Thanks to all of you who participated in this halloween challenge. I was really kind of getting drug down that people weren't participating, but man, you guys made a big fat hippy liar out of me!
So, to the guys who organized it, the guys who participated, everyone who worked on this, THANKS! You guys rock. =]
Now, how about another good one? =]
I thought this one was cool, and I had a lot of fun doing the character I did, and seeing everyone elses stuff.
I will definitely be in more of these comps if we keep 'em up, the support here was really a welcome surprise for me
I suggest using the theme "badass turkey" for the next challenge
it does leave room for humor!
"Thanks for Low Poly Givings" & "It's a Portable Christmas!" (Charley Brown)
I already have some less than interesting ideas
Low poly stuff is shure nuff addictive eh?
That was cool, and less intimidating than the uber contests you see on cg talk. I don't know how people have the time for those. Ooh... Thanksgiving?
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erm, for those of us outside the USA, thanksgiving has little to no meaning.
But low poly "coyboys vs injuns" gets my vote!
low poly 3D platform mascot character of yesteryear (some could do 2d characters that never made it to 3d, like Carnov or Rastan dude, and others could make totally new 80's and 90's themed characters)
500 polys, 512 texture
Bear: to rememdy the situations for our overseas friends, we could make it a "mock an american holiday" challenge.
You all seem geared up for this. I am going out of town tomorrow and won't be back til Sunday (at least...). Once again, this is my OK to start another challenge as soon as you like (as I really prefer them selected by you fine laddies..) If you need a topic stickied or anything else (I can't really imagine anything you would need...) just either grab one of the other admins (r13, etc..) and ask them, or just leave me a PM here on the boards and I will tend to it when I get back.
[edit] and if this idea does end up being the one picked i claim dibs on strider. [/edit]
Strider 2 was pretty tight. I beat the original on 2 quarters.
I think I may have to do the "lost" Vanilla Ice platform game character.
I liked how you could do items on the Halloween one, and it makes sense that you could do platform game items to go with your character.
If we're doing the platformer idea, I call dibs on Rick from Splatterhouse!
maybe "Bert"...
Perhaps that sort of thing is more a idea?
Just thinking out loud...
hehe or the knight from Ghost n' goblins
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or astaroth, rushifell, general arma, etc
plants, trees, organic things, doesnt have to be natural, can be fantasy or alien, or maybe even mechanical?
oh yeaaaah... i might just get back to modelling to do rygar.
Yeah I guess 512 is excessive...
Strider 2 was pretty tight. I beat the original on 2 quarters.
I think I may have to do the "lost" Vanilla Ice platform game character.
I liked how you could do items on the Halloween one, and it makes sense that you could do platform game items to go with your character.
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low poly models of the characters from LOST!
hawken: can you be the one to post the official guidelines thread of whatever is decided? And can a separate thread be made elsewhere (GD?) to have a global setting, so questions and discussions can be made in the guidelines thread.
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I think this one needs to be steamed a bit more in this thread, not quite cooked yet...
characters are from 750 triangles and 2x64x64 up to 1600 triangles and 2x128x128. Though some cinematic and main characters can go higher, it's probably more effective to stick with standard NPC specs.
The Nintendo DS has similar character specs, but usually lower if not half since the screen size is only 256x192.
These specs in mind, a good comp could be recreate a game character for NDS or PSP game specs. This could be a classic or next-gen game character. For example, as fun as it is to up the specs on old classic 2d characters, it can be just as fun to bring the Master Chief or that Doom 3 guy down.
(Note: any other portable developers with their own character specs contributions would be great)
-DS resolution is 256 x 192
-Characters that I work on usually range from around the 225 to 1100 poly range.( the higher be an exception if the character is like the only one on screen or one of maybe two) Generally around 200 - 360 for a platformer character. We'd get around 5-6 on screen at once.
-Texture sheets are most of the time single 64 x 64 tga files.(currently the ones i'm working on are using a single 128 x 128, but they may be reduced later to 64 x 64, it really depends on the game and how much is on screen at once eating up the memory like any other game)
-I do use bones for the skeleton but always skeletons made up of poly objects.
-Skin weighting is most always kept to no more than 2 bones influencing a single vert. This is more than likely as a requirement by our set of code and not necessarily a hardware limit. You have to work with what's given I guess.
Just a side note the last DS game before the current one I'm working on was Incredibles 2: Rise of the Underminer the single 64 x 64 textures for the characters were compressed to 32 color images. The game I'm working on now has not been compressed to such a small palette at least yet and are 256 color images.
If there are any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them, so feel free to ask.
additional info: The DS only supports 2000 polys being rendered on a screen at a time, but you can pull off doing 4000 but then you drop to 30 frames per second instead of being able to do 60 frames per second with 2000. You can do both screens 3D rendering but it accomplishes this thru rendering the screens one at a time and going back and forth. You (the player) may not notice this but it occurs on any game that's doing 3D on both screens. The game I'm working on currently utilizes both doing 3D and 4000 polys at 30 fps. I've actually been impressed with a couple of our minigames so far in how they look. Oh yeah and you can see Incredibles 2: Rise of the Underminer for DS now since it came out in stores this week in North America.
Still we'll need a slightly tighter theme then that. I'm not a horribly big fan of remaking characters from past games, but cant really think of an idea I'd rather do atm.
(Low poly LOST characters would be funny as shit)
Thinking it's quite fun to stick with the power of two specs, because it seems more fun. 64tri char with 64px tex, 128 with 128, 256 with 256 etc.
Again for maximum fun, maybe the DS should be the target model, because lets face it, handhelds are only going to get better and 1000 polies already starts to sound out of "lowpoly" but under 512 is incredibly fun.
dude, I'd totally call dibs on a 256 'Sloth' from goonies!
Not a big fan of the power of two, but whatev's, as logn as it has a very open, diverse theme or no forced theme if you want to keep it that limiting.
But with no game age restrictions and with DS specs.
think along the lines of the Halo Covenant Needlers or Plasma guns, or Star Trek's phasers, or Unreal 2's Spider Gun.
Something where you can visibly see that the weapon in your hand(s) isn't normal.