enough to be credited as a very good artist but should have mentioned he used refrence
I'm sorry but any skills he's got is overshadowed by his theft. If an up standing civilian leads a perfect life for 10 year but has a day where he pinches something from a shop - would he be let off? No he wouldn't. The skill is just overshadowed by the sampling.
pogonip, painting over block models or your own photography is very different to grabbing someone else's concept artwork and painting over it.
loads of pro artists use the block model approach because it isn't stealing, it's their own work. often they use their own photos too.
Linda Bergkvist has often publicly stated that she often uses photos in her painting to add texture. Can you point me to the place where she was found to be "lying" about using photos in painting? Personally I find it hard to believe, but if it happened, I'd like to see the evidence, and if it's true then my opinion of her would probably drop a fair bit.
There was a thread a while back on CA forums were a Blizzard concept artist was caught doing the same thing . He was amazingly talented but streight up painted over some pretty well known mecha design to make his own robots .
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup, carlo got busted for overpainting the Maddox suit's arm. But using your photos, or models as a base isn't a crime. Just as long as it's your own shit.
aww that sucks, i gave more credit to carlo than he desirved, i thought that was all talent. the works i saw of his were amazing still.
i draw the line here: in a production atmosphere, drawing over a 3d mesh is acceptable. in that environment, there is a need for a lot of content. hawkprey himself uses this methood. it not only helps get the perspective and foreshortening correct on complex forms that otherwise would take more time getting right just to present a concept, it also gives models a step up for modeling the concept with correct proportions.
i don't see using other artist's works as a guide very good practice. and if they do, they better make sure nobody can tell.
outside of this atmosphere, cite your sources in your studies, otherwise, shame on you! the only benefit here is to decieve others into giving you props. that is selfish and just uncool nigga! i am of the mind, that you're only hurting yourself as an artist, stunting your growth as one.
MOP someone else did this at the thread at CGtalk and it pretty obvious to me but she denied it was a paintover/blur but she made the mistake of leaving a part of the pic unblured , she's still a brilliant artist maybe one of the best digital painters in the world but I did'nt get why she denied it was photo sourced ? She claims it was texture over-lays but come on ..anyways painting over a photo or a block model is a lot diffrent then over someone elses artwork your right
Hmm, I see... weird. I had a search for the thread but I couldn't find it. She says in an interview in D'Artiste book that she uses photos as overlays and bases for the environmental parts of lots of her paintings since it makes them more realistic, and if I remember right that image there was painted more recently than the D'Artiste book was published? So it doesn't make much sense that she'd deny using photos in a thread after she'd already admitted it.
Oh well, if it happened, I guess it was an error of judgment on her part, since she's admitted using photos before. Weird!
MoP: I mentioned sampling just as a comparison to something reasonably comparable in our own cultural context--the fact that he's Chinese and coming from a very different cultural understanding about this sort of thing still stands. As it happens, sampling is perfectly legal when the sample taken is so short or sufficiently modified as to be completely unrecognizeable from its original form... and I think the same ought to go for art. Even on that Gorge piece, the majority of the work is his, not hawkprey's.
I didn't get to see any of the other examples firsthand, so maybe I'm off, but the posted example of the paint-over for Gorge isn't really that bad. Yes, he ought not to have left that bit showing through, but isn't the vast majority of the piece his own work?
To answer your question MoP, if I saw a piece that had as small a piece recognizeably taken from one of my pieces as that chestplate from Gorge, frankly I think I'd be a little flattered. Credit would be nice, but I think when you get to the point in your career when people are basing their work off yours, you probably don't need to worry about it.
The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" is based on a small snippet from a Rolling Stone song. The end result is nothing like the original, but the song wouldn't exist without that sample. A lot of people like that song... would they rather it just not exist because it uses a piece of an existing song?
I suggest clicking on NaughtyBoy's profile and checking out the previous threads he's started... he's got a large body of work with some very original, interesting pieces.
We can all agree that yes, if you're going to work like this you should credit your sources and ask nicely, etc. etc... but I think people are far too sensitive about the issue. There are so many shitty artists out there right now that slap a trademark and a giant signature on their pieces when they'd be lucky to have anyone pay attention to their work, much less rip it off.
naughty boy,,,,
ye i think he posted a while ago some insane shit,
no, if that's the dude then he can draw like a mofo...
and it deffinitely didn't look ripped off to me.
but hey, who knows
as a noob, it's fine.
if u "claim" it as ur own shit,
gotta credit.
no credit = disrespect.
and that's bad karma right there.
this whole china is different thing, i don't buy this crap.
this is the internet, and fuck sake in the middle of ca.org..
gauss: Maybe that guy's body of interesting, original pieces you're talking about are just things he's vaguely stolen off some Chinese artist you've never heard of?
