What is your favorite soundtrack or song from a game?
Personally I love the orchestral tracks for the Medal of Honor series, Rainbow Six and the intro song for Battlefield 1942, but when it comes to single greatest game song of all time, I'd definitely say One Winged Angel from Final Fantasy 7's final boss fight.
Earthworm Jim
2. Eternal Legend (The Legend of Zelda)
3. Level Music (Super Mario Bros.)
4. Theme of Dr. Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
5. Here Comes a Gigantic Toy! (TUMIKI Fighters)
Hymn Of The Storm is the single greatest piece of videogame music, EVER! That's the one that plays in OOT when you're teenage Link and go into the mill in that village. Where that guy with the music box strapped to his back is playing.
Old Ys OST's
Ico and SotC
Earthbound (Mother 2) ... how can you not dig that one?
Any of the Orchestrated sounding Castlevania's (SotN for example, although the butt rock ones are often a guilty pleasure)
I had the incredible fortune of living next to a game music fanatic in college. He would regularly import 3-4 cds a week. I think he had over 500 game music cds in his collection. Many a cds burned that year.
misc: nes/megaman2, n64/snowboard kids
megadrive: sonic3/sonic and knuckles, zero wing, toejam and earl, bonanza bros, gunstar heroes, streets of rage 2, decap attack, dnd warriors of the eternal sun, outrun, rocketknight adventures,
PC: total annihilation, MDK2, morrowind, quake2 (2 tracks mainly), hardwar(!), darwinia
strange, it seems a lot harder to think of PC titles with good music. I look at my game boxes and can hardly remember any with notable tunes. More games with mainly atmospheric music?
Morrowind music is wonderful, and the BF1942 theme is also really catchy.
The Threat theme is good too, if anyone's played that.
But yeah, the only PC game ost I own is Alice and the Neverhood.
A while back I looked out the rom and finally completed it
You don't mean X2: The Threat per chance?
Jade empire has a good sountrack too.
But the best track has to be To Far Away Times (end track) from Chrono Trigger.
I really loved all of the metal gear solids music too. I'm sure i missed something major.
Shadow of the Beast
and the quake 1 ambient NiN made,
perfect for teeth gritting.
Oh yeah - and the original Mario Bros. music is definately a classic.
Harry-Gregson Williams does fantastic work with the series.
i liked the half-life and mechwarrior soundtracks. i used to draw to them when i was in high school.
The game was so so. The Music made it.
The same with Quake. Trent Reznor defined it.
Legend of Zelda OoT
Shadow of the Colossus
FZero GX Gamecube
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy VII
Katamari Damacy
We Heart Katamari
Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
Metroid Prime
Vice City.
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love fist sucks
Megaman2 w00t w00000t
I will never forget.
Chrono Trigger also awesome...and i really like most of the Halo soundtrack