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xmen 3 trailer today



  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Mop the thing that really pissed me off was what they did to the characters, had they kept them true to themselves I wouldn't mind so much, except for Magnetos helmet. The entire point of Magneto's outfit is to show how much of a supreme being he is, not an old man with a tin can on his head. I mean it's not hard to make it look exactly or better than in the books. As far as the customs go there is not much you can do about that? I still wonder how super heros look "cool" dressed how they do in the books. wink.gif at least some of them anyway.

  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...however when you read the Xmen Adventures comic book series not to be confused with the regular Xmen/Uncanny Xmen universe and they are ten times better in character approach, and story you kind of get really pissed off at the BS Marvel decided to release for a movie.

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    Again, I stress, this isn't comic continuity. Get over it. Hell, look at Ultimate X-Men. Character personalities changed there too. Hell, just look at the normal comic continuities while you're at it. Characters in the X-Men universe are always changing their minds and personalities. That's why I hate reading the comics.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Okay were are the freaking Sentinels, hmm they are too expensive? They sink the titanic but you can't have a team model a sentinel in cg, or have a guy dress up in a suit and that get enhanced with cg... Thank you Marvel I understand.

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    No, I don't think you do. I don't think you understand budgets at all. Do you know how much Titanic cost? Titanic is #3 all time at 200 million dollars. Where are the X films? X2= 125 million; X1= 75 million. Sure, you say 'only a team to model the Sentinal', but then what? You have rigging, animation, texturing, compositing, rendering, lighting, etc. I'm sure I left many many other things out. Suddenly you're faced with an additional 8 million dollars. That's not a small number.

    Plus, I'd rather wait for a movie they can devote to Sentinals, instead of making them just a side story. Can anyone here say 'Batman and Robin' or as I like to call it, 'Throw in as many enemies as you can before we totally kill the franchise'!

    I'm fine with the movies. They are what they are. Movies meant to appeal to the mass market.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Sage: Dude, it's a movie, not a direct-from-comic conversion. The "character" of Magneto is nearly identical, you just don't like the way they've physically represented him. Like you said, it wouldn't be difficult to do an exact representation of the characters as they look in the books, but obviously that's not what the film-makers are aiming for! You can complain all you want, but unless you're aiming for a job as a production designer on movies, there's nothing you can do about it. They made their choices for a reason (audience accessibility and "coolness" factor, no doubt). I don't think it was ever stated that every movie would be a perfect conversion from books or comics, so there's no reason to expect that things won't be changed.
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    I mean it's not hard to make it look exactly or better than in the books. As far as the customs go there is not much you can do about that? I still wonder how super heros look "cool" dressed how they do in the books. wink.gif at least some of them anyway.

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    Real people look retarded in spandex. It's very rare that an outfit looks good in spandex. The Superman outfit from the original movies is about as close as you can come.

    A person is NEVER going to look nearly as cool as their comic book representation.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i can accept them taking and making any changes they want, and i can still watch the movies (and if they are good) enjoy them, doesnt mean you have to agree with or like the changes, , anyone here has the right to hate the way things are done just as much as people are free to like the way they are done, you should just all hug and get along,
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    *hugs mojokey*
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    i can accept them taking and making any changes they want, and i can still watch the movies (and if they are good) enjoy them, doesnt mean you have to agree with or like the changes, , anyone here has the right to hate the way things are done just as much as people are free to like the way they are done, you should just all hug and get along,

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Group hug everyone!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Ah guys don't take my dissapointment the wrong way. wink.gif Had they tried to stick the Sentinels in the second would have been a horrible thing to do. I'm was glad they didn't take that route. I just wish they would had put more effort into the story like they did for the Spiderman films, plus I loved the cartoons made with the Xmen as young kids so making some young and others older is not my beef with the films.

    Mop I'm actually pissed they made Sabertooth a freaking moron more than anything and that the stories in the films were weak. Magneto is almost an impossible character to recreate in real life. I mean come on the guy life force is link to the planet in some way so he is almost immortal... He was made young, then old again then cloned... blah blah. The problem with Magnetos apprearance is that he wants everyone to know how godly he is but the outfit doesn't really reflect that.

    Skankerzero you hit the nail on the head with Batman and Robin comment, in the fact that is what I feel they doing with the films, they are just trying to cram every cool milestone that has ever happened in the Xmen universe into each film making them suck. Thank god the Sentinels were too expensive to have in the second film cause I would had really been pissed then. wink.gif I still believe the Sentinels would fit nicely into the third movie unless the trailer is misleading that is. Like you I want them to devote and entire movie to one event, if it's the Sentinels then it's the Sentinels. Cheers wink.gif

    Oh I'm not saying you are wrong for liking the movies either, they were entertaining to some degree but to me they were a let down. I guess I am surprised at how many people really liked the films that's all. I guess I got too attached to that universe, after all most of my comics are from the Xmen universe. I did stop reading the books though after they did the entire Age of Apocalypse. After that I just didn't like the way Marvel decided to take the Xmen. I have bought some books here and there but it doesn't appeal to me anymore like it used to. I don't expect anything much from movies but sometimes some do hit a nerve. wink.gif

  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    bill duke is in x3 playing "trask", and any comic geek should recognise that name. bolivar trask built the sentinels. wouldn't be surprised if the big fight between both sides starts, and the sentinels turn up to put an end to it.

    and they put in the fastball special, how cool is that?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    fastball special is very cool indeed
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    The shot of Magneto holding Wolverine in the air makes me wonder if they're going to have him rip Wolvie's adamantium out of his skeleton like he did in the comics. That would be pretty intense.

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    They won't, as that would mess with the Wolverine spinoff series. confused.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19

    Shots of all the lead characters I guess.
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