Basically if you post some images up as if they're your own work, and a portion of it is not, you're misrepresenting yourself. And if one image is proven to be a direct copy in areas (admittedly the other areas were well done, but still, WHY!?), why should I believe that the other images aren't similarly copied from a source I don't recognise?
Like shotgun says, no credit = disrespect ... if you're using such a large portion of someone else's work as your own.
we're all on the same team here. i need no convincing that THIEVING, LYING, CHEATING SHAM ARTISTS NEED TO BE RUN OUT OF TOWN!!!]1 and i'm glad we've all gotten together in this thread to say what everyone agrees on. bravo. excuse me if i'm looking for a slightly more nuanced dialogue on the subject--maybe it's worth considering that that the guy didn't completely set out to scam off others? no, he is NOT innocent and should strongly be reminded that he needs to give credit where credit is due, it's about respect, etc. etc.
i personally wouldn't ever take without giving credit, but you know... i'd also like to be given the benefit of the doubt if ever i was accused of something like this. there was a case of this sort of thing not too long ago that i think people would do well to evaluate. as someone had in their sig on here, "originality is the art of concealing your source," so i guess this guy's crime was not cheating thoroughly enough?
someone can shamelessly use all the hallmarks of a particular artist down to everything but the actual brushstrokes and that's not stealing? i think the issue deserves just a little more careful consideration. the idea of "stealing" from another artist is on the same spectrum as being "inspired" by an artist.
Like killing people says, sometimes just as much effort goes into copying a piece as making something new. That must be educational and worthy in some respects.
In asia copying is not frowned upon. I have some chinese friends and they find little difference between "original" and "copy", giving no preference to something original and going for the cheapest Pok
sorry for my english , maybe "thief" is a hard word,but he use works of other people without permission ,time ago some mvl's company use some of my pictures (making money without my permission), and i don't like this things.
..time to re-read Mike Lin's article. I'd rather be 'influenced' than be a xerox machine, and I'd respect someone with the balls to cite their influences.
Good eye man
Seriously, maybe being from China, the largest country for pirated stuff, he just isn't aware that it's wrong to do?
Although this person has skill, you're dead right about this and it's damn lame.
He atleast needs to be told to give credit where credit is due.
Ah, and I think this thread should have been posted in GD. *Shrug*
This is other image , I see the image time ago then i foud the conan images and his hands are really = .
Gary said " there were very little guidelines and all I was told was to create a warrior figure "
(I'm fan of gary's art)
As for the first one, copying and pasting others stuff might be handy to get the feel of a concept down quickly- shouldn't be publicly pimped tho
Nothing wrong with the conan pose though, since he only copied the pose and not the actual art. Don't see anything too wrong with that, although it does lack imagination.
Also the design part is two fold, i wouldnt say that its stealing unless its pretty much copy-paste, you see everyone has some inspiration that comes from others work etc. so i would say nothing is 100% original.
This post has nothing to do with the chinese guy work as such (so no one would say i defend/attack him or something) but merely my toughts on the subject.
There's a difference between inspiration, and tracing other people's work.
But hawken is right.
i am really bothered by artists doing this. i can understand taking shortcuts in a production atmosphere. it's tempting to use something as a guide, but it only hurts you as an artist.
when i was younger, i would smell like a gross little kid, and my mom would make me take showers. it's the typical bath war, where the kid doesn't want to take a bath, and the mom is laying down the law.
to defeat her, i would simply agree, go into the bathroom, turn on the shower, sit on the toilet seat and pout about how unfair my mom is being.
i would reach into the shower and breakup the water so it sounds as if i was standing in it, thump the basin of the tub as if they were foot steps, pickup and putdown the shampoo and conditioner to imply i was using them on my hair.
during breaks of creating realisticlly timed sound effects to throw my mom off, i'd use the batroom sink to wet my face, arms, and hair.
i'd turn off the shower and be on my way to go to sleep. my mom would call me down and check to see if i'd showered. she smelled my hair and rubbed it with her fingers to see if it squeeked. after a strange look, shed say "okay, good night."
because i got away with it, didn't make the fact that i cheated ok. i put just as much effort into created the effect i have taken a shower, when i could have just taken a damn shower.
30 minutes later, while laying in my bed, mom would knock on my door, flip the lights on and say, "take a real shower this time". you always get caught in the end.
What would you think if you loaded up a thread in CA's "Finally Finished" section and saw a piece of your own work being used as a base (visibly and noticeably) for someone else's art?
"sorry this thread has been taken down for some reason :P"
loads of pro artists use the block model approach because it isn't stealing, it's their own work. often they use their own photos too.
Linda Bergkvist has often publicly stated that she often uses photos in her painting to add texture. Can you point me to the place where she was found to be "lying" about using photos in painting? Personally I find it hard to believe, but if it happened, I'd like to see the evidence, and if it's true then my opinion of her would probably drop a fair bit.
There was a thread a while back on CA forums were a Blizzard concept artist was caught doing the same thing . He was amazingly talented but streight up painted over some pretty well known mecha design to make his own robots .
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup, carlo got busted for overpainting the Maddox suit's arm. But using your photos, or models as a base isn't a crime. Just as long as it's your own shit.
i draw the line here: in a production atmosphere, drawing over a 3d mesh is acceptable. in that environment, there is a need for a lot of content. hawkprey himself uses this methood. it not only helps get the perspective and foreshortening correct on complex forms that otherwise would take more time getting right just to present a concept, it also gives models a step up for modeling the concept with correct proportions.
i don't see using other artist's works as a guide very good practice. and if they do, they better make sure nobody can tell.
outside of this atmosphere, cite your sources in your studies, otherwise, shame on you! the only benefit here is to decieve others into giving you props. that is selfish and just uncool nigga! i am of the mind, that you're only hurting yourself as an artist, stunting your growth as one.
Oh well, if it happened, I guess it was an error of judgment on her part, since she's admitted using photos before. Weird!
I didn't get to see any of the other examples firsthand, so maybe I'm off, but the posted example of the paint-over for Gorge isn't really that bad. Yes, he ought not to have left that bit showing through, but isn't the vast majority of the piece his own work?
To answer your question MoP, if I saw a piece that had as small a piece recognizeably taken from one of my pieces as that chestplate from Gorge, frankly I think I'd be a little flattered. Credit would be nice, but I think when you get to the point in your career when people are basing their work off yours, you probably don't need to worry about it.
The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" is based on a small snippet from a Rolling Stone song. The end result is nothing like the original, but the song wouldn't exist without that sample. A lot of people like that song... would they rather it just not exist because it uses a piece of an existing song?
I suggest clicking on NaughtyBoy's profile and checking out the previous threads he's started... he's got a large body of work with some very original, interesting pieces.
We can all agree that yes, if you're going to work like this you should credit your sources and ask nicely, etc. etc... but I think people are far too sensitive about the issue. There are so many shitty artists out there right now that slap a trademark and a giant signature on their pieces when they'd be lucky to have anyone pay attention to their work, much less rip it off.
ye i think he posted a while ago some insane shit,
no, if that's the dude then he can draw like a mofo...
and it deffinitely didn't look ripped off to me.
but hey, who knows
as a noob, it's fine.
if u "claim" it as ur own shit,
gotta credit.
no credit = disrespect.
and that's bad karma right there.
this whole china is different thing, i don't buy this crap.
this is the internet, and fuck sake in the middle of ca.org..
u gotta respect others, and u gotta credit.
Basically if you post some images up as if they're your own work, and a portion of it is not, you're misrepresenting yourself. And if one image is proven to be a direct copy in areas (admittedly the other areas were well done, but still, WHY!?), why should I believe that the other images aren't similarly copied from a source I don't recognise?
Like shotgun says, no credit = disrespect ... if you're using such a large portion of someone else's work as your own.
i personally wouldn't ever take without giving credit, but you know... i'd also like to be given the benefit of the doubt if ever i was accused of something like this. there was a case of this sort of thing not too long ago that i think people would do well to evaluate. as someone had in their sig on here, "originality is the art of concealing your source," so i guess this guy's crime was not cheating thoroughly enough?
someone can shamelessly use all the hallmarks of a particular artist down to everything but the actual brushstrokes and that's not stealing? i think the issue deserves just a little more careful consideration. the idea of "stealing" from another artist is on the same spectrum as being "inspired" by an artist.
In asia copying is not frowned upon. I have some chinese friends and they find little difference between "original" and "copy", giving no preference to something original and going for the cheapest Pok
This guy literally cut and pasted bits of somebody elses work. That's just incredibly wrong.