I'm looking for games that are fun to play with two players on one computer, and i thought you would know some that i don'.
I've got a fairly old computer (500 mhz ftw. I feel so cheapalert) so please take that into consideration.
Some things i have and enjoy:
Heroes of Might and Magic (all)
Age of Wonders (all except shadow magic

Worms (the 2d ones)
Kuru Kuru Kururin & Kururin Paradise, taking turns.
Rollcage 2
I seem to remember Lego Racers being incredibly fun, and also having a split screen option, so i'm probably getting that...
Are there any great games i've blatantly forgot?
Obviously three or four players would be good as well
You can even play it online:
i used to really enjoy playing 2-player Tyrian (inc. "Destruct" cheat mini-game), and 3-player Threat (if your keyboard can handle it...)
Might also want to take a look at Armagetron, it's good for killing some time
Liquid War is a damn load of fun.
Liero probably works pretty well for two players, too (skip Liero Xtreme, that's a crappy clone).
One Must Fall 2097 is great for two players, other fighting games include Destruction Desire and Mind Arms. If you're willing to import (or um...), Melty Blood ReACT is probably the best fighting game available.
Crimsonland is worth a try. You can even play the campaign in coop!
Tetanus On Drugs for the slightly unusual Tetris fix.
EDIT: Gunstar Heroes is supposedly a lot of fun in coop.
Plus there's the Clonk games, all versions except the newest one are up for free download.
*jumps in his Shadow, down up+punch, down back kick down back kick down back kick*
Serious Sam FE and SE!
now be a good boy and post another twenty times in the same tread.
Oh shit, quick KDR! a new newspost on /. better be quick and post a new thread about it.
It's a great game though, so it's still a somewhat good tip, you dirty inhabitant of england's cesspit*!
Thanks for all the other tips as well, i'll check them out. I'd been meaning to look into Scorced Earth and Crimsonland for a while now, so now would be a good time for that.
*blame pczone uk, not me. I think Blackpool came out on top in their 'most depressing english city/town' competition, quite a few years back now.
WORMS (the original recommended. don't play any 3d ones)
CHAMPIONS OF ZULULA (just kidding)
jazz2 is furry and also it sucks hotseat, wtf pain delays and stuck springpad bugs
Doom(2) Legacy has split screen support, but it's a crappy port
On a 500MHz machine, in split screen, probably without a decent 3d accellerator?
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tried it on a k6-2 500, even worse results.
The bugs are rare enough that I didn't see them and the invulnerability after a hit adds to the strategy. If you don't like DM just play races.
It's pretty old at this point, but the first game I worked on was Master of Orion II, which was very fun and had hot seat modes for numerous players.
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MOO 2 rocks! It's my fave game of all time!