ok, accidentaly found this:
First trailer of the Bloodrayne movie with Krista Lokken, micheal madsen and ben kingsley.
-It looks horrbile. Like some sort of reallife roleplay recorded with a digicam.
-Uwe Boll sucks soo hard
-Whats all about? This is one of the most senseless trailers I saw so far...
rant away
It feels very 'made for TV'. Not helped by the cheezy voiceover.
Damn shame...
EDIT: I just watched the trailer. Garbage. Shame.
Daz, agreed, especially since Kingsley was in the Thunderbirds movie... and frankly Madsen's performance in Sin City was poor.
I've heard ze Germans are working to amend their laws so this can't keep happening, so hopefully he won't be able to keep these shenanigans up for too much longer.
wiki has a fun bit on him:
and lets not leave that other wonderful game director out of this convo:
paul anderson!!
talk about entertaining reads.
as for bloodrayne..where the heck are the nazis?!?
alone in the dark is only good if you watch the directors commentary, cause bol is a funny funny bitter insane man. i'm hoping his new movies go back to the house of the dead level of awesome bad
I guess Kingsley and Madsen are hard up for work?!
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I was thinking the same thing, but if you check out Madsen's IMDB page, apparently he's just signing on to do every movie that's offered to him. The man has about a dozen yet-to-be-released movies that he's involved with. But why oh why Michael, would you stoop so low as to do a Uwe Boll movie
Tabarnac! According to wikipedia, he's in the bidding for Metal Gear Solid! Nooooooooooooo!
For some reason, he's decided that games liscenses are the way to go for movie failures (Springtime for Hitler already being taken).
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We have some GPG people here.. Whats the scoop? Why did Chris do this?
Whats the scoop? Why did Chris do this?
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"The film is exactly structured like a game, as well. It's complete with mini-boss and boss fights, weapons and ability upgrades, collectibles (Rayne has to grab three items in order to have the power to defeat Kagan) and a final encounter. Boll has taken the videogame blueprint as literally as a person possibly could, which sounds like a terrible idea. However, unlike House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark, this structure works a lot better in BloodRayne."
I did enjoy the first Mortal Kombat movie when it came out. I also liked Soldier. Event Horizon is also one of my favorites.
On the plus side, Bloodrayne appears to be higher quality than Boll's other films. Though, that isn't saying much.
It's probably more the publisher than the developer. Isn't that what happened with Bloodrayne? Like, the movie and the MTV music video stuff?
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Majesco owns BloodRayne, we do not. Though, Majesco had almost zero input with this movie.
Boll makes movies for dirt cheap and since the majority of filmgoers are, dare I say, idiots, the films more than make their cost back. To the former Colgate VP who is in charge of video game publisher X, it's a sweet deal.
Most publishers believe any way you can couple a game with a movie, it's a very good thing. That said, I of course agree with the lot of you and think it's a damn shame Boll's in bed with this industry.
"Oh no! Not the dual butterknifes of death!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
anyway a lot of money these days is spent on marketing an IP and the build-up of an image. how can you let a bad movie potentially ruin this just to cash in a little?
The rest of the world is far more tolerant to shlock and are the types that have their copy of of Video Game Movie tie-in #245 even before seeing the film and without reading any reviews. Box art is still the #1 seller of games for people like your average Wal-Mart shopper.
Boll makes movies for dirt cheap and since the majority of filmgoers are, dare I say, idiots, the films more than make their cost back. To the former Colgate VP who is in charge of video game publisher X, it's a sweet deal.
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Actually, that's not quite accurate. Alone in the Dark was made with a budget of $20 million. While not exactly a big-budget blockbuster, it's definitely not what I would consider "dirt cheap." The film, to date, has grossed only $6,500,000 world-wide; not even half of the movie's budget.
So how does he keep getting funding with such dismal results? If you read the wikipedia article (specifically, the part about "stupid German money"), you'd discover that Germany has some sort of tax loophole that allows investors to write off any contributions to a film (I don't know the specifics, but that's the gist of it) if the film doesn't make back it's money. So, any money the movie does make is just bonus for the investors, since they still get to right off the full amount for their contribution.
besides it seems word of mouth spreads incredibly fast these days.
and come on bol is hurting no one,
do you really think that if he was not in the picture like ridley scott or james cameron or someone would have popped up and made an awesome blood rayne movie? no, because NO ONE CARES
house of the dead is easily one of my favorite movies, it copmpletely destroys a lot of much better made and actualy good movies in terms of re watchability.
theres an easy thing you can do if you feel so strongly about this film, and that is, "just do not go and see it"
and as far as game companys go, and publishers, any publicity is good publicity.
bol makes horribly awfull movies, and i bet in 50 years he will be remembered for it, because he is just getting started!
Because any publicity is good publicity. Any way you can raise public awareness of an IP, bomb or blockbuster is good.
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Thats simply not true. Some publicity is bad. You know about how hollywood is using this to screw movie game publishers over? They have a thing that the license will cost higher if the game bombs because of IP damage versus if the game is a success?
Which I really find to be a point that a game publisher should now do the same back to hollywood. You want to make Half Life ehh? Well its only going to cost you X million if you make a blockbuster for the license verses XX million for destroying the license.
If all marketing was good, Jack Thompson should have been head of ESRB by now.
"Its me... BOB...." *throws away the donut
Because any publicity is good publicity. Any way you can raise public awareness of an IP, bomb or blockbuster is good.
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Thats simply not true. Some publicity is bad. You know about how hollywood is using this to screw movie game publishers over? They have a thing that the license will cost higher if the game bombs because of IP damage versus if the game is a success?
Which I really find to be a point that a game publisher should now do the same back to hollywood. You want to make Half Life ehh? Well its only going to cost you X million if you make a blockbuster for the license verses XX million for destroying the license.
If all marketing was good, Jack Thompson should have been head of ESRB by now.
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sorry to break it to you... but this simply is true.. i remember the mario bros movie.. horrible.. didnt make me or anyone i have ever ever met stop playing mario.. street fighter movie.. biggest pile of crap in the world.. still play street fighter.. all the time.. actually i can not think of one not even one horrible video game move that made me not want to play the game.. and its not just games.. most stephen king movies blow major ass.. with the except of a few .. they dont stop him from selling books.. i dont know of people that are dumb enough to think a game and a movie are even romotely the same type of entertainment.. its really like saying.." well the action figures for the movie were of a substandard quality so i will not see the movie because if they cant make action figures then there is no way in hell they can make a movie."
" i didnt like the font in the graphic novel, if they cant even make a graphic novel with a decent font then there is no way they can make a decent made for TV series"
everyone knows people that make the movies are not the people that make the games are not the people that make the t shirts are not the people that make the after school specials... getting the word out is getting the word out...plain and simple..
Sure, shitty movies wouldn't make a player drop the game and never pick it up again, but what about the people that never played the game? What if they had never even knew there was a game? If the viewer thought the movie was great they would be curious about trying out the game. If the viewer hated the movie, why would they invest time or money into checking it out?
So I guess bad publicity won't change things, but good publicity will generate interest. That's not the least bit catchy.
sorry to break it to you... but this simply is true.. i remember the mario bros movie..
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Again. Not all publicity is good for the longevity of the IP.
Let me put it this way to you.. Did street fighter actually help the IP in anyway at all. AND if it is true, then explain why Hollywood is doing the opposite. Is game development somehow "special" in that what effects other forms of entertainment doesn't effect it. Inquiring minds want to know!
Here is a really simple simple example. I assume you have both lost or gained interest in reading a book from seeing a specific movie based on a book? I can recall both at least for me. Not just the positive, but negative as well